# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import urlparse from nose.tools import assert_equal from mediagoblin.auth import lib as auth_lib from mediagoblin.tests.tools import setup_fresh_app from mediagoblin import mg_globals from mediagoblin import util ######################## # Test bcrypt auth funcs ######################## def test_bcrypt_check_password(): # Check known 'lollerskates' password against check function assert auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( 'lollerskates', '$2a$12$PXU03zfrVCujBhVeICTwtOaHTUs5FFwsscvSSTJkqx/2RQ0Lhy/nO') assert not auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( 'notthepassword', '$2a$12$PXU03zfrVCujBhVeICTwtOaHTUs5FFwsscvSSTJkqx/2RQ0Lhy/nO') # Same thing, but with extra fake salt. assert not auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( 'notthepassword', '$2a$12$ELVlnw3z1FMu6CEGs/L8XO8vl0BuWSlUHgh0rUrry9DUXGMUNWwl6', '3><7R45417') def test_bcrypt_gen_password_hash(): pw = 'youwillneverguessthis' # Normal password hash generation, and check on that hash hashed_pw = auth_lib.bcrypt_gen_password_hash(pw) assert auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( pw, hashed_pw) assert not auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( 'notthepassword', hashed_pw) # Same thing, extra salt. hashed_pw = auth_lib.bcrypt_gen_password_hash(pw, '3><7R45417') assert auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( pw, hashed_pw, '3><7R45417') assert not auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password( 'notthepassword', hashed_pw, '3><7R45417') @setup_fresh_app def test_register_views(test_app): """ Massive test function that all our registration-related views all work. """ # Test doing a simple GET on the page # ----------------------------------- test_app.get('/auth/register/') # Make sure it rendered with the appropriate template assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key( 'mediagoblin/auth/register.html') # Try to register without providing anything, should error # -------------------------------------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() test_app.post( '/auth/register/', {}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/register.html'] form = context['register_form'] assert form.username.errors == [u'This field is required.'] assert form.password.errors == [u'This field is required.'] assert form.confirm_password.errors == [u'This field is required.'] assert form.email.errors == [u'This field is required.'] # Try to register with fields that are known to be invalid # -------------------------------------------------------- ## too short util.clear_test_template_context() test_app.post( '/auth/register/', { 'username': 'l', 'password': 'o', 'confirm_password': 'o', 'email': 'l'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/register.html'] form = context['register_form'] assert form.username.errors == [ u'Field must be between 3 and 30 characters long.'] assert form.password.errors == [ u'Field must be between 6 and 30 characters long.'] ## bad form util.clear_test_template_context() test_app.post( '/auth/register/', { 'username': '@_@', 'email': 'lollerskates'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/register.html'] form = context['register_form'] assert form.username.errors == [ u'Invalid input.'] assert form.email.errors == [ u'Invalid email address.'] ## mismatching passwords util.clear_test_template_context() test_app.post( '/auth/register/', { 'password': 'herpderp', 'confirm_password': 'derpherp'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/register.html'] form = context['register_form'] assert form.password.errors == [ u'Passwords must match.'] ## At this point there should be no users in the database ;) assert not mg_globals.database.User.find().count() # Successful register # ------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/register/', { 'username': 'happygirl', 'password': 'iamsohappy', 'confirm_password': 'iamsohappy', 'email': 'happygrrl@example.org'}) response.follow() ## Did we redirect to the proper page? Use the right template? assert_equal( urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2], '/u/happygirl/') assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key( 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html') ## Make sure user is in place new_user = mg_globals.database.User.find_one( {'username': 'happygirl'}) assert new_user assert new_user['status'] == u'needs_email_verification' assert new_user['email_verified'] == False ## Make sure user is logged in request = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[ 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html']['request'] assert request.session['user_id'] == unicode(new_user['_id']) ## Make sure we get email confirmation, and try verifying assert len(util.EMAIL_TEST_INBOX) == 1 message = util.EMAIL_TEST_INBOX.pop() assert message['To'] == 'happygrrl@example.org' email_context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[ 'mediagoblin/auth/verification_email.txt'] assert email_context['verification_url'] in message.get_payload(decode=True) path = urlparse.urlsplit(email_context['verification_url'])[2] get_params = urlparse.urlsplit(email_context['verification_url'])[3] assert path == u'/auth/verify_email/' parsed_get_params = urlparse.parse_qs(get_params) ### user should have these same parameters assert parsed_get_params['userid'] == [ unicode(new_user['_id'])] assert parsed_get_params['token'] == [ new_user['verification_key']] ## Try verifying with bs verification key, shouldn't work util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.get( "/auth/verify_email/?userid=%s&token=total_bs" % unicode( new_user['_id'])) response.follow() context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[ 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html'] # assert context['verification_successful'] == True # TODO: Would be good to test messages here when we can do so... new_user = mg_globals.database.User.find_one( {'username': 'happygirl'}) assert new_user assert new_user['status'] == u'needs_email_verification' assert new_user['email_verified'] == False ## Verify the email activation works util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.get("%s?%s" % (path, get_params)) response.follow() context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[ 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html'] # assert context['verification_successful'] == True # TODO: Would be good to test messages here when we can do so... new_user = mg_globals.database.User.find_one( {'username': 'happygirl'}) assert new_user assert new_user['status'] == u'active' assert new_user['email_verified'] == True # Uniqueness checks # ----------------- ## We shouldn't be able to register with that user twice util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/register/', { 'username': 'happygirl', 'password': 'iamsohappy2', 'confirm_password': 'iamsohappy2', 'email': 'happygrrl2@example.org'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[ 'mediagoblin/auth/register.html'] form = context['register_form'] assert form.username.errors == [ u'Sorry, a user with that name already exists.'] ## TODO: Also check for double instances of an email address? @setup_fresh_app def test_authentication_views(test_app): """ Test logging in and logging out """ # Make a new user test_user = mg_globals.database.User() test_user['username'] = u'chris' test_user['email'] = u'chris@example.com' test_user['pw_hash'] = auth_lib.bcrypt_gen_password_hash('toast') test_user.save() # Get login # --------- test_app.get('/auth/login/') assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key( 'mediagoblin/auth/login.html') # Failed login - blank form # ------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post('/auth/login/') context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html'] form = context['login_form'] assert form.username.errors == [u'This field is required.'] assert form.password.errors == [u'This field is required.'] # Failed login - blank user # ------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'password': u'toast'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html'] form = context['login_form'] assert form.username.errors == [u'This field is required.'] # Failed login - blank password # ----------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': u'chris'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html'] form = context['login_form'] assert form.password.errors == [u'This field is required.'] # Failed login - bad user # ----------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': u'steve', 'password': 'toast'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html'] assert context['login_failed'] # Failed login - bad password # --------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': u'chris', 'password': 'jam'}) context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html'] assert context['login_failed'] # Successful login # ---------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': u'chris', 'password': 'toast'}) # User should be redirected response.follow() assert_equal( urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2], '/') assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key( 'mediagoblin/root.html') # Make sure user is in the session context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/root.html'] session = context['request'].session assert session['user_id'] == unicode(test_user['_id']) # Successful logout # ----------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.get('/auth/logout/') # Should be redirected to index page response.follow() assert_equal( urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2], '/') assert util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT.has_key( 'mediagoblin/root.html') # Make sure the user is not in the session context = util.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/root.html'] session = context['request'].session assert session.has_key('user_id') == False # User is redirected to custom URL if POST['next'] is set # ------------------------------------------------------- util.clear_test_template_context() response = test_app.post( '/auth/login/', { 'username': u'chris', 'password': 'toast', 'next' : '/u/chris/'}) assert_equal( urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2], '/u/chris/')