header->subject); /** * Array of commands we can deal with from the header. The Reply option * is added later because we generate it using the Post information. */ $fieldsdescr = array('Post' => _("Post to List"), 'Reply' => _("Reply to List"), 'Subscribe' => _("Subscribe"), 'Unsubscribe' => _("Unsubscribe"), 'Archive' => _("List Archives"), 'Owner' => _("Contact Listowner"), 'Help' => _("Help")); $fields = array_keys($fieldsdescr); $sorted_cmds = array(); $unsorted_cmds = array(); $output = array(); $lfields = 'List-' . implode (' List-', $fields); $sid = sqimap_session_id($uid_support); fputs ($imapConnection, "$sid FETCH $passed_id BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ($lfields)]\r\n"); $read = sqimap_read_data($imapConnection, $sid, true, $response, $emessage); for ($i = 1; $i < count($read); $i++) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ( preg_match("/^List-$field: *<(.+?)>/i", $read[$i], $match) ) { $unsorted_cmds[$field] = $match[1]; } } } if (count($unsorted_cmds) == 0) { return; } foreach ($fields as $field) { foreach ($unsorted_cmds as $cmd => $url) { if ($field == $cmd) { $cmds[$cmd] = $url; } } } foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $url) { if (eregi('mailto:(.+)', $url, $regs)) { $purl = parse_url($url); if (($cmd == 'Post') || ($cmd == 'Owner')) { $url = 'compose.php?'; } else { $url = "../plugins/listcommands/mailout.php?action=$cmd&"; } $url .= '&send_to=' . $purl['path']; if (isset($purl['query'])) { $url .= '&' . $purl['query']; } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { $output[] = "" . $fieldsdescr[$cmd] . ''; } else { $output[] = '' . $fieldsdescr[$cmd] . ''; } if ($cmd == 'Post') { $url .= '&passed_id='.$passed_id. '&mailbox='.urlencode($mailbox). (isset($passed_ent_id)?'&passed_ent_id='.$passed_ent_id:''); $url .= '&action=reply'; if ($compose_new_win == '1') { $output[] = "" . $fieldsdescr['Reply'] . ''; } else { $output[] = '' . $fieldsdescr['Reply'] . ''; } } } else if (eregi('^(http|ftp)', $url)) { $output[] = '' . $fieldsdescr[$cmd] . ''; } } if (count($output) > 0) { echo ''. "\n"; echo ''; echo html_tag( 'td', ''._("Mailing List").':  ', 'right', $color[0], 'valign="top" width="20%"') . "\n"; echo html_tag( 'td', '' . implode(' | ', $output) . '', 'left', $color[0], 'valign="top" width="80%"'); echo "\n"; echo '
'."\n"; } } ?>