# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from nose.tools import assert_raises from pymongo import Connection from mediagoblin.tests.tools import ( install_fixtures_simple, assert_db_meets_expected) from mediagoblin.db.util import ( RegisterMigration, MigrationManager, ObjectId, MissingCurrentMigration) # This one will get filled with local migrations TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY = {} # this one won't get filled TEST_EMPTY_MIGRATION_REGISTRY = {} MIGRATION_DB_NAME = u'__mediagoblin_test_migrations__' ###################### # Fake test migrations ###################### @RegisterMigration(1, TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) def creature_add_magical_powers(database): """ Add lists of magical powers. This defaults to [], an empty list. Since we haven't declared any magical powers, all existing monsters, setting to an empty list is fine. """ database['creatures'].update( {'magical_powers': {'$exists': False}}, {'$set': {'magical_powers': []}}, multi=True) @RegisterMigration(2, TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) def creature_rename_num_legs_to_num_limbs(database): """ It turns out we want to track how many limbs a creature has, not just how many legs. We don't care about the ambiguous distinction between arms/legs currently. """ # $rename not available till 1.7.2+, Debian Stable only includes # 1.4.4... we should do renames manually for now :( collection = database['creatures'] target = collection.find( {'num_legs': {'$exists': True}}) for document in target: # A lame manual renaming. document['num_limbs'] = document.pop('num_legs') collection.save(document) @RegisterMigration(3, TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) def creature_remove_is_demon(database): """ It turns out we don't care much about whether creatures are demons or not. """ database['creatures'].update( {'is_demon': {'$exists': True}}, {'$unset': {'is_demon': 1}}, multi=True) @RegisterMigration(4, TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) def level_exits_dict_to_list(database): """ For the sake of the indexes we want to write, and because we intend to add more flexible fields, we want to move level exits from like: {'big_door': 'castle_level_id', 'trapdoor': 'dungeon_level_id'} to like: [{'name': 'big_door', 'exits_to': 'castle_level_id'}, {'name': 'trapdoor', 'exits_to': 'dungeon_level_id'}] """ collection = database['levels'] target = collection.find( {'exits': {'$type': 3}}) for level in target: new_exits = [] for exit_name, exits_to in level['exits'].items(): new_exits.append( {'name': exit_name, 'exits_to': exits_to}) level['exits'] = new_exits collection.save(level) CENTIPEDE_OBJECTID = ObjectId() WOLF_OBJECTID = ObjectId() WIZARDSNAKE_OBJECTID = ObjectId() UNMIGRATED_DBDATA = { 'creatures': [ {'_id': CENTIPEDE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'centipede', 'num_legs': 100, 'is_demon': False}, {'_id': WOLF_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wolf', 'num_legs': 4, 'is_demon': False}, # don't ask me what a wizardsnake is. {'_id': WIZARDSNAKE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wizardsnake', 'num_legs': 0, 'is_demon': True}], 'levels': [ {'_id': 'necroplex', 'name': 'The Necroplex', 'description': 'A complex full of pure deathzone.', 'exits': { 'deathwell': 'evilstorm', 'portal': 'central_park'}}, {'_id': 'evilstorm', 'name': 'Evil Storm', 'description': 'A storm full of pure evil.', 'exits': {}}, # you can't escape the evilstorm {'_id': 'central_park', 'name': 'Central Park, NY, NY', 'description': "New York's friendly Central Park.", 'exits': { 'portal': 'necroplex'}}]} EXPECTED_POST_MIGRATION_UNMIGRATED_DBDATA = { 'creatures': [ {'_id': CENTIPEDE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'centipede', 'num_limbs': 100, 'magical_powers': []}, {'_id': WOLF_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wolf', 'num_limbs': 4, # kept around namely to check that it *isn't* removed! 'magical_powers': []}, {'_id': WIZARDSNAKE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wizardsnake', 'num_limbs': 0, 'magical_powers': []}], 'levels': [ {'_id': 'necroplex', 'name': 'The Necroplex', 'description': 'A complex full of pure deathzone.', 'exits': [ {'name': 'deathwell', 'exits_to': 'evilstorm'}, {'name': 'portal', 'exits_to': 'central_park'}]}, {'_id': 'evilstorm', 'name': 'Evil Storm', 'description': 'A storm full of pure evil.', 'exits': []}, # you can't escape the evilstorm {'_id': 'central_park', 'name': 'Central Park, NY, NY', 'description': "New York's friendly Central Park.", 'exits': [ {'name': 'portal', 'exits_to': 'necroplex'}]}]} # We want to make sure that if we're at migration 3, migration 3 # doesn't get re-run. SEMI_MIGRATED_DBDATA = { 'creatures': [ {'_id': CENTIPEDE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'centipede', 'num_limbs': 100, 'magical_powers': []}, {'_id': WOLF_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wolf', 'num_limbs': 4, # kept around namely to check that it *isn't* removed! 'is_demon': False, 'magical_powers': [ 'ice_breath', 'death_stare']}, {'_id': WIZARDSNAKE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wizardsnake', 'num_limbs': 0, 'magical_powers': [ 'death_rattle', 'sneaky_stare', 'slithery_smoke', 'treacherous_tremors'], 'is_demon': True}], 'levels': [ {'_id': 'necroplex', 'name': 'The Necroplex', 'description': 'A complex full of pure deathzone.', 'exits': { 'deathwell': 'evilstorm', 'portal': 'central_park'}}, {'_id': 'evilstorm', 'name': 'Evil Storm', 'description': 'A storm full of pure evil.', 'exits': {}}, # you can't escape the evilstorm {'_id': 'central_park', 'name': 'Central Park, NY, NY', 'description': "New York's friendly Central Park.", 'exits': { 'portal': 'necroplex'}}]} EXPECTED_POST_MIGRATION_SEMI_MIGRATED_DBDATA = { 'creatures': [ {'_id': CENTIPEDE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'centipede', 'num_limbs': 100, 'magical_powers': []}, {'_id': WOLF_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wolf', 'num_limbs': 4, # kept around namely to check that it *isn't* removed! 'is_demon': False, 'magical_powers': [ 'ice_breath', 'death_stare']}, {'_id': WIZARDSNAKE_OBJECTID, 'name': 'wizardsnake', 'num_limbs': 0, 'magical_powers': [ 'death_rattle', 'sneaky_stare', 'slithery_smoke', 'treacherous_tremors'], 'is_demon': True}], 'levels': [ {'_id': 'necroplex', 'name': 'The Necroplex', 'description': 'A complex full of pure deathzone.', 'exits': [ {'name': 'deathwell', 'exits_to': 'evilstorm'}, {'name': 'portal', 'exits_to': 'central_park'}]}, {'_id': 'evilstorm', 'name': 'Evil Storm', 'description': 'A storm full of pure evil.', 'exits': []}, # you can't escape the evilstorm {'_id': 'central_park', 'name': 'Central Park, NY, NY', 'description': "New York's friendly Central Park.", 'exits': [ {'name': 'portal', 'exits_to': 'necroplex'}]}]} class TestMigrations(object): def setUp(self): # Set up the connection, drop an existing possible database self.connection = Connection() self.connection.drop_database(MIGRATION_DB_NAME) self.db = Connection()[MIGRATION_DB_NAME] self.migration_manager = MigrationManager( self.db, TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) self.empty_migration_manager = MigrationManager( self.db, TEST_EMPTY_MIGRATION_REGISTRY) self.run_migrations = [] def tearDown(self): self.connection.drop_database(MIGRATION_DB_NAME) def _record_migration(self, migration_number, migration_func): self.run_migrations.append((migration_number, migration_func)) def test_migrations_registered_and_sorted(self): """ Make sure that migrations get registered and are sorted right in the migration manager """ assert TEST_MIGRATION_REGISTRY == { 1: creature_add_magical_powers, 2: creature_rename_num_legs_to_num_limbs, 3: creature_remove_is_demon, 4: level_exits_dict_to_list} assert self.migration_manager.sorted_migrations == [ (1, creature_add_magical_powers), (2, creature_rename_num_legs_to_num_limbs), (3, creature_remove_is_demon), (4, level_exits_dict_to_list)] assert self.empty_migration_manager.sorted_migrations == [] def test_run_full_migrations(self): """ Make sure that running the full migration suite from 0 updates everything """ self.migration_manager.set_current_migration(0) assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 0 install_fixtures_simple(self.db, UNMIGRATED_DBDATA) self.migration_manager.migrate_new(post_callback=self._record_migration) assert self.run_migrations == [ (1, creature_add_magical_powers), (2, creature_rename_num_legs_to_num_limbs), (3, creature_remove_is_demon), (4, level_exits_dict_to_list)] assert_db_meets_expected( self.db, EXPECTED_POST_MIGRATION_UNMIGRATED_DBDATA) # Make sure the migration is recorded correctly assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 4 # run twice! It should do nothing the second time. # ------------------------------------------------ self.run_migrations = [] self.migration_manager.migrate_new(post_callback=self._record_migration) assert self.run_migrations == [] assert_db_meets_expected( self.db, EXPECTED_POST_MIGRATION_UNMIGRATED_DBDATA) assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 4 def test_run_partial_migrations(self): """ Make sure that running full migration suite from 3 only runs last migration """ self.migration_manager.set_current_migration(3) assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 3 install_fixtures_simple(self.db, SEMI_MIGRATED_DBDATA) self.migration_manager.migrate_new(post_callback=self._record_migration) assert self.run_migrations == [ (4, level_exits_dict_to_list)] assert_db_meets_expected( self.db, EXPECTED_POST_MIGRATION_SEMI_MIGRATED_DBDATA) # Make sure the migration is recorded correctly assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 4 def test_migrations_recorded_as_latest(self): """ Make sure that if we don't have a migration_status pre-recorded it's marked as the latest """ self.migration_manager.install_migration_version_if_missing() assert self.migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 4 def test_no_migrations_recorded_as_zero(self): """ Make sure that if we don't have a migration_status but there *are* no migrations that it's marked as 0 """ self.empty_migration_manager.install_migration_version_if_missing() assert self.empty_migration_manager.database_current_migration() == 0 def test_migrations_to_run(self): """ Make sure we get the right list of migrations to run """ self.migration_manager.set_current_migration(0) assert self.migration_manager.migrations_to_run() == [ (1, creature_add_magical_powers), (2, creature_rename_num_legs_to_num_limbs), (3, creature_remove_is_demon), (4, level_exits_dict_to_list)] self.migration_manager.set_current_migration(3) assert self.migration_manager.migrations_to_run() == [ (4, level_exits_dict_to_list)] self.migration_manager.set_current_migration(4) assert self.migration_manager.migrations_to_run() == [] def test_no_migrations_raises_exception(self): """ If we don't have the current migration set in the database, this should error out. """ assert_raises( MissingCurrentMigration, self.migration_manager.migrations_to_run)