# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import division from email.MIMEText import MIMEText import gettext import pkg_resources import smtplib import sys import re import urllib from math import ceil, floor import copy import wtforms from babel.localedata import exists from babel.support import LazyProxy import jinja2 import translitcodec from webob import Response, exc from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner import markdown from wtforms.form import Form from mediagoblin import mg_globals from mediagoblin import messages from mediagoblin.db.util import ObjectId from itertools import izip, count DISPLAY_IMAGE_FETCHING_ORDER = [u'medium', u'original', u'thumb'] TESTS_ENABLED = False def _activate_testing(): """ Call this to activate testing in util.py """ global TESTS_ENABLED TESTS_ENABLED = True def clear_test_buckets(): """ We store some things for testing purposes that should be cleared when we want a "clean slate" of information for our next round of tests. Call this function to wipe all that stuff clean. Also wipes out some other things we might redefine during testing, like the jinja envs. """ global SETUP_JINJA_ENVS SETUP_JINJA_ENVS = {} global EMAIL_TEST_INBOX global EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX EMAIL_TEST_INBOX = [] EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX = [] clear_test_template_context() SETUP_JINJA_ENVS = {} def get_jinja_env(template_loader, locale): """ Set up the Jinja environment, (In the future we may have another system for providing theming; for now this is good enough.) """ setup_gettext(locale) # If we have a jinja environment set up with this locale, just # return that one. if SETUP_JINJA_ENVS.has_key(locale): return SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape']) template_env.install_gettext_callables( mg_globals.translations.ugettext, mg_globals.translations.ungettext) # All templates will know how to ... # ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media template_env.globals['fetch_messages'] = messages.fetch_messages template_env.globals['gridify_list'] = gridify_list template_env.globals['gridify_cursor'] = gridify_cursor if exists(locale): SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env return template_env # We'll store context information here when doing unit tests TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT = {} def render_template(request, template_path, context): """ Render a template with context. Always inserts the request into the context, so you don't have to. Also stores the context if we're doing unit tests. Helpful! """ template = request.template_env.get_template( template_path) context['request'] = request rendered = template.render(context) if TESTS_ENABLED: TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[template_path] = context return rendered def clear_test_template_context(): global TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT = {} def render_to_response(request, template, context, status=200): """Much like Django's shortcut.render()""" return Response( render_template(request, template, context), status=status) def redirect(request, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a HTTPFound(), takes a request and then urlgen params""" querystring = None if kwargs.get('querystring'): querystring = kwargs.get('querystring') del kwargs['querystring'] return exc.HTTPFound( location=''.join([ request.urlgen(*args, **kwargs), querystring if querystring else ''])) def setup_user_in_request(request): """ Examine a request and tack on a request.user parameter if that's appropriate. """ if not request.session.has_key('user_id'): request.user = None return user = None user = request.app.db.User.one( {'_id': ObjectId(request.session['user_id'])}) if not user: # Something's wrong... this user doesn't exist? Invalidate # this session. request.session.invalidate() request.user = user def import_component(import_string): """ Import a module component defined by STRING. Probably a method, class, or global variable. Args: - import_string: a string that defines what to import. Written in the format of "module1.module2:component" """ module_name, func_name = import_string.split(':', 1) __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] func = getattr(module, func_name) return func _punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+') def slugify(text, delim=u'-'): """ Generates an ASCII-only slug. Taken from http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/5/ """ result = [] for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): word = word.encode('translit/long') if word: result.append(word) return unicode(delim.join(result)) ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### Special email test stuff begins HERE ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # We have two "test inboxes" here: # # EMAIL_TEST_INBOX: # ---------------- # If you're writing test views, you'll probably want to check this. # It contains a list of MIMEText messages. # # EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX: # ---------------------- # This collects the messages from the FakeMhost inbox. It's reslly # just here for testing the send_email method itself. # # Anyway this contains: # - from # - to: a list of email recipient addresses # - message: not just the body, but the whole message, including # headers, etc. # # ***IMPORTANT!*** # ---------------- # Before running tests that call functions which send email, you should # always call _clear_test_inboxes() to "wipe" the inboxes clean. EMAIL_TEST_INBOX = [] EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX = [] class FakeMhost(object): """ Just a fake mail host so we can capture and test messages from send_email """ def login(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def sendmail(self, from_addr, to_addrs, message): EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX.append( {'from': from_addr, 'to': to_addrs, 'message': message}) def _clear_test_inboxes(): global EMAIL_TEST_INBOX global EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX EMAIL_TEST_INBOX = [] EMAIL_TEST_MBOX_INBOX = [] ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def send_email(from_addr, to_addrs, subject, message_body): """ Simple email sending wrapper, use this so we can capture messages for unit testing purposes. Args: - from_addr: address you're sending the email from - to_addrs: list of recipient email addresses - subject: subject of the email - message_body: email body text """ if TESTS_ENABLED or mg_globals.app_config['email_debug_mode']: mhost = FakeMhost() elif not mg_globals.app_config['email_debug_mode']: mhost = smtplib.SMTP( mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_host'], mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_port']) # SMTP.__init__ Issues SMTP.connect implicitly if host if not mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_host']: # e.g. host = '' mhost.connect() # We SMTP.connect explicitly if mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_user'] \ or mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_pass']: mhost.login( mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_user'], mg_globals.app_config['email_smtp_pass']) message = MIMEText(message_body.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8') message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = from_addr message['To'] = ', '.join(to_addrs) if TESTS_ENABLED: EMAIL_TEST_INBOX.append(message) if mg_globals.app_config['email_debug_mode']: print u"===== Email =====" print u"From address: %s" % message['From'] print u"To addresses: %s" % message['To'] print u"Subject: %s" % message['Subject'] print u"-- Body: --" print message.get_payload(decode=True) return mhost.sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, message.as_string()) ################### # Translation tools ################### TRANSLATIONS_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin', 'i18n') def locale_to_lower_upper(locale): """ Take a locale, regardless of style, and format it like "en-us" """ if '-' in locale: lang, country = locale.split('-', 1) return '%s_%s' % (lang.lower(), country.upper()) elif '_' in locale: lang, country = locale.split('_', 1) return '%s_%s' % (lang.lower(), country.upper()) else: return locale.lower() def locale_to_lower_lower(locale): """ Take a locale, regardless of style, and format it like "en_US" """ if '_' in locale: lang, country = locale.split('_', 1) return '%s-%s' % (lang.lower(), country.lower()) else: return locale.lower() def get_locale_from_request(request): """ Figure out what target language is most appropriate based on the request """ request_form = request.GET or request.POST if request_form.has_key('lang'): return locale_to_lower_upper(request_form['lang']) accept_lang_matches = request.accept_language.best_matches() # Your routing can explicitly specify a target language matchdict = request.matchdict or {} if matchdict.has_key('locale'): target_lang = matchdict['locale'] elif request.session.has_key('target_lang'): target_lang = request.session['target_lang'] # Pull the first acceptable language elif accept_lang_matches: target_lang = accept_lang_matches[0] # Fall back to English else: target_lang = 'en' return locale_to_lower_upper(target_lang) # A super strict version of the lxml.html cleaner class HTML_CLEANER = Cleaner( scripts=True, javascript=True, comments=True, style=True, links=True, page_structure=True, processing_instructions=True, embedded=True, frames=True, forms=True, annoying_tags=True, allow_tags=[ 'div', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'p', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'a', 'br'], remove_unknown_tags=False, # can't be used with allow_tags safe_attrs_only=True, add_nofollow=True, # for now host_whitelist=(), whitelist_tags=set([])) def clean_html(html): # clean_html barfs on an empty string if not html: return u'' return HTML_CLEANER.clean_html(html) def convert_to_tag_list_of_dicts(tag_string): """ Filter input from incoming string containing user tags, Strips trailing, leading, and internal whitespace, and also converts the "tags" text into an array of tags """ taglist = [] if tag_string: # Strip out internal, trailing, and leading whitespace stripped_tag_string = u' '.join(tag_string.strip().split()) # Split the tag string into a list of tags for tag in stripped_tag_string.split( mg_globals.app_config['tags_delimiter']): # Ignore empty or duplicate tags if tag.strip() and tag.strip() not in [t['name'] for t in taglist]: taglist.append({'name': tag.strip(), 'slug': slugify(tag.strip())}) return taglist def media_tags_as_string(media_entry_tags): """ Generate a string from a media item's tags, stored as a list of dicts This is the opposite of convert_to_tag_list_of_dicts """ media_tag_string = '' if media_entry_tags: media_tag_string = mg_globals.app_config['tags_delimiter'].join( [tag['name'] for tag in media_entry_tags]) return media_tag_string TOO_LONG_TAG_WARNING = \ u'Tags must be shorter than %s characters. Tags that are too long: %s' def tag_length_validator(form, field): """ Make sure tags do not exceed the maximum tag length. """ tags = convert_to_tag_list_of_dicts(field.data) too_long_tags = [ tag['name'] for tag in tags if len(tag['name']) > mg_globals.app_config['tags_max_length']] if too_long_tags: raise wtforms.ValidationError( TOO_LONG_TAG_WARNING % (mg_globals.app_config['tags_max_length'], \ ', '.join(too_long_tags))) MARKDOWN_INSTANCE = markdown.Markdown(safe_mode='escape') def cleaned_markdown_conversion(text): """ Take a block of text, run it through MarkDown, and clean its HTML. """ # Markdown will do nothing with and clean_html can do nothing with # an empty string :) if not text: return u'' return clean_html(MARKDOWN_INSTANCE.convert(text)) SETUP_GETTEXTS = {} def setup_gettext(locale): """ Setup the gettext instance based on this locale """ # Later on when we have plugins we may want to enable the # multi-translations system they have so we can handle plugin # translations too # TODO: fallback nicely on translations from pt_PT to pt if not # available, etc. if SETUP_GETTEXTS.has_key(locale): this_gettext = SETUP_GETTEXTS[locale] else: this_gettext = gettext.translation( 'mediagoblin', TRANSLATIONS_PATH, [locale], fallback=True) if exists(locale): SETUP_GETTEXTS[locale] = this_gettext mg_globals.setup_globals( translations=this_gettext) # Force en to be setup before anything else so that # mg_globals.translations is never None setup_gettext('en') def pass_to_ugettext(*args, **kwargs): """ Pass a translation on to the appropriate ugettext method. The reason we can't have a global ugettext method is because mg_globals gets swapped out by the application per-request. """ return mg_globals.translations.ugettext( *args, **kwargs) def lazy_pass_to_ugettext(*args, **kwargs): """ Lazily pass to ugettext. This is useful if you have to define a translation on a module level but you need it to not translate until the time that it's used as a string. """ return LazyProxy(pass_to_ugettext, *args, **kwargs) def pass_to_ngettext(*args, **kwargs): """ Pass a translation on to the appropriate ngettext method. The reason we can't have a global ngettext method is because mg_globals gets swapped out by the application per-request. """ return mg_globals.translations.ngettext( *args, **kwargs) def lazy_pass_to_ngettext(*args, **kwargs): """ Lazily pass to ngettext. This is useful if you have to define a translation on a module level but you need it to not translate until the time that it's used as a string. """ return LazyProxy(pass_to_ngettext, *args, **kwargs) def fake_ugettext_passthrough(string): """ Fake a ugettext call for extraction's sake ;) In wtforms there's a separate way to define a method to translate things... so we just need to mark up the text so that it can be extracted, not so that it's actually run through gettext. """ return string PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE = 30 class Pagination(object): """ Pagination class for mongodb queries. Initialization through __init__(self, cursor, page=1, per_page=2), get actual data slice through __call__(). """ def __init__(self, page, cursor, per_page=PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, jump_to_id=False): """ Initializes Pagination Args: - page: requested page - per_page: number of objects per page - cursor: db cursor - jump_to_id: ObjectId, sets the page to the page containing the object with _id == jump_to_id. """ self.page = page self.per_page = per_page self.cursor = cursor self.total_count = self.cursor.count() self.active_id = None if jump_to_id: cursor = copy.copy(self.cursor) for (doc, increment) in izip(cursor, count(0)): if doc['_id'] == jump_to_id: self.page = 1 + int(floor(increment / self.per_page)) self.active_id = jump_to_id break def __call__(self): """ Returns slice of objects for the requested page """ return self.cursor.skip( (self.page - 1) * self.per_page).limit(self.per_page) @property def pages(self): return int(ceil(self.total_count / float(self.per_page))) @property def has_prev(self): return self.page > 1 @property def has_next(self): return self.page < self.pages def iter_pages(self, left_edge=2, left_current=2, right_current=5, right_edge=2): last = 0 for num in xrange(1, self.pages + 1): if num <= left_edge or \ (num > self.page - left_current - 1 and \ num < self.page + right_current) or \ num > self.pages - right_edge: if last + 1 != num: yield None yield num last = num def get_page_url_explicit(self, base_url, get_params, page_no): """ Get a page url by adding a page= parameter to the base url """ new_get_params = copy.copy(get_params or {}) new_get_params['page'] = page_no return "%s?%s" % ( base_url, urllib.urlencode(new_get_params)) def get_page_url(self, request, page_no): """ Get a new page url based of the request, and the new page number. This is a nice wrapper around get_page_url_explicit() """ return self.get_page_url_explicit( request.path_info, request.GET, page_no) def gridify_list(this_list, num_cols=5): """ Generates a list of lists where each sub-list's length depends on the number of columns in the list """ grid = [] # Figure out how many rows we should have num_rows = int(ceil(float(len(this_list)) / num_cols)) for row_num in range(num_rows): slice_min = row_num * num_cols slice_max = (row_num + 1) * num_cols row = this_list[slice_min:slice_max] grid.append(row) return grid def gridify_cursor(this_cursor, num_cols=5): """ Generates a list of lists where each sub-list's length depends on the number of columns in the list """ return gridify_list(list(this_cursor), num_cols) def render_404(request): """ Render a 404. """ return render_to_response( request, 'mediagoblin/404.html', {}, status=400) def delete_media_files(media): """ Delete all files associated with a MediaEntry Arguments: - media: A MediaEntry document """ for handle, listpath in media['media_files'].items(): mg_globals.public_store.delete_file( listpath) for attachment in media['attachment_files']: mg_globals.public_store.delete_file( attachment['filepath'])