SquirrelSpell-v0.3.1 --------------------- Untar SquirrelSpell into your squirrelmail/plugins directory. Move sqspell_config.dist to sqspell_config.php if this is a fresh install. If upgrading, just untar over your old installation. Modify the sqspell_config.php file making sure you have ispell or aspell available on your system and located in PHP's path. The squirrelspell doesn't check for that and if it is not available, you're just going to get a "No errors found" message every time. :) Quite pleasing, but not very useful. Read files in "doc" directory -- they explain some features. Enable the plugin either by hand or by running the configure script from your squirrelmail install directory. Enjoy and report bugs. ;) This is a commented sqspell_config.php "ispell -a"); or $SQSPELL_APP = array("English" => "/usr/local/bin/aspell -a"); Sometimes you have to specify full path for PHP to find it. Aspell is a better spell-checker than Ispell, so you're encouraged to use it. If you want to have more than one dictionary available to users, configure the array to look something like this: $SQSPELL_APP = array( "English" => "aspell -a", "Russian" => "ispell -d russian -a", ... "Swahili" => "ispell -d swahili -a" ); Watch the commas, making sure there isn't one after your last dictionary declaration. Also, make sure all these dictionaries are available on your system before you specify them here. Whatever your setting is, don't omit the "-a" flag. **/ $SQSPELL_APP = array('English' => 'ispell -a'); /** DEFAULT DICTIONARY ------------------- Even if you're only running one dictionary, still specify which one is the default. Watch the case -- it has to be exactly as in array you declared in $SQSPELL_APP. **/ $SQSPELL_APP_DEFAULT='English'; /** USER DICTIONARY: ----------------- $SQSPELL_WORDS_FILE is a location and mask of a user dictionary file. The default setting should be OK for most everyone. Read PRIVACY and CRYPTO in the "doc" directory. **/ $SQSPELL_WORDS_FILE = "$data_dir/$username.words"; /** CASE SENSITIVITY: ------------------ Use $SQSPELL_EREG="ereg" for case-sensitive matching of user dictionary, or $SQSPELL_EREG="eregi" for case-insensitive matching. It is advised to use case-sensitive matching. **/ $SQSPELL_EREG="ereg"; /** SOUP NAZI (AVOIDING BAD BROWSERS) ------------------------------------- Since some browsers choke on JavaScript, here is an option to disable the browsers with known problems. All you do is add some part of an USER_AGENT string of an offending browser which you want to disable and users will not know about this plugin. E.g. browsers with "Mozilla/4.61 (Macintosh, I, PPC)" USER_AGENT string will get weeded out if you provide "Macintosh" in the config string. Mozilla/2 -- You're kidding, right? Mozilla/3 -- known not to work Opera -- known not to work Macintosh -- Netscape 4.x on Macintosh chokes for some reason. Adding until resolved. **/ $SQSPELL_SOUP_NAZI = 'Mozilla/3, Mozilla/2, Opera 4, Opera/4, Macintosh'; ?>