1)) { /* Chop up the folder strings as needed. */ $base_str = $sent_subfolders_base . $delimiter; $mbox_str = substr($args[1], 0, strlen($base_str)); /* Perform the comparison. */ $handleAsSent_result = ( $handleAsSent_result || ($base_str == $mbox_str) || ($sent_subfolders_base == $args[1]) ); } } /** * Loads sent_subfolders settings */ function sent_subfolders_load_prefs() { global $use_sent_subfolders, $data_dir, $username, $sent_subfolders_setting, $sent_subfolders_base; $use_sent_subfolders = getPref ($data_dir, $username, 'use_sent_subfolders', SMPREF_OFF); $sent_subfolders_setting = getPref ($data_dir, $username, 'sent_subfolders_setting', SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_DISABLED); $sent_subfolders_base = getPref ($data_dir, $username, 'sent_subfolders_base', SMPREF_NONE); } /** * Adds sent_subfolders options in folder preferences */ function sent_subfolders_optpage_loadhook_folders() { global $optpage_data, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $show_contain_subfolders_option; sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); /* Get some imap data we need later. */ $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); /* Load the Sent Subfolder Options into an array. */ $optgrp = _("Sent Subfolders Options"); $optvals = array(); $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'sent_subfolders_setting', 'caption' => _("Use Sent Subfolders"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_DISABLED => _("Disabled"), SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_MONTHLY => _("Monthly"), SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_QUARTERLY => _("Quarterly"), SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_YEARLY => _("Yearly")), 'save' => 'save_option_sent_subfolders_setting' ); $filtered_folders=array_filter($boxes, "filter_folders"); $sent_subfolders_base_values = array('whatever'=>$filtered_folders); $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'sent_subfolders_base', 'caption' => _("Base Sent Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $sent_subfolders_base_values, 'folder_filter' => 'noinferiors' ); if ($show_contain_subfolders_option) { $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'sent_subfolders_warning', 'caption' => _("Warning"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT, 'comment' => _("There are some restrictions in Sent Subfolder options.") ); } /* Add our option data to the global array. */ $optpage_data['grps'][SMOPT_GRP_SENT_SUBFOLDERS] = $optgrp; $optpage_data['vals'][SMOPT_GRP_SENT_SUBFOLDERS] = $optvals; } /** * Defines folder filtering rules * * Callback function that should exclude some folders from folder listing. * @param array $fldr list of folders. See sqimap_mailbox_list * @return boolean returns true, if folder has to included in folder listing * @access private */ function filter_folders($fldr) { return strtolower($fldr['unformatted'])!='inbox'; } /** * Saves sent_subfolder_options */ function save_option_sent_subfolders_setting($option) { global $data_dir, $username, $use_sent_subfolders; /* Set use_sent_subfolders as either on or off. */ if ($option->new_value == SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_DISABLED) { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'use_sent_subfolders', SMPREF_OFF); } else { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'use_sent_subfolders', SMPREF_ON); setPref($data_dir, $username, 'move_to_sent', SMPREF_ON); } /* Now just save the option as normal. */ save_option($option); } /** * Update sent_subfolders settings * * function updates default sent folder value and * creates required imap folders */ function sent_subfolders_update_sentfolder() { global $sent_folder; global $sent_subfolders_base, $sent_subfolders_setting; global $data_dir, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $color; global $use_sent_subfolders, $move_to_sent; sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); if ($use_sent_subfolders || $move_to_sent) { $year = date('Y'); $month = date('m'); $quarter = sent_subfolder_getQuarter($month); /** * Regarding the structure we've got three main possibilities. * One sent holder. level 0. * Multiple year holders with messages in it. level 1. * Multiple year folders with holders in it. level 2. */ $cnd_delimiter = $delimiter; switch ($sent_subfolders_setting) { case SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_YEARLY: $level = 1; $sent_subfolder = $sent_subfolders_base . $cnd_delimiter . $year; break; case SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_QUARTERLY: $level = 2; $sent_subfolder = $sent_subfolders_base . $cnd_delimiter . $year . $delimiter . $quarter; $year_folder = $sent_subfolders_base . $cnd_delimiter . $year; break; case SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_MONTHLY: $level = 2; $sent_subfolder = $sent_subfolders_base . $cnd_delimiter . $year . $delimiter . $month; $year_folder = $sent_subfolders_base. $cnd_delimiter . $year; break; case SMPREF_SENT_SUBFOLDERS_DISABLED: default: $level = 0; $sent_subfolder = $sent_folder; $year_folder = $sent_folder; } /* If this folder is NOT the current sent folder, update stuff. */ if ($sent_subfolder != $sent_folder) { /* Auto-create folders, if they do not yet exist. */ if ($sent_subfolder != 'none') { /* Create the imap connection. */ $ic = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 10); $boxes = false; /** * If sent_subfolder can't store messages (noselect) || * year_folder can't store subfolders (noinferiors) in level=2 setup || * subfolder_base can't store subfolders (noinferiors), setup is broken */ if (sqimap_mailbox_is_noselect($ic,$sent_subfolder,$boxes) || ($level==2 && sqimap_mailbox_is_noinferiors($ic,$year_folder,$boxes)) || sqimap_mailbox_is_noinferiors($ic,$sent_subfolders_base,$boxes)) { error_box(_("Sent Subfolders plugin is misconfigured."),$color); } else { if ($level==2) { /* Auto-create the year folder, if it does not yet exist. */ if (!sqimap_mailbox_exists($ic, $year_folder)) { sqimap_mailbox_create($ic, $year_folder, 'noselect'); // TODO: safety check for imap servers that can't create subfolders } else if (!sqimap_mailbox_is_subscribed($ic, $year_folder)) { sqimap_subscribe($ic, $year_folder); } } /* Auto-create the subfolder, if it does not yet exist. */ if (!sqimap_mailbox_exists($ic, $sent_subfolder)) { sqimap_mailbox_create($ic, $sent_subfolder, ''); } else if (!sqimap_mailbox_is_subscribed($ic, $sent_subfolder)) { sqimap_subscribe($ic, $sent_subfolder); } /* Update sent_folder setting. */ setPref($data_dir, $username, 'sent_folder', $sent_subfolder); setPref($data_dir, $username, 'move_to_sent', SMPREF_ON); $sent_folder = $sent_subfolder; $move_to_sent = SMPREF_ON; } /* Close the imap connection. */ sqimap_logout($ic); } } } } /** * Sets quarter subfolder names * * @param string $month numeric month * @return string quarter name (Q + number) */ function sent_subfolder_getQuarter($month) { switch ($month) { case '01': case '02': case '03': $result = '1'; break; case '04': case '05': case '06': $result = '2'; break; case '07': case '08': case '09': $result = '3'; break; case '10': case '11': case '12': $result = '4'; break; default: $result = 'ERR'; } /* Return the current quarter. */ return ('Q' . $result); } /** * detects if mailbox is part of sent_subfolders * * @param string $mb imap folder name * @return boolean 1 - is part of sent_subfolders, 0 - is not part of sent_subfolders */ function sent_subfolders_special_mailbox($mb) { global $data_dir, $username, $delimiter; $use_sent_subfolders = getPref ($data_dir, $username, 'use_sent_subfolders', SMPREF_OFF); $sent_subfolders_base = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'sent_subfolders_base', 'na'); /** * If sent_subfolders are used and mailbox is equal to subfolder base * or mailbox matches subfolder base + delimiter. */ if ($use_sent_subfolders == SMPREF_ON && ($mb == $sent_subfolders_base || stristr($mb,$sent_subfolders_base . $delimiter) ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } ?>