$j + 1 && $line{$j}.$line{$j+1} == '*/' ) { $mode = ''; $j++; } break; case 'D': // Delimiter detect switch ( $line{$j} ) { case '"': case "'": // Double quote string $delimiter = $value = $line{$j}; $mode = 'S'; break; case ' ': // Nothing yet break; default: if ( strtoupper( substr( $line, $j, 4 ) ) == 'TRUE' ) { // Boolean TRUE $newcfg{$key} = 'TRUE'; $key = ''; $mode = ';'; } else if ( strtoupper( substr( $line, $j, 5 ) ) == 'FALSE' ) { $newcfg{$key} = 'FALSE'; $key = ''; $mode = ';'; } else { // Number or function call $mode = 'N'; $value = $line{$j}; } } break; default: if ( $line{$j} == '$' ) { // We must detect $key name $mode = 'K'; $key = '$'; } else if ( $s < $j + 2 ) { } else if ( strtoupper( substr( $line, $j, 7 ) ) == 'GLOBAL ' ) { // Skip untill next ; $mode = ';'; $j += 6; } else if ( $line{$j}.$line{$j+1} == '/*' ) { $mode = 'C'; $j++; } else if ( $line{$j} == '#' || $line{$j}.$line{$j+1} == '//' ) { // Delete till the end of the line $j = $s; } } } } } /* Change paths containing SM_PATH to admin-friendly paths relative to the config dir, i.e.: '' --> SM_PATH . 'images/logo.gif' --> ../images/logo.gif '/absolute/path/logo.gif' --> /absolute/path/logo.gif 'http://whatever/' --> http://whatever Note removal of quotes in returned value */ function change_to_rel_path($old_path) { $new_path = str_replace("SM_PATH . '", "../", $old_path); $new_path = str_replace("../config/","", $new_path); $new_path = str_replace("'","", $new_path); return $new_path; } /* Change relative path (relative to config dir) to internal SM_PATH, i.e.: empty_string --> '' ../images/logo.gif --> SM_PATH . 'images/logo.gif' images/logo.gif --> SM_PATH . 'config/images/logo.gif' /absolute/path/logo.gif --> '/absolute/path/logo.gif' http://whatever/ --> 'http://whatever' */ function change_to_sm_path($old_path) { if ( $old_path === '' || $old_path == "''" ) { return "''"; } elseif ( preg_match("/^(\/|http)/", $old_path) ) { return "'" . $old_path . "'"; } elseif ( preg_match("/^(\$|SM_PATH)/", $old_path) ) { return $old_path; } $new_path = ''; $rel_path = explode("../", $old_path); if ( count($rel_path) > 2 ) { // Since we're relative to the config dir, // more than 1 ../ puts us OUTSIDE the SM tree. // get full path to config.php, then pop the filename $abs_path = explode('/', realpath (SM_PATH . 'config/config.php')); array_pop ($abs_path); foreach ( $rel_path as $subdir ) { if ( $subdir === '' ) { array_pop ($abs_path); } else { array_push($abs_path, $subdir); } } foreach ($abs_path as $subdir) { $new_path .= $subdir . '/'; } $new_path = "'$new_path'"; } elseif ( count($rel_path) > 1 ) { // we're within the SM tree, prepend SM_PATH $new_path = str_replace('../',"SM_PATH . '", $old_path . "'"); } else { // Last, if it's a relative path without a .. prefix, // we're somewhere within the config dir, so prepend // SM_PATH . 'config/ $new_path = "SM_PATH . 'config/" . $old_path . "'"; } return $new_path; } /* ---------------------- main -------------------------- */ define('SM_PATH','../../'); /* SquirrelMail required files. */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/load_prefs.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/administrator/defines.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'plugins/administrator/auth.php'); GLOBAL $data_dir, $username; if ( !adm_check_user() ) { header('Location: ' . SM_PATH . 'src/options.php') ; exit; } displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); $newcfg = array( ); foreach ( $defcfg as $key => $def ) { $newcfg[$key] = ''; } $cfgfile = SM_PATH . 'config/config.php'; parseConfig( SM_PATH . 'config/config_default.php' ); parseConfig( $cfgfile ); $colapse = array( 'Titles' => 'off', 'Group1' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group1', 'off' ), 'Group2' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group2', 'on' ), 'Group3' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group3', 'on' ), 'Group4' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group4', 'on' ), 'Group5' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group5', 'on' ), 'Group6' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group6', 'on' ), 'Group7' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group7', 'on' ), 'Group8' => getPref($data_dir, $username, 'adm_Group8', 'on' ) ); if ( isset( $_GET['switch'] ) ) { $switch = $_GET['switch']; if ( $colapse[$switch] == 'on' ) { $colapse[$switch] = 'off'; } else { $colapse[$switch] = 'on'; } setPref($data_dir, $username, "adm_$switch", $colapse[$switch] ); } echo "
" . "
". "" , ""; $act_grp = 'Titles'; /* Active group */ foreach ( $newcfg as $k => $v ) { $l = strtolower( $v ); $type = SMOPT_TYPE_UNDEFINED; $n = substr( $k, 1 ); $n = str_replace( '[', '_', $n ); $n = str_replace( ']', '_', $n ); $e = 'adm_' . $n; $name = $k; $size = 50; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k] ) ) { $name = $defcfg[$k]['name']; $type = $defcfg[$k]['type']; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['size'] ) ) { $size = $defcfg[$k]['size']; } else { $size = 40; } } else if ( $l == 'true' ) { $v = 'TRUE'; $type = SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } else if ( $l == 'false' ) { $v = 'FALSE'; $type = SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } else if ( $v{0} == "'" ) { $type = SMOPT_TYPE_STRING; } else if ( $v{0} == '"' ) { $type = SMOPT_TYPE_STRING; } if ( substr( $k, 0, 7 ) == '$theme[' ) { $type = SMOPT_TYPE_THEME; } else if ( substr( $k, 0, 9 ) == '$plugins[' ) { $type = SMOPT_TYPE_PLUGINS; } else if ( substr( $k, 0, 13 ) == '$ldap_server[' ) { $type = SMOPT_TYPE_LDAP; } if( $type == SMOPT_TYPE_TITLE || $colapse[$act_grp] == 'off' ) { switch ( $type ) { case SMOPT_TYPE_LDAP: case SMOPT_TYPE_PLUGINS: case SMOPT_TYPE_THEME: case SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN: break; case SMOPT_TYPE_EXTERNAL: echo ""; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_TITLE: if ( $colapse[$k] == 'on' ) { $sw = '(+)'; } else { $sw = '(-)'; } echo ""; $act_grp = $k; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT: $v = substr( $v, 1, strlen( $v ) - 2 ); echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = intval( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ); $newcfg[$k] = $v; } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_NUMLIST: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e]; $newcfg[$k] = $v; } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = '"' . $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] . '"'; $newcfg[$k] = $v; } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_TEXTAREA: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = '"' . $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] . '"'; $newcfg[$k] = str_replace( "\n", '', $v ); } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_STRING: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = '"' . $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] . '"'; $newcfg[$k] = $v; } if ( $v == '""' && isset( $defcfg[$k]['default'] ) ) { $v = "'" . $defcfg[$k]['default'] . "'"; $newcfg[$k] = $v; } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e]; $newcfg[$k] = $v; } else { $v = strtoupper( $v ); } if ( $v == 'TRUE' ) { $ct = ' checked'; $cf = ''; } else { $ct = ''; $cf = ' checked'; } echo "\n"; break; case SMOPT_TYPE_PATH: if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e] ) ) { $v = change_to_sm_path($HTTP_POST_VARS[$e]); $newcfg[$k] = $v; } if ( $v == "''" && isset( $defcfg[$k]['default'] ) ) { $v = change_to_sm_path($defcfg[$k]['default']); $newcfg[$k] = $v; } echo "\n"; break; default: echo "\n"; } } } /* Special Themes Block */ if ( $colapse['Group7'] == 'off' ) { $i = 0; echo ''; while ( isset( $newcfg["\$theme[$i]['NAME']"] ) ) { $k1 = "\$theme[$i]['NAME']"; $e1 = "theme_name_$i"; if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e1] ) ) { $v1 = '"' . str_replace( '\"', '"', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e1] ) . '"'; $v1 = '"' . str_replace( '"', '\"', $v1 ) . '"'; $newcfg[$k1] = $v1; } else { $v1 = $newcfg[$k1]; } $k2 = "\$theme[$i]['PATH']"; $e2 = "theme_path_$i"; if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$e2] ) ) { $v2 = change_to_sm_path($HTTP_POST_VARS[$e2]); $newcfg[$k2] = $v2; } else { $v2 = $newcfg[$k2]; } $name = substr( $v1, 1, strlen( $v1 ) - 2 ); $path = change_to_rel_path($v2); echo ''. "". "". "\n"; $i++; } } /* Special Plugins Block */ if ( $colapse['Group8'] == 'on' ) { $sw = '(+)'; } else { $sw = '(-)'; } echo "'; if( $colapse['Group8'] == 'off' ) { $fd = opendir( '../plugins/' ); $op_plugin = array(); $p_count = 0; while (false!==($file = readdir($fd))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'CVS' ) { if ( filetype( $file ) == 'dir' ) { $op_plugin[] = $file; $p_count++; } } } closedir($fd); asort( $op_plugin ); /* Lets get the plugins that are active */ $plugins = array(); if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['plg'] ) ) { foreach ( $op_plugin as $plg ) { if ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS["plgs_$plg"] ) && $HTTP_POST_VARS["plgs_$plg"] == 'on' ) { $plugins[] = $plg; } } $i = 0; foreach ( $plugins as $plg ) { $k = "\$plugins[$i]"; $newcfg[$k] = "'$plg'"; $i++; } while ( isset( $newcfg["\$plugins[$i]"] ) ) { $k = "\$plugins[$i]"; $newcfg[$k] = ''; $i++; } } else { $i = 0; while ( isset( $newcfg["\$plugins[$i]"] ) ) { $k = "\$plugins[$i]"; $v = $newcfg[$k]; $plugins[] = substr( $v, 1, strlen( $v ) - 2 ); $i++; } } echo "" , '
" . _("Configuration Administrator") . "
$name" . $defcfg[$k]['value'] . "
" . "$sw " . "$name
$name". "$v"; $newcfg[$k] = "'$v'"; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name". ""; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name"; echo "'; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name". "'; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name". ""; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name". ""; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name" . "" . _("Yes") . "" . _("No"); if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name". ""; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
$name" . "$v"; if ( isset( $defcfg[$k]['comment'] ) ) { echo '   ' . $defcfg[$k]['comment']; } echo "
' . _("Theme Name") . '' . _("Theme Path") . '
" . "$sw " . _("Plugins") . '
' . "". "\n"; } echo '
"; foreach ( $op_plugin as $plg ) { if ( in_array( $plg, $plugins ) ) { $sw = ' checked'; } else { $sw = ''; } echo '
'; } echo "
'; /* Write the options to the file. */ if( $fp = @fopen( $cfgfile, 'w' ) ) { fwrite( $fp, " $v ) { if ( $k{0} == '$' && $v <> '' ) { if ( substr( $k, 1, 11 ) == 'ldap_server' ) { $v = substr( $v, 0, strlen( $v ) - 1 ) . "\n)"; $v = str_replace( 'array(', "array(\n\t", $v ); $v = str_replace( "',", "',\n\t", $v ); } fwrite( $fp, "$k = $v;\n" ); } } fwrite( $fp, '?>' ); fclose( $fp ); } else { echo '
'. _("Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."). '
'; } ?>