# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import six import pytest from datetime import date, timedelta from webtest import AppError from mediagoblin.tests.tools import fixture_add_user, fixture_media_entry from mediagoblin.db.models import User, UserBan from mediagoblin.tools import template from .resources import GOOD_JPG class TestPrivilegeFunctionality: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, test_app): self.test_app = test_app fixture_add_user(u'alex', privileges=[u'admin',u'active']) fixture_add_user(u'meow', privileges=[u'moderator',u'active',u'reporter']) fixture_add_user(u'natalie', privileges=[u'active']) self.query_for_users() def login(self, username): self.test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': username, 'password': 'toast'}) self.query_for_users() def logout(self): self.test_app.get('/auth/logout/') self.query_for_users() def do_post(self, data, *context_keys, **kwargs): url = kwargs.pop('url', '/submit/') do_follow = kwargs.pop('do_follow', False) template.clear_test_template_context() response = self.test_app.post(url, data, **kwargs) if do_follow: response.follow() context_data = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT for key in context_keys: context_data = context_data[key] return response, context_data def query_for_users(self): self.admin_user = User.query.filter(User.username==u'alex').first() self.mod_user = User.query.filter(User.username==u'meow').first() self.user = User.query.filter(User.username==u'natalie').first() def testUserBanned(self): self.login(u'natalie') uid = self.user.id # First, test what happens when a user is banned indefinitely #---------------------------------------------------------------------- user_ban = UserBan(user_id=uid, reason=u'Testing whether user is banned', expiration_date=None) user_ban.save() response = self.test_app.get('/') assert response.status == "200 OK" assert b"You are Banned" in response.body # Then test what happens when that ban has an expiration date which # hasn't happened yet #---------------------------------------------------------------------- user_ban = UserBan.query.get(uid) user_ban.delete() user_ban = UserBan(user_id=uid, reason=u'Testing whether user is banned', expiration_date= date.today() + timedelta(days=20)) user_ban.save() response = self.test_app.get('/') assert response.status == "200 OK" assert b"You are Banned" in response.body # Then test what happens when that ban has an expiration date which # has already happened #---------------------------------------------------------------------- user_ban = UserBan.query.get(uid) user_ban.delete() exp_date = date.today() - timedelta(days=20) user_ban = UserBan(user_id=uid, reason=u'Testing whether user is banned', expiration_date= exp_date) user_ban.save() response = self.test_app.get('/') assert response.status == "302 FOUND" assert not b"You are Banned" in response.body def testVariousPrivileges(self): # The various actions that require privileges (ex. reporting, # commenting, moderating...) are tested in other tests. This method # will be used to ensure that those actions are impossible for someone # without the proper privileges. # For other tests that show what happens when a user has the proper # privileges, check out: # tests/test_moderation.py moderator # tests/test_notifications.py commenter # tests/test_reporting.py reporter # tests/test_submission.py uploader #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.login(u'natalie') # First test the get and post requests of submission/uploading #---------------------------------------------------------------------- with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get('/submit/') excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.do_post({'upload_files':[('file',GOOD_JPG)], 'title':u'Normal Upload 1'}, url='/submit/') excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo # Test that a user cannot comment without the commenter privilege #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.query_for_users() media_entry = fixture_media_entry(uploader=self.admin_user.id, state=u'processed') media_entry_id = media_entry.id media_uri_id = '/u/{0}/m/{1}/'.format(self.admin_user.username, media_entry.id) media_uri_slug = '/u/{0}/m/{1}/'.format(self.admin_user.username, media_entry.slug) response = self.test_app.get(media_uri_slug) assert not b"Add a comment" in response.body self.query_for_users() with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.post( media_uri_id + 'comment/add/', {'comment_content': u'Test comment #42'}) excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo # Test that a user cannot report without the reporter privilege #---------------------------------------------------------------------- with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get(media_uri_slug+"report/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.do_post( {'report_reason':u'Testing Reports #1', 'reporter_id':u'3'}, url=(media_uri_slug+"report/")) excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo # Test that a user cannot access the moderation pages w/o moderator # or admin privileges #---------------------------------------------------------------------- with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get("/mod/users/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get("/mod/reports/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get("/mod/media/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get("/mod/users/1/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response = self.test_app.get("/mod/reports/1/") excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo self.query_for_users() with pytest.raises(AppError) as excinfo: response, context = self.do_post({'action_to_resolve':[u'takeaway'], 'take_away_privileges':[u'active'], 'targeted_user':self.admin_user.id}, url='/mod/reports/1/') self.query_for_users() excinfo = str(excinfo) if six.PY2 else str(excinfo).encode('ascii') assert b'Bad response: 403 FORBIDDEN' in excinfo