import random import textwrap import itertools import requests import locale import arrow import re import os from io import BytesIO from twitter.util import printNicely from functools import wraps from pyfiglet import figlet_format from dateutil import parser from .c_image import * from .colors import * from .config import * from .py3patch import * from .emoji import * # Draw global variables dg = {} def init_cycle(): """ Init the cycle """ colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')] if not str(i).isdigit() else term_color(int(i)) for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']] return itertools.cycle(colors_shuffle) def start_cycle(): """ Notify from rainbow """ dg['cyc'] = init_cycle() dg['cache'] = {} dg['humanize_unsupported'] = False def order_rainbow(s): """ Print a string with ordered color with each character """ colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')] if not str(i).isdigit() else term_color(int(i)) for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']] colored = [colors_shuffle[i % 7](s[i]) for i in xrange(len(s))] return ''.join(colored) def random_rainbow(s): """ Print a string with random color with each character """ colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')] if not str(i).isdigit() else term_color(int(i)) for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']] colored = [random.choice(colors_shuffle)(i) for i in s] return ''.join(colored) def Memoize(func): """ Memoize decorator """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): if args not in dg['cache']: dg['cache'][args] = func(*args) return dg['cache'][args] return wrapper @Memoize def cycle_color(s): """ Cycle the colors_shuffle """ return next(dg['cyc'])(s) def ascii_art(text): """ Draw the Ascii Art """ fi = figlet_format(text, font='doom') print('\n'.join( [next(dg['cyc'])(i) for i in fi.split('\n')] )) def check_config(): """ Check if config is changed """ changed = False data = get_all_config() for key in c: if key in data: if data[key] != c[key]: changed = True if changed: reload_config() def validate_theme(theme): """ Validate a theme exists or not """ # Theme changed check files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset') themes = [f.split('.')[0] for f in files if f.split('.')[-1] == 'json'] return theme in themes def reload_theme(value, prev): """ Check current theme and update if necessary """ if value != prev: config = os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/colorset/' + value + '.json' # Load new config data = load_config(config) if data: for d in data: c[d] = data[d] # Restart color cycle and update config start_cycle() set_config('THEME', value) return value return prev def color_func(func_name): """ Call color function base on name """ if str(func_name).isdigit(): return term_color(int(func_name)) return globals()[func_name] def fallback_humanize(date, fallback_format=None, use_fallback=False): """ Format date with arrow and a fallback format """ # Convert to local timezone date = arrow.get(date).to('local') # Set default fallback format if not fallback_format: fallback_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' # Determine using fallback format or not by a variable if use_fallback: return date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) try: # Use Arrow's humanize function lang, encode = locale.getdefaultlocale() clock = date.humanize(locale=lang) except: # Notice at the 1st time only if not dg['humanize_unsupported']: dg['humanize_unsupported'] = True printNicely( light_magenta('Humanized date display method does not support your $LC_ALL.')) # Fallback when LC_ALL is not supported clock = date.datetime.strftime(fallback_format) return clock def draw(t, keyword=None, humanize=True, noti=False, fil=[], ig=[]): """ Draw the rainbow """ # Check config check_config() # Retrieve tweet tid = t['id'] text = t['text'] screen_name = t['user']['screen_name'] name = t['user']['name'] created_at = t['created_at'] favorited = t['favorited'] retweet_count = t['retweet_count'] favorite_count = t['favorite_count'] client = t['source'] date = parser.parse(created_at) try: clock_format = c['FORMAT']['TWEET']['CLOCK_FORMAT'] except: clock_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' clock = fallback_humanize(date, clock_format, not humanize) # Pull extended retweet text try: text = 'RT @' + t['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'] + ': ' +\ t['retweeted_status']['text'] # Display as a notification target = t['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'] if all([target == c['original_name'], not noti]): # Add to evens for 'notification' command t['event'] = 'retweet' c['events'].append(t) notify_retweet(t) return except: pass # Unescape HTML character text = unescape(text) # Get client name try: client = client.split('>')[-2].split('<')[0] except: client = None # Get expanded url try: expanded_url = [] url = [] urls = t['entities']['urls'] for u in urls: expanded_url.append(u['expanded_url']) url.append(u['url']) except: expanded_url = None url = None # Get media try: media_url = [] media = t['entities']['media'] for m in media: media_url.append(m['media_url']) except: media_url = None # Filter and ignore mytweet = screen_name == c['original_name'] screen_name = '@' + screen_name fil = list(set((fil or []) + c['ONLY_LIST'])) ig = list(set((ig or []) + c['IGNORE_LIST'])) if fil and screen_name not in fil: return if ig and screen_name in ig: return # Get rainbow id if tid not in c['tweet_dict']: c['tweet_dict'].append(tid) rid = len(c['tweet_dict']) - 1 else: rid = c['tweet_dict'].index(tid) # Format info name = cycle_color(name) if mytweet: nick = color_func(c['TWEET']['mynick'])(screen_name) else: nick = color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(screen_name) clock = clock id = str(rid) fav = '' if favorited: fav = color_func(c['TWEET']['favorited'])(u'\u2605') tweet = text.split(' ') tweet = [x for x in tweet if x != ''] # Replace url if expanded_url: for index in xrange(len(expanded_url)): tweet = lmap( lambda x: expanded_url[index] if x == url[index] else x, tweet) # Highlight RT tweet = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['rt'])(x) if x == 'RT' else x, tweet) # Highlight screen_name tweet = lmap( lambda x: cycle_color(x) if x.lstrip().startswith('@') else x, tweet) # Highlight link tweet = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['link'])(x) if x.lstrip().startswith('http') else x, tweet) # Highlight hashtag tweet = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['hashtag'])(x) if x.lstrip().startswith('#') else x, tweet) # Highlight my tweet if mytweet: tweet = [color_func(c['TWEET']['mytweet'])(x) for x in tweet if not any([ x == 'RT', x.lstrip().startswith('http'), x.lstrip().startswith('#')]) ] # Highlight keyword tweet = ' '.join(tweet) tweet = '\n '.join(tweet.split('\n')) if keyword: roj =, tweet, re.IGNORECASE) if roj: occur = ary = tweet.split(occur) delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['keyword'])(occur) tweet = delimiter.join(ary) # Load config formater formater = '' try: formater = c['FORMAT']['TWEET']['DISPLAY'] formater = name.join(formater.split('#name')) formater = nick.join(formater.split('#nick')) formater = fav.join(formater.split('#fav')) formater = tweet.join(formater.split('#tweet')) formater = emojize(formater) # Change clock word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#clock' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['clock'])( clock.join(word.split('#clock'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change id word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#id' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['id'])(id.join(word.split('#id'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change retweet count word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#rt_count' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['retweet_count'])( str(retweet_count).join(word.split('#rt_count'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change favorites count word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#fa_count' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['favorite_count'])( str(favorite_count).join(word.split('#fa_count'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change client word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#client' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['TWEET']['client'])( client.join(word.split('#client'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) except: pass # Add spaces in begining of line if this is inside a notification if noti: formater = '\n '.join(formater.split('\n')) # Reformat if formater.startswith('\n'): formater = formater[1:] # Draw printNicely(formater) # Display Image if c['IMAGE_ON_TERM'] and media_url: for mu in media_url: try: response = requests.get(mu) image_to_display(BytesIO(response.content)) except Exception: printNicely(red('Sorry, image link is broken')) def print_threads(d): """ Print threads of messages """ id = 1 rel = {} for partner in d: messages = d[partner] count = len(messages) screen_name = '@' + partner[0] name = partner[1] screen_name = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['partner'])(screen_name) name = cycle_color(name) thread_id = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['id'])('thread_id:' + str(id)) line = ' ' * 2 + name + ' ' + screen_name + \ ' (' + str(count) + ' message) ' + thread_id printNicely(line) rel[id] = partner id += 1 dg['thread'] = d return rel def print_thread(partner, me_nick, me_name): """ Print a thread of messages """ # Sort messages by time messages = dg['thread'][partner] messages.sort(key=lambda x: parser.parse(x['created_at'])) # Use legacy display on non-ascii text message ms = [m['text'] for m in messages] ums = [m for m in ms if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in m)] if ums: for m in messages: print_message(m) printNicely('') return # Print the first line dg['frame_margin'] = margin = 2 partner_nick = partner[0] partner_name = partner[1] left_size = len(partner_nick) + len(partner_name) + 2 right_size = len(me_nick) + len(me_name) + 2 partner_nick = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['partner'])('@' + partner_nick) partner_name = cycle_color(partner_name) me_screen_name = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['me'])('@' + me_nick) me_name = cycle_color(me_name) left = ' ' * margin + partner_name + ' ' + partner_nick right = me_name + ' ' + me_screen_name + ' ' * margin h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() w = int(w) line = '{}{}{}'.format( left, ' ' * (w - left_size - right_size - 2 * margin), right) printNicely('') printNicely(line) printNicely('') # Print messages for m in messages: if m['sender_screen_name'] == me_nick: print_right_message(m) elif m['recipient_screen_name'] == me_nick: print_left_message(m) def print_right_message(m): """ Print a message on the right of screen """ h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() w = int(w) frame_width = w // 3 - dg['frame_margin'] frame_width = max(c['THREAD_MIN_WIDTH'], frame_width) step = frame_width - 2 * dg['frame_margin'] slicing = textwrap.wrap(m['text'], step) spaces = w - frame_width - dg['frame_margin'] dotline = ' ' * spaces + '-' * frame_width dotline = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['me_frame'])(dotline) # Draw the frame printNicely(dotline) for line in slicing: fill = step - len(line) screen_line = ' ' * spaces + '| ' + line + ' ' * fill + ' ' if slicing[-1] == line: screen_line = screen_line + ' >' else: screen_line = screen_line + '|' screen_line = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['me_frame'])(screen_line) printNicely(screen_line) printNicely(dotline) # Format clock date = parser.parse(m['created_at']) date = arrow.get(date).to('local').datetime clock_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' try: clock_format = c['FORMAT']['MESSAGE']['CLOCK_FORMAT'] except: pass clock = date.strftime(clock_format) # Format id if m['id'] not in c['message_dict']: c['message_dict'].append(m['id']) rid = len(c['message_dict']) - 1 else: rid = c['message_dict'].index(m['id']) id = str(rid) # Print meta formater = '' try: virtual_meta = formater = c['THREAD_META_RIGHT'] virtual_meta = clock.join(virtual_meta.split('#clock')) virtual_meta = id.join(virtual_meta.split('#id')) # Change clock word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#clock' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['clock'])( clock.join(word.split('#clock'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change id word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#id' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['id'])(id.join(word.split('#id'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) formater = emojize(formater) except Exception: printNicely(red('Wrong format in config.')) return meta = formater line = ' ' * (w - len(virtual_meta) - dg['frame_margin']) + meta printNicely(line) def print_left_message(m): """ Print a message on the left of screen """ h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() w = int(w) frame_width = w // 3 - dg['frame_margin'] frame_width = max(c['THREAD_MIN_WIDTH'], frame_width) step = frame_width - 2 * dg['frame_margin'] slicing = textwrap.wrap(m['text'], step) spaces = dg['frame_margin'] dotline = ' ' * spaces + '-' * frame_width dotline = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['partner_frame'])(dotline) # Draw the frame printNicely(dotline) for line in slicing: fill = step - len(line) screen_line = ' ' + line + ' ' * fill + ' |' if slicing[-1] == line: screen_line = ' ' * (spaces - 1) + '< ' + screen_line else: screen_line = ' ' * spaces + '|' + screen_line screen_line = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['partner_frame'])(screen_line) printNicely(screen_line) printNicely(dotline) # Format clock date = parser.parse(m['created_at']) date = arrow.get(date).to('local').datetime clock_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' try: clock_format = c['FORMAT']['MESSAGE']['CLOCK_FORMAT'] except: pass clock = date.strftime(clock_format) # Format id if m['id'] not in c['message_dict']: c['message_dict'].append(m['id']) rid = len(c['message_dict']) - 1 else: rid = c['message_dict'].index(m['id']) id = str(rid) # Print meta formater = '' try: virtual_meta = formater = c['THREAD_META_LEFT'] virtual_meta = clock.join(virtual_meta.split('#clock')) virtual_meta = id.join(virtual_meta.split('#id')) # Change clock word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#clock' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['clock'])( clock.join(word.split('#clock'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change id word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#id' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['id'])(id.join(word.split('#id'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) formater = emojize(formater) except Exception: printNicely(red('Wrong format in config.')) return meta = formater line = ' ' * dg['frame_margin'] + meta printNicely(line) def print_message(m): """ Print direct message """ # Retrieve message sender_screen_name = '@' + m['sender_screen_name'] sender_name = m['sender']['name'] text = unescape(m['text']) recipient_screen_name = '@' + m['recipient_screen_name'] recipient_name = m['recipient']['name'] mid = m['id'] date = parser.parse(m['created_at']) date = arrow.get(date).to('local').datetime clock_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' try: clock_format = c['FORMAT']['MESSAGE']['CLOCK_FORMAT'] except: pass clock = date.strftime(clock_format) # Get rainbow id if mid not in c['message_dict']: c['message_dict'].append(mid) rid = len(c['message_dict']) - 1 else: rid = c['message_dict'].index(mid) # Draw sender_name = cycle_color(sender_name) sender_nick = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['sender'])(sender_screen_name) recipient_name = cycle_color(recipient_name) recipient_nick = color_func( c['MESSAGE']['recipient'])(recipient_screen_name) to = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['to'])('>>>') clock = clock id = str(rid) text = ''.join(lmap(lambda x: x + ' ' if x == '\n' else x, text)) # Load config formater try: formater = c['FORMAT']['MESSAGE']['DISPLAY'] formater = sender_name.join(formater.split("#sender_name")) formater = sender_nick.join(formater.split("#sender_nick")) formater = to.join(formater.split("#to")) formater = recipient_name.join(formater.split("#recipient_name")) formater = recipient_nick.join(formater.split("#recipient_nick")) formater = text.join(formater.split("#message")) # Change clock word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#clock' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['clock'])( clock.join(word.split('#clock'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) # Change id word word = [wo for wo in formater.split() if '#id' in wo][0] delimiter = color_func(c['MESSAGE']['id'])(id.join(word.split('#id'))) formater = delimiter.join(formater.split(word)) formater = emojize(formater) except: printNicely(red('Wrong format in config.')) return # Draw printNicely(formater) def notify_retweet(t): """ Notify a retweet """ source = t['user'] created_at = t['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'retweeted your tweet') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) draw(t=t['retweeted_status'], noti=True) def notify_favorite(e): """ Notify a favorite event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = e['target_object'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'favorited your tweet') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) draw(t=target_object, noti=True) def notify_unfavorite(e): """ Notify a unfavorite event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = e['target_object'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'unfavorited your tweet') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) draw(t=target_object, noti=True) def notify_follow(e): """ Notify a follow event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'followed you') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) def notify_list_member_added(e): """ Notify a list_member_added event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'added you to a list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True) def notify_list_member_removed(e): """ Notify a list_member_removed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'removed you from a list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True) def notify_list_user_subscribed(e): """ Notify a list_user_subscribed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'subscribed to your list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True) def notify_list_user_unsubscribed(e): """ Notify a list_user_unsubscribed event """ # Retrieve info target = e['target'] if target['screen_name'] != c['original_name']: return source = e['source'] target_object = [e['target_object']] # list of Twitter list created_at = e['created_at'] # Format source_user = cycle_color(source['name']) + \ color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['source_nick'])( ' @' + source['screen_name']) notify = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['notify'])( 'unsubscribed from your list') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = color_func(c['NOTIFICATION']['clock'])(clock) meta = c['NOTIFY_FORMAT'] meta = source_user.join(meta.split('#source_user')) meta = notify.join(meta.split('#notify')) meta = clock.join(meta.split('#clock')) meta = emojize(meta) # Output printNicely('') printNicely(meta) print_list(target_object, noti=True) def print_event(e): """ Notify an event """ event_dict = { 'retweet': notify_retweet, 'favorite': notify_favorite, 'unfavorite': notify_unfavorite, 'follow': notify_follow, 'list_member_added': notify_list_member_added, 'list_member_removed': notify_list_member_removed, 'list_user_subscribed': notify_list_user_subscribed, 'list_user_unsubscribed': notify_list_user_unsubscribed, } event_dict.get(e['event'], lambda *args: None)(e) def show_profile(u): """ Show a profile """ # Retrieve info name = u['name'] screen_name = u['screen_name'] description = u['description'] profile_image_url = u['profile_image_url'] location = u['location'] url = u['url'] created_at = u['created_at'] statuses_count = u['statuses_count'] friends_count = u['friends_count'] followers_count = u['followers_count'] # Create content statuses_count = color_func( c['PROFILE']['statuses_count'])( str(statuses_count) + ' tweets') friends_count = color_func( c['PROFILE']['friends_count'])( str(friends_count) + ' following') followers_count = color_func( c['PROFILE']['followers_count'])( str(followers_count) + ' followers') count = statuses_count + ' ' + friends_count + ' ' + followers_count user = cycle_color( name) + color_func(c['PROFILE']['nick'])(' @' + screen_name + ' : ') + count profile_image_raw_url = 'Profile photo: ' + \ color_func(c['PROFILE']['profile_image_url'])(profile_image_url) description = ''.join( lmap(lambda x: x + ' ' * 4 if x == '\n' else x, description)) description = color_func(c['PROFILE']['description'])(description) location = 'Location : ' + color_func(c['PROFILE']['location'])(location) url = 'URL : ' + (color_func(c['PROFILE']['url'])(url) if url else '') date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = 'Joined ' + color_func(c['PROFILE']['clock'])(clock) # Format line1 = u"{u:>{uw}}".format( u=user, uw=len(user) + 2, ) line2 = u"{p:>{pw}}".format( p=profile_image_raw_url, pw=len(profile_image_raw_url) + 4, ) line3 = u"{d:>{dw}}".format( d=description, dw=len(description) + 4, ) line4 = u"{l:>{lw}}".format( l=location, lw=len(location) + 4, ) line5 = u"{u:>{uw}}".format( u=url, uw=len(url) + 4, ) line6 = u"{c:>{cw}}".format( c=clock, cw=len(clock) + 4, ) # Display printNicely('') printNicely(line1) if c['IMAGE_ON_TERM']: try: response = requests.get(profile_image_url) image_to_display(BytesIO(response.content)) except: pass else: printNicely(line2) for line in [line3, line4, line5, line6]: printNicely(line) printNicely('') def print_trends(trends): """ Display topics """ for topic in trends[:c['TREND_MAX']]: name = topic['name'] url = topic['url'] line = cycle_color(name) + ': ' + color_func(c['TREND']['url'])(url) printNicely(line) printNicely('') def print_list(group, noti=False): """ Display a list """ for grp in group: # Format name = grp['full_name'] name = color_func(c['GROUP']['name'])(name + ' : ') member = str(grp['member_count']) member = color_func(c['GROUP']['member'])(member + ' member') subscriber = str(grp['subscriber_count']) subscriber = color_func( c['GROUP']['subscriber'])( subscriber + ' subscriber') description = grp['description'].strip() description = color_func(c['GROUP']['description'])(description) mode = grp['mode'] mode = color_func(c['GROUP']['mode'])('Type: ' + mode) created_at = grp['created_at'] date = parser.parse(created_at) clock = fallback_humanize(date) clock = 'Created at ' + color_func(c['GROUP']['clock'])(clock) prefix = ' ' * 2 # Add spaces in begining of line if this is inside a notification if noti: prefix = ' ' * 2 + prefix # Create lines line1 = prefix + name + member + ' ' + subscriber line2 = prefix + ' ' * 2 + description line3 = prefix + ' ' * 2 + mode line4 = prefix + ' ' * 2 + clock # Display printNicely('') printNicely(line1) printNicely(line2) printNicely(line3) printNicely(line4) if not noti: printNicely('') def show_calendar(month, date, rel): """ Show the calendar in rainbow mode """ month = random_rainbow(month) date = ' '.join([cycle_color(i) for i in date.split(' ')]) today = str(int(os.popen('date +\'%d\'').read().strip())) # Display printNicely(month) printNicely(date) for line in rel: ary = line.split(' ') ary = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['CAL']['today'])(x) if x == today else color_func(c['CAL']['days'])(x), ary) printNicely(' '.join(ary)) def format_quote(tweet): """ Quoting format """ # Retrieve info screen_name = '@' + tweet['user']['screen_name'] text = tweet['text'] # Validate quote format if '#owner' not in c['QUOTE_FORMAT']: printNicely(light_magenta('Quote should contains #owner')) return False if '#comment' not in c['QUOTE_FORMAT']: printNicely(light_magenta('Quote format should have #comment')) return False # Build formater formater = '' try: formater = c['QUOTE_FORMAT'] formater = screen_name.join(formater.split('#owner')) formater = text.join(formater.split('#tweet')) formater = emojize(formater) except: pass # Highlight like a tweet notice = formater.split() notice = lmap( lambda x: light_green(x) if x == '#comment' else x, notice) notice = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['rt'])(x) if x == 'RT' else x, notice) notice = lmap(lambda x: cycle_color(x) if x[0] == '@' else x, notice) notice = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['link'])(x) if x[0:4] == 'http' else x, notice) notice = lmap( lambda x: color_func(c['TWEET']['hashtag'])(x) if x.startswith('#') else x, notice) notice = ' '.join(notice) # Notice notice = light_magenta('Quoting: "') + notice + light_magenta('"') printNicely(notice) return formater # Start the color cycle start_cycle()