# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import os import pkg_resources import shutil from functools import wraps from paste.deploy import loadapp from webtest import TestApp from mediagoblin import mg_globals from mediagoblin.db.models import User, MediaEntry, Collection from mediagoblin.tools import testing from mediagoblin.init.config import read_mediagoblin_config from mediagoblin.db.base import Session from mediagoblin.meddleware import BaseMeddleware from mediagoblin.auth.lib import bcrypt_gen_password_hash from mediagoblin.gmg_commands.dbupdate import run_dbupdate MEDIAGOBLIN_TEST_DB_NAME = u'__mediagoblin_tests__' TEST_SERVER_CONFIG = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin.tests', 'test_paste.ini') TEST_APP_CONFIG = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin.tests', 'test_mgoblin_app.ini') USER_DEV_DIRECTORIES_TO_SETUP = ['media/public', 'media/queue'] class TestingMeddleware(BaseMeddleware): """ Meddleware for the Unit tests It might make sense to perform some tests on all requests/responses. Or prepare them in a special manner. For example all html responses could be tested for being valid html *after* being rendered. This module is getting inserted at the front of the meddleware list, which means: requests are handed here first, responses last. So this wraps up the "normal" app. If you need to add a test, either add it directly to the appropiate process_request or process_response, or create a new method and call it from process_*. """ def process_response(self, request, response): # All following tests should be for html only! if getattr(response, 'content_type', None) != "text/html": # Get out early return # If the template contains a reference to # /mgoblin_static/ instead of using # /request.staticdirect(), error out here. # This could probably be implemented as a grep on # the shipped templates easier... if response.text.find("/mgoblin_static/") >= 0: raise AssertionError( "Response HTML contains reference to /mgoblin_static/ " "instead of staticdirect. Request was for: " + request.full_path) return def get_app(request, paste_config=None, mgoblin_config=None): """Create a MediaGoblin app for testing. Args: - request: Not an http request, but a pytest fixture request. We use this to make temporary directories that pytest automatically cleans up as needed. - paste_config: particular paste config used by this application. - mgoblin_config: particular mediagoblin config used by this application. """ paste_config = paste_config or TEST_SERVER_CONFIG mgoblin_config = mgoblin_config or TEST_APP_CONFIG # This is the directory we're copying the paste/mgoblin config stuff into run_dir = request.config._tmpdirhandler.mktemp( 'mgoblin_app', numbered=True) user_dev_dir = run_dir.mkdir('user_dev').strpath new_paste_config = run_dir.join('paste.ini').strpath new_mgoblin_config = run_dir.join('mediagoblin.ini').strpath shutil.copyfile(paste_config, new_paste_config) shutil.copyfile(mgoblin_config, new_mgoblin_config) Session.rollback() Session.remove() # install user_dev directories for directory in USER_DEV_DIRECTORIES_TO_SETUP: full_dir = os.path.join(user_dev_dir, directory) os.makedirs(full_dir) # Get app config global_config, validation_result = read_mediagoblin_config(new_mgoblin_config) app_config = global_config['mediagoblin'] # Run database setup/migrations run_dbupdate(app_config, global_config) # setup app and return test_app = loadapp( 'config:' + new_paste_config) # Insert the TestingMeddleware, which can do some # sanity checks on every request/response. # Doing it this way is probably not the cleanest way. # We'll fix it, when we have plugins! mg_globals.app.meddleware.insert(0, TestingMeddleware(mg_globals.app)) app = TestApp(test_app) return app def install_fixtures_simple(db, fixtures): """ Very simply install fixtures in the database """ for collection_name, collection_fixtures in fixtures.iteritems(): collection = db[collection_name] for fixture in collection_fixtures: collection.insert(fixture) def assert_db_meets_expected(db, expected): """ Assert a database contains the things we expect it to. Objects are found via 'id', so you should make sure your document has an id. Args: - db: pymongo or mongokit database connection - expected: the data we expect. Formatted like: {'collection_name': [ {'id': 'foo', 'some_field': 'some_value'},]} """ for collection_name, collection_data in expected.iteritems(): collection = db[collection_name] for expected_document in collection_data: document = collection.find_one({'id': expected_document['id']}) assert document is not None # make sure it exists assert document == expected_document # make sure it matches def fixture_add_user(username=u'chris', password=u'toast', active_user=True): # Reuse existing user or create a new one test_user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if test_user is None: test_user = User() test_user.username = username test_user.email = username + u'@example.com' if password is not None: test_user.pw_hash = bcrypt_gen_password_hash(password) if active_user: test_user.email_verified = True test_user.status = u'active' test_user.save() # Reload test_user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() # ... and detach from session: Session.expunge(test_user) return test_user def fixture_media_entry(title=u"Some title", slug=None, uploader=None, save=True, gen_slug=True): entry = MediaEntry() entry.title = title entry.slug = slug entry.uploader = uploader or fixture_add_user().id entry.media_type = u'image' if gen_slug: entry.generate_slug() if save: entry.save() return entry def fixture_add_collection(name=u"My first Collection", user=None): if user is None: user = fixture_add_user() coll = Collection.query.filter_by(creator=user.id, title=name).first() if coll is not None: return coll coll = Collection() coll.creator = user.id coll.title = name coll.generate_slug() coll.save() # Reload Session.refresh(coll) # ... and detach from session: Session.expunge(coll) return coll