from .colors import * import json import os import os.path # 'search': max search record SEARCH_MAX_RECORD = 5 # 'home': default number of home's tweets HOME_TWEET_NUM = 5 # 'allrt': default number of retweets RETWEETS_SHOW_NUM = 5 # 'inbox','sent': default number of direct message MESSAGES_DISPLAY = 5 # 'trend': max trending topics TREND_MAX = 10 # 'switch': Filter and Ignore list ex: ['@fat','@mdo'] ONLY_LIST = [] IGNORE_LIST = [] # Autocomplete history file name HISTORY_FILENAME = 'completer.hist' USER_DOMAIN = '' PUBLIC_DOMAIN = '' SITE_DOMAIN = '' DOMAIN = USER_DOMAIN # Image config IMAGE_SHIFT = 10 IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT = 40 # Load colorset default_colorset = 'rainbowstream/colorset/default.json' try: if os.path.exists(default_colorset): data = json.load(open(default_colorset)) for d in data: locals()[d] = data[d] except: pass # Load json config rainbow_config = os.environ.get('HOME', os.environ.get('USERPROFILE','')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json' try: if os.path.exists(rainbow_config): data = json.load(open(rainbow_config)) for d in data: locals()[d] = data[d] except: pass