import readline import rlcompleter import os.path from .config import * class RainbowCompleter(object): def __init__(self, options): """ Init """ self.options = options self.current_candidates = [] return def complete(self, text, state): """ Complete """ response = None if state == 0: origline = readline.get_line_buffer() begin = readline.get_begidx() end = readline.get_endidx() being_completed = origline[begin:end] words = origline.split() if not words: self.current_candidates = sorted(self.options.keys()) else: try: if begin == 0: candidates = self.options.keys() else: first = words[0] candidates = self.options[first] if being_completed: self.current_candidates = [ w for w in candidates if w.startswith(being_completed) ] else: self.current_candidates = candidates except (KeyError, IndexError), err: self.current_candidates = [] try: response = self.current_candidates[state] except IndexError: response = None return response def get_history_items(): """ Get all history item """ return [ readline.get_history_item(i) for i in xrange(1, readline.get_current_history_length() + 1) ] def read_history(): """ Read history file """ if os.path.isfile(HISTORY_FILENAME): readline.read_history_file(HISTORY_FILENAME) def save_history(): """ Save history to file """ readline.write_history_file(HISTORY_FILENAME) def init_interactive_shell(d): """ Init the rainbow shell """ readline.set_completer(RainbowCompleter(d).complete) readline.parse_and_bind('set editing-mode vi') readline.parse_and_bind("set input-meta on") readline.parse_and_bind("set convert-meta off") readline.parse_and_bind("set output-meta on") if 'libedit' in readline.__doc__: readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")