$value) { if ($key != 0 || $value != '') { $str .= " * $key = $value\n"; } } if ($str == '') { return " * Nothing listed\n"; } return $str; } /** * converts plugin's array to string and adds version numbers * @return string preformated text with installed plugin's information * @access private */ function br_show_plugins() { global $plugins; $str = ''; if (is_array($plugins) && $plugins!=array()) { foreach ($plugins as $key => $value) { if ($key != 0 || $value != '') { $str .= " * $key = $value"; // add plugin version $version_found = FALSE; if (function_exists($value . '_info')) { $info = call_user_func($value . '_info'); if (!empty($info['version'])) { $str .= ' ' . $info['version']; $version_found = TRUE; } } if (!$version_found && function_exists($value . '_version')) { $str.= ' ' . call_user_func($value . '_version'); } $str.="\n"; } } // compatibility plugin can be used without need to enable it in sm config if (file_exists(SM_PATH . 'plugins/compatibility/setup.php') && ! in_array('compatibility',$plugins)) { $str.= ' * compatibility'; include_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/compatibility/setup.php'); if (function_exists('compatibility_version')) { $str.= ' ' . call_user_func('compatibility_version'); } $str.="\n"; } } if ($str == '') { return " * Nothing listed\n"; } return $str; } $browscap = ini_get('browscap'); if(!empty($browscap)) { $browser = get_browser(); } sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, SQ_SERVER); if ( ! sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, SQ_SERVER) ) $HTTP_USER_AGENT="Browser information is not available."; $body_top = "My browser information:\n" . ' '.$HTTP_USER_AGENT . "\n" ; if(isset($browser)) { $body_top .= " get_browser() information (List)\n" . Show_Array((array) $browser); } $body_top .= "\nMy web server information:\n" . " PHP Version " . phpversion() . "\n" . " PHP Extensions (List)\n" . Show_Array(get_loaded_extensions()) . "\nSquirrelMail-specific information:\n" . " Version: $version\n" . " Plugins (List)\n" . br_show_plugins(); if (isset($ldap_server) && $ldap_server[0] && ! extension_loaded('ldap')) { $warning = 1; $warnings['ldap'] = "LDAP server defined in SquirrelMail config, " . "but the module is not loaded in PHP"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure PHP with the option '--with-ldap'"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Then recompile PHP and reinstall"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "-- OR --"; $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure SquirrelMail to not use LDAP"; } $body = "\nMy IMAP server information:\n" . " Server type: $imap_server_type\n"; $imapServerAddress = sqimap_get_user_server($imapServerAddress, $username); $imap_stream = sqimap_create_stream($imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $use_imap_tls); if ($imap_stream) { $body.= ' Capabilities: '; if ($imap_capabilities = sqimap_capability($imap_stream)) { foreach ($imap_capabilities as $capability => $value) { $body.= $capability . (is_bool($value) ? ' ' : "=$value "); } } $body.="\n"; sqimap_logout($imap_stream); } else { $body .= " Unable to connect to IMAP server to get information.\n"; $warning = 1; $warnings['imap'] = "Unable to connect to IMAP server"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure you specified the correct mail server"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the mail server is running IMAP, not POP"; $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the server responds to port $imapPort"; } $warning_html = ''; $warning_num = 0; if (isset($warning) && $warning) { foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { if ($warning_num == 0) { $body_top .= "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP:\n"; $body_top = "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP -- SEE BELOW\n\n$body_top"; $warning_html = "

Warnings were reported with your setup:

\n"; } $warning_num ++; $warning_html .= "
\n"; $body_top .= "\n$value\n"; foreach ($corrections[$key] as $corr_val) { $body_top .= " * $corr_val\n"; $warning_html .= "
* $corr_val
\n"; } } $warning_html .= "

$warning_num warning(s) reported.

\n"; $body_top .= "\n$warning_num warning(s) reported.\n"; $body_top .= "----------------------------------------------\n"; } $body = htmlspecialchars($body_top . $body);