rfc822_header->mlist as $cmd => $actions) { /* I don't know this action... skip it */ if ( !array_key_exists($cmd, $fieldsdescr) ) { continue; } /* proto = {mailto,href} */ $aActions = array_keys($actions); $proto = array_shift($aActions); $act = array_shift($actions); if ($proto == 'mailto') { if (($cmd == 'post') || ($cmd == 'owner')) { $url = 'src/compose.php?'. (isset($startMessage)?'startMessage='.$startMessage.'&':''); } else { $url = "plugins/listcommands/mailout.php?action=$cmd&"; } $url .= 'send_to=' . str_replace('?','&', $act); $links[] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr[$cmd]); if ($cmd == 'post') { if (!isset($mailbox)) $mailbox = 'INBOX'; $url .= '&passed_id='.$passed_id. '&mailbox='.urlencode($mailbox). (isset($passed_ent_id)?'&passed_ent_id='.$passed_ent_id:''); $url .= '&smaction=reply'; $links[] = makeComposeLink($url, $fieldsdescr['reply']); } } else if ($proto == 'href') { $oTemplate->assign('uri', $act); $oTemplate->assign('target', '_blank'); $oTemplate->assign('text', $fieldsdescr[$cmd]); $oTemplate->assign('class', ''); $oTemplate->assign('onclick', ''); $output = $oTemplate->fetch('hyperlink.tpl'); $links[] = $output; } } if (count($links) > 0) { $oTemplate->assign('links', $links); $output = $oTemplate->fetch('plugins/listcommands/read_body_header.tpl'); return array('read_body_header' => $output); } } /** * Returns an array with the actions as translated strings. * @return array action as key, translated string as value */ function listcommands_fieldsdescr() { return array('post' => _("Post to List"), 'reply' => _("Reply to List"), 'subscribe' => _("Subscribe"), 'unsubscribe' => _("Unsubscribe"), 'archive' => _("List Archives"), 'owner' => _("Contact Listowner"), 'help' => _("Help")); }