import json import re import os import os.path from collections import OrderedDict # Regular expression for comments comment_re = re.compile( '(^)?[^\S\n]*/(?:\*(.*?)\*/[^\S\n]*|/[^\n]*)($)?', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) def load_config(filepath): """ Load config from filepath """ with open(filepath) as f: content = ''.join(f.readlines()) match = while match: content = content[:match.start()] + content[match.end():] match = return json.loads(content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # Config dictionary c = {} # Load the initial config config = os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/colorset/config' try: data = load_config(config) for d in data: c[d] = data[d] except: pass # Load user's config rainbow_config = os.environ.get( 'HOME', os.environ.get( 'USERPROFILE', '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json' try: data = load_config(rainbow_config) for d in data: c[d] = data[d] except: pass # Load default theme theme_file = os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/colorset/' + c['THEME'] + '.json' try: data = load_config(theme_file) for d in data: c[d] = data[d] except: pass