# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import jinja2 from jinja2.ext import Extension from jinja2.nodes import Include, Const from babel.localedata import exists from werkzeug.urls import url_quote_plus from mediagoblin import mg_globals from mediagoblin import messages from mediagoblin import _version from mediagoblin.tools import common from mediagoblin.tools.translate import is_rtl from mediagoblin.tools.translate import set_thread_locale from mediagoblin.tools.translate import get_locale_from_request from mediagoblin.tools.pluginapi import get_hook_templates, hook_transform from mediagoblin.tools.timesince import timesince from mediagoblin.meddleware.csrf import render_csrf_form_token SETUP_JINJA_ENVS = {} def get_jinja_env(template_loader, locale): """ Set up the Jinja environment, (In the future we may have another system for providing theming; for now this is good enough.) """ set_thread_locale(locale) # If we have a jinja environment set up with this locale, just # return that one. if locale in SETUP_JINJA_ENVS: return SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] # The default config does not require a [jinja2] block. # You may create one if you wish to enable additional jinja2 extensions, # see example in config_spec.ini jinja2_config = mg_globals.global_config.get('jinja2', {}) local_exts = jinja2_config.get('extensions', []) # jinja2.StrictUndefined will give exceptions on references # to undefined/unknown variables in templates. template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, extensions=[ 'jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape', TemplateHookExtension] + local_exts) template_env.install_gettext_callables( mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ugettext, mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ungettext) # All templates will know how to ... # ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media # ... have access to the global and app config # ... determine if the language is rtl or ltr template_env.globals['fetch_messages'] = messages.fetch_messages template_env.globals['app_config'] = mg_globals.app_config template_env.globals['global_config'] = mg_globals.global_config template_env.globals['version'] = _version.__version__ template_env.globals['auth'] = mg_globals.app.auth template_env.globals['is_rtl'] = is_rtl(locale) template_env.filters['urlencode'] = url_quote_plus # add human readable fuzzy date time template_env.globals['timesince'] = timesince # allow for hooking up plugin templates template_env.globals['get_hook_templates'] = get_hook_templates template_env.globals = hook_transform( 'template_global_context', template_env.globals) #### THIS IS TEMPORARY, PLEASE FIX IT ## Notifications stuff is not yet a plugin (and we're not sure it will be), ## but it needs to add stuff to the context. This is THE WRONG WAY TO DO IT from mediagoblin import notifications template_env.globals['get_notifications'] = notifications.get_notifications template_env.globals[ 'get_notification_count'] = notifications.get_notification_count template_env.globals[ 'get_comment_subscription'] = notifications.get_comment_subscription if exists(locale): SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env return template_env # We'll store context information here when doing unit tests TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT = {} def render_template(request, template_path, context): """ Render a template with context. Always inserts the request into the context, so you don't have to. Also stores the context if we're doing unit tests. Helpful! """ template = request.template_env.get_template( template_path) context['request'] = request rendered_csrf_token = render_csrf_form_token(request) if rendered_csrf_token is not None: context['csrf_token'] = render_csrf_form_token(request) # allow plugins to do things to the context if request.controller_name: context = hook_transform( (request.controller_name, template_path), context) # More evil: allow plugins to possibly do something to the context # in every request ever with access to the request and other # variables. Note: this is slower than using # template_global_context context = hook_transform( 'template_context_prerender', context) rendered = template.render(context) if common.TESTS_ENABLED: TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[template_path] = context return rendered def clear_test_template_context(): global TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT = {} class TemplateHookExtension(Extension): """ Easily loop through a bunch of templates from a template hook. Use: {% template_hook("comment_extras") %} ... will include all templates hooked into the comment_extras section. """ tags = set(["template_hook"]) def parse(self, parser): includes = [] expr = parser.parse_expression() lineno = expr.lineno hook_name = expr.args[0].value for template_name in get_hook_templates(hook_name): includes.append( parser.parse_import_context( Include(Const(template_name), True, False, lineno=lineno), True)) return includes