* @copyright 2004-2014 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version $Id$ * @package plugins * @subpackage change_password */ /** * Config vars */ /** * Set the address of the server your poppass daemon runs on. * If it's the same as your imap server, you can leave it blank */ global $poppassd_server; $poppassd_server = ''; /* get overrides from config.php */ if (isset($cpw_poppassd['server'])) $poppassd_server=$cpw_poppassd['server']; /** * Define here the name of your password changing function. */ global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks; $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['change_password_dochange']['poppassd'] = 'cpw_poppassd_dochange'; /** * This is the function that is specific to your backend. It takes * the current password (as supplied by the user) and the desired * new password. It will return an array of messages. If everything * was successful, the array will be empty. Else, it will contain * the errormessage(s). * Constants to be used for these messages: * CPW_CURRENT_NOMATCH -> "Your current password is not correct." * CPW_INVALID_PW -> "Your new password contains invalid characters." * * @param array data The username/currentpw/newpw data. * @return array Array of error messages. */ function cpw_poppassd_dochange($data) { // unfortunately, we can only pass one parameter to a hook function, // so we have to pass it as an array. $username = $data['username']; $curpw = $data['curpw']; $newpw = $data['newpw']; $msgs = array(); // your code here to change the password for $username from // $currentpw into $newpw. $msgs = cpw_poppassd_go($username, $curpw, $newpw, 0); return $msgs; } function cpw_poppassd_closeport($pop_socket, &$messages, $debug = 0) { if ($debug) { array_push($messages, _("Closing Connection")); } fputs($pop_socket, "quit\r\n"); fclose($pop_socket); } function cpw_poppassd_readfb($pop_socket, &$result, &$messages, $debug = 0) { $strResp = ''; $result = ''; if (!feof($pop_socket)) { $strResp = fgets($pop_socket, 1024); $result = substr(trim($strResp), 0, 3); // 200, 500 if(!preg_match('/^[23]\d\d/', $result) || $debug) { $messages[] = "--> $strResp"; } } } function cpw_poppassd_go($username, $old_pw, $new_pw, $debug = 0) { global $poppassd_server; global $imapServerAddress; /** sqimap_get_user_server() function */ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap_general.php'); if($poppassd_server == '') { // if poppassd address is not set, use imap server's address // make sure that setting contains address and not mapping $poppassd_server = sqimap_get_user_server($imapServerAddress,$username); } $messages = array(); if ($debug) { $messages[] = _("Connecting to Password Server"); } $pop_socket = fsockopen($poppassd_server, 106, $errno, $errstr); if (!$pop_socket) { $messages[] = _("ERROR") . ': ' . "$errstr ($errno)"; return $messages; } cpw_poppassd_readfb($pop_socket, $result, $messages, $debug); if(!preg_match('/^2\d\d/', $result) ) { cpw_poppassd_closeport($pop_socket, $messages, $debug); return $messages; } fputs($pop_socket, "user $username\r\n"); cpw_poppassd_readfb($pop_socket, $result, $messages, $debug); if(!preg_match('/^[23]\d\d/', $result) ) { cpw_poppassd_closeport($pop_socket, $messages, $debug); return $messages; } fputs($pop_socket, "pass $old_pw\r\n"); cpw_poppassd_readfb($pop_socket, $result, $messages, $debug); if(!preg_match('/^[23]\d\d/', $result) ) { cpw_poppassd_closeport($pop_socket, $messages, $debug); return $messages; } fputs($pop_socket, "newpass $new_pw\r\n"); cpw_poppassd_readfb($pop_socket, $result, $messages, $debug); cpw_poppassd_closeport($pop_socket, $messages, $debug); if(!preg_match('/^2\d\d/', $result) ) { return $messages; } return $messages; }