#! /usr/bin/perl # This script takes an Unicode character map as input and outputs # conversion code for SquirrelMail charset support. # This code is placed in the Public Domain. Written by Gustav Foseid, # gustavf@squirrelmail.org $min = 160; while (<>) { chop; unless (/^\#/) { ($orig_text, $unicode_text, $dummy, $name) = split /\t/; # oct does not only do what it's name suggest. If a string starts # with 0x it is interpreted as a hexadecimal value. $orig = oct $orig_text; $unicode = oct $unicode_text; if ($orig >= $min) { print " # $name\n"; printf (' $string = str_replace("\%o", "&#%d"), $string);'."\n", $orig, $unicode); } } }