# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import json import sys from configobj import ConfigObj import pytest import pkg_resources from validate import VdtTypeError from mediagoblin import mg_globals from mediagoblin.init.plugins import setup_plugins from mediagoblin.init.config import read_mediagoblin_config from mediagoblin.gmg_commands.assetlink import link_plugin_assets from mediagoblin.tools import pluginapi from mediagoblin.tests.tools import get_app from mediagoblin.tools.common import CollectingPrinter def with_cleanup(*modules_to_delete): def _with_cleanup(fun): """Wrapper that saves and restores mg_globals""" def _with_cleanup_inner(*args, **kwargs): old_app_config = mg_globals.app_config old_global_config = mg_globals.global_config # Need to delete icky modules before and after so as to make # sure things work correctly. for module in modules_to_delete: try: del sys.modules[module] except KeyError: pass # The plugin cache gets populated as a side-effect of # importing, so it's best to clear it before and after a test. pman = pluginapi.PluginManager() pman.clear() try: return fun(*args, **kwargs) finally: mg_globals.app_config = old_app_config mg_globals.global_config = old_global_config # Need to delete icky modules before and after so as to make # sure things work correctly. for module in modules_to_delete: try: del sys.modules[module] except KeyError: pass pman.clear() _with_cleanup_inner.__name__ = fun.__name__ return _with_cleanup_inner return _with_cleanup def build_config(sections): """Builds a ConfigObj object with specified data :arg sections: list of ``(section_name, section_data, subsection_list)`` tuples where section_data is a dict and subsection_list is a list of ``(section_name, section_data, subsection_list)``, ... For example: >>> build_config([ ... ('mediagoblin', {'key1': 'val1'}, []), ... ('section2', {}, [ ... ('subsection1', {}, []) ... ]) ... ]) """ cfg = ConfigObj() cfg.filename = 'foo' def _iter_section(cfg, section_list): for section_name, data, subsection_list in section_list: cfg[section_name] = data _iter_section(cfg[section_name], subsection_list) _iter_section(cfg, sections) return cfg @with_cleanup() def test_no_plugins(): """Run setup_plugins with no plugins in config""" cfg = build_config([('mediagoblin', {}, [])]) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg pman = pluginapi.PluginManager() setup_plugins() # Make sure we didn't load anything. assert len(pman.plugins) == 0 @with_cleanup('mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin') def test_one_plugin(): """Run setup_plugins with a single working plugin""" cfg = build_config([ ('mediagoblin', {}, []), ('plugins', {}, [ ('mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin', {}, []) ]) ]) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg pman = pluginapi.PluginManager() setup_plugins() # Make sure we only found one plugin assert len(pman.plugins) == 1 # Make sure the plugin is the one we think it is. assert pman.plugins[0] == 'mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin' # Make sure there was one hook registered assert len(pman.hooks) == 1 # Make sure _setup_plugin_called was called once import mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin assert mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin._setup_plugin_called == 1 @with_cleanup('mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin') def test_same_plugin_twice(): """Run setup_plugins with a single working plugin twice""" cfg = build_config([ ('mediagoblin', {}, []), ('plugins', {}, [ ('mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin', {}, []), ('mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin', {}, []), ]) ]) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg pman = pluginapi.PluginManager() setup_plugins() # Make sure we only found one plugin assert len(pman.plugins) == 1 # Make sure the plugin is the one we think it is. assert pman.plugins[0] == 'mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin' # Make sure there was one hook registered assert len(pman.hooks) == 1 # Make sure _setup_plugin_called was called once import mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin assert mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin._setup_plugin_called == 1 @with_cleanup() def test_disabled_plugin(): """Run setup_plugins with a single working plugin twice""" cfg = build_config([ ('mediagoblin', {}, []), ('plugins', {}, [ ('-mediagoblin.plugins.sampleplugin', {}, []), ]) ]) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg pman = pluginapi.PluginManager() setup_plugins() # Make sure we didn't load the plugin assert len(pman.plugins) == 0 CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES = [ ('mediagoblin', {}, []), ('plugins', {}, [ ('mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.callables1', {}, []), ('mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.callables2', {}, []), ('mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.callables3', {}, []), ]) ] @with_cleanup() def test_hook_handle(): """ Test the hook_handle method """ cfg = build_config(CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg setup_plugins() # Just one hook provided call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_handle( "just_one", call_log) == "Called just once" assert call_log == ["expect this one call"] # Nothing provided and unhandled not okay call_log = [] pluginapi.hook_handle( "nothing_handling", call_log) == None assert call_log == [] # Nothing provided and unhandled okay call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_handle( "nothing_handling", call_log, unhandled_okay=True) is None assert call_log == [] # Multiple provided, go with the first! call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_handle( "multi_handle", call_log) == "the first returns" assert call_log == ["Hi, I'm the first"] # Multiple provided, one has CantHandleIt call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_handle( "multi_handle_with_canthandle", call_log) == "the second returns" assert call_log == ["Hi, I'm the second"] @with_cleanup() def test_hook_runall(): """ Test the hook_runall method """ cfg = build_config(CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg setup_plugins() # Just one hook, check results call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_runall( "just_one", call_log) == ["Called just once"] assert call_log == ["expect this one call"] # None provided, check results call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_runall( "nothing_handling", call_log) == [] assert call_log == [] # Multiple provided, check results call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_runall( "multi_handle", call_log) == [ "the first returns", "the second returns", "the third returns", ] assert call_log == [ "Hi, I'm the first", "Hi, I'm the second", "Hi, I'm the third"] # Multiple provided, one has CantHandleIt, check results call_log = [] assert pluginapi.hook_runall( "multi_handle_with_canthandle", call_log) == [ "the second returns", "the third returns", ] assert call_log == [ "Hi, I'm the second", "Hi, I'm the third"] @with_cleanup() def test_hook_transform(): """ Test the hook_transform method """ cfg = build_config(CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg setup_plugins() assert pluginapi.hook_transform( "expand_tuple", (-1, 0)) == (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3) def test_plugin_config(): """ Make sure plugins can set up their own config """ config, validation_result = read_mediagoblin_config( pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin.tests', 'appconfig_plugin_specs.ini')) pluginspec_section = config['plugins'][ 'mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.pluginspec'] assert pluginspec_section['some_string'] == 'not blork' assert pluginspec_section['dont_change_me'] == 'still the default' # Make sure validation works... this should be an error assert isinstance( validation_result[ 'plugins'][ 'mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.pluginspec'][ 'some_int'], VdtTypeError) # the callables thing shouldn't really have anything though. assert len(config['plugins'][ 'mediagoblin.tests.testplugins.callables1']) == 0 @pytest.fixture() def context_modified_app(request): """ Get a MediaGoblin app fixture using appconfig_context_modified.ini """ return get_app( request, mgoblin_config=pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin.tests', 'appconfig_context_modified.ini')) def test_modify_context(context_modified_app): """ Test that we can modify both the view/template specific and global contexts for templates. """ # Specific thing passed into a page result = context_modified_app.get("/modify_context/specific/") assert result.body.strip() == """Specific page! specific thing: in yer specificpage global thing: globally appended! something: orother doubleme: happyhappy""" # General test, should have global context variable only result = context_modified_app.get("/modify_context/") assert result.body.strip() == """General page! global thing: globally appended! lol: cats doubleme: joyjoy""" @pytest.fixture() def static_plugin_app(request): """ Get a MediaGoblin app fixture using appconfig_static_plugin.ini """ return get_app( request, mgoblin_config=pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin.tests', 'appconfig_static_plugin.ini')) def test_plugin_assetlink(static_plugin_app): """ Test that the assetlink command works correctly """ linked_assets_dir = mg_globals.app_config['plugin_linked_assets_dir'] plugin_link_dir = os.path.join( linked_assets_dir.rstrip(os.path.sep), 'staticstuff') plugin_statics = pluginapi.hook_runall("static_setup") assert len(plugin_statics) == 1 plugin_static = plugin_statics[0] def run_assetlink(): printer = CollectingPrinter() link_plugin_assets( plugin_static, linked_assets_dir, printer) return printer # it shouldn't exist yet assert not os.path.lexists(plugin_link_dir) # link dir doesn't exist, link it result = run_assetlink().collection[0] assert result == \ 'Linked asset directory for plugin "staticstuff":\n %s\nto:\n %s\n' % ( plugin_static.file_path.rstrip(os.path.sep), plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.lexists(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.islink(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.realpath(plugin_link_dir) == plugin_static.file_path # link dir exists, leave it alone # (and it should exist still since we just ran it..) result = run_assetlink().collection[0] assert result == 'Skipping "staticstuff"; already set up.\n' assert os.path.lexists(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.islink(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.realpath(plugin_link_dir) == plugin_static.file_path # link dir exists, is a symlink to somewhere else (re-link) junk_file_path = os.path.join( linked_assets_dir.rstrip(os.path.sep), 'junk.txt') with file(junk_file_path, 'w') as junk_file: junk_file.write('barf') os.unlink(plugin_link_dir) os.symlink(junk_file_path, plugin_link_dir) result = run_assetlink().combined_string assert result == """Old link found for "staticstuff"; removing. Linked asset directory for plugin "staticstuff": %s to: %s """ % (plugin_static.file_path.rstrip(os.path.sep), plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.lexists(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.islink(plugin_link_dir) assert os.path.realpath(plugin_link_dir) == plugin_static.file_path # link dir exists, but is a non-symlink os.unlink(plugin_link_dir) with file(plugin_link_dir, 'w') as clobber_file: clobber_file.write('clobbered!') result = run_assetlink().collection[0] assert result == 'Could not link "staticstuff": %s exists and is not a symlink\n' % ( plugin_link_dir) with file(plugin_link_dir, 'r') as clobber_file: assert clobber_file.read() == 'clobbered!' def test_plugin_staticdirect(static_plugin_app): """ Test that the staticdirect utilities pull up the right things """ result = json.loads( static_plugin_app.get('/staticstuff/').body) assert len(result) == 2 assert result['mgoblin_bunny_pic'] == '/test_static/images/bunny_pic.png' assert result['plugin_bunny_css'] == \ '/plugin_static/staticstuff/css/bunnify.css'