# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Use an ordered dict if we can. If not, we'll just use a normal dict # later. try: from collections import OrderedDict except: OrderedDict = None import logging import os import six from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg from mediagoblin.db.util import atomic_update from mediagoblin.db.models import MediaEntry from mediagoblin.tools.pluginapi import hook_handle from mediagoblin.tools.translate import lazy_pass_to_ugettext as _ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ProgressCallback(object): def __init__(self, entry): self.entry = entry def __call__(self, progress): if progress: self.entry.transcoding_progress = progress self.entry.save() def create_pub_filepath(entry, filename): return mgg.public_store.get_unique_filepath( ['media_entries', six.text_type(entry.id), filename]) class FilenameBuilder(object): """Easily slice and dice filenames. Initialize this class with an original file path, then use the fill() method to create new filenames based on the original. """ MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 255 # VFAT's maximum filename length def __init__(self, path): """Initialize a builder from an original file path.""" self.dirpath, self.basename = os.path.split(path) self.basename, self.ext = os.path.splitext(self.basename) self.ext = self.ext.lower() def fill(self, fmtstr): """Build a new filename based on the original. The fmtstr argument can include the following: {basename} -- the original basename, with the extension removed {ext} -- the original extension, always lowercase If necessary, {basename} will be truncated so the filename does not exceed this class' MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH in length. """ basename_len = (self.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - len(fmtstr.format(basename='', ext=self.ext))) return fmtstr.format(basename=self.basename[:basename_len], ext=self.ext) class MediaProcessor(object): """A particular processor for this media type. While the ProcessingManager handles all types of MediaProcessing possible for a particular media type, a MediaProcessor can be thought of as a *particular* processing action for a media type. For example, you may have separate MediaProcessors for: - initial_processing: the intial processing of a media - gen_thumb: generate a thumbnail - resize: resize an image - transcode: transcode a video ... etc. Some information on producing a new MediaProcessor for your media type: - You *must* supply a name attribute. This must be a class level attribute, and a string. This will be used to determine the subcommand of your process - It's recommended that you supply a class level description attribute. - Supply a media_is_eligible classmethod. This will be used to determine whether or not a media entry is eligible to use this processor type. See the method documentation for details. - To give "./bin/gmg reprocess run" abilities to this media type, supply both gnerate_parser and parser_to_request classmethods. - The process method will be what actually processes your media. """ # You MUST override this in the child MediaProcessor! name = None # Optional, but will be used in various places to describe the # action this MediaProcessor provides description = None def __init__(self, manager, entry): self.manager = manager self.entry = entry self.entry_orig_state = entry.state # Should be initialized at time of processing, at least self.workbench = None def __enter__(self): self.workbench = mgg.workbench_manager.create() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.workbench.destroy() self.workbench = None # @with_workbench def process(self, **kwargs): """ Actually process this media entry. """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def media_is_eligible(cls, entry=None, state=None): raise NotImplementedError ############################### # Command line interface things ############################### @classmethod def generate_parser(cls): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def args_to_request(cls, args): raise NotImplementedError ########################################## # THE FUTURE: web interface things here :) ########################################## ##################### # Some common "steps" ##################### def delete_queue_file(self): # Remove queued media file from storage and database. # queued_filepath is in the task_id directory which should # be removed too, but fail if the directory is not empty to be on # the super-safe side. queued_filepath = self.entry.queued_media_file if queued_filepath: mgg.queue_store.delete_file(queued_filepath) # rm file mgg.queue_store.delete_dir(queued_filepath[:-1]) # rm dir self.entry.queued_media_file = [] class ProcessingKeyError(Exception): pass class ProcessorDoesNotExist(ProcessingKeyError): pass class ProcessorNotEligible(ProcessingKeyError): pass class ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist(ProcessingKeyError): pass class ProcessingManager(object): """Manages all the processing actions available for a media type Specific processing actions, MediaProcessor subclasses, are added to the ProcessingManager. """ def __init__(self): # Dict of all MediaProcessors of this media type if OrderedDict is not None: self.processors = OrderedDict() else: self.processors = {} def add_processor(self, processor): """ Add a processor class to this media type """ name = processor.name if name is None: raise AttributeError("Processor class's .name attribute not set") self.processors[name] = processor def list_eligible_processors(self, entry): """ List all processors that this media entry is eligible to be processed for. """ return [ processor for processor in self.processors.values() if processor.media_is_eligible(entry=entry)] def list_all_processors_by_state(self, state): """ List all processors that this media state is eligible to be processed for. """ return [ processor for processor in self.processors.values() if processor.media_is_eligible(state=state)] def list_all_processors(self): return self.processors.values() def gen_process_request_via_cli(self, subparser): # Got to figure out what actually goes here before I can write this properly pass def get_processor(self, key, entry=None): """ Get the processor with this key. If entry supplied, make sure this entry is actually compatible; otherwise raise error. """ try: processor = self.processors[key] except KeyError: raise ProcessorDoesNotExist( "'%s' processor does not exist for this media type" % key) if entry and not processor.media_is_eligible(entry): raise ProcessorNotEligible( "This entry is not eligible for processor with name '%s'" % key) return processor def workflow(self, entry, feed_url, reprocess_action, reprocess_info=None): """ Returns the Celery command needed to proceed with media processing """ return None def request_from_args(args, which_args): """ Generate a request from the values of some argparse parsed args """ request = {} for arg in which_args: request[arg] = getattr(args, arg) return request class MediaEntryNotFound(Exception): pass def get_processing_manager_for_type(media_type): """ Get the appropriate media manager for this type """ manager_class = hook_handle(('reprocess_manager', media_type)) if not manager_class: raise ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist( "A processing manager does not exist for {0}".format(media_type)) manager = manager_class() return manager def get_entry_and_processing_manager(media_id): """ Get a MediaEntry, its media type, and its manager all in one go. Returns a tuple of: `(entry, media_type, media_manager)` """ entry = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(id=media_id).first() if entry is None: raise MediaEntryNotFound("Can't find media with id '%s'" % media_id) manager = get_processing_manager_for_type(entry.media_type) return entry, manager def mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc): """ Mark a media entry as having failed in its conversion. Uses the exception that was raised to mark more information. If the exception is a derivative of BaseProcessingFail then we can store extra information that can be useful for users telling them why their media failed to process. :param entry_id: The id of the media entry :param exc: An instance of BaseProcessingFail """ # Was this a BaseProcessingFail? In other words, was this a # type of error that we know how to handle? if isinstance(exc, BaseProcessingFail): # Looks like yes, so record information about that failure and any # metadata the user might have supplied. atomic_update(mgg.database.MediaEntry, {'id': entry_id}, {u'state': u'failed', u'fail_error': six.text_type(exc.exception_path), u'fail_metadata': exc.metadata}) else: _log.warn("No idea what happened here, but it failed: %r", exc) # Looks like no, let's record it so that admin could ask us about the # reason atomic_update(mgg.database.MediaEntry, {'id': entry_id}, {u'state': u'failed', u'fail_error': u'Unhandled exception: {0}'.format( six.text_type(exc)), u'fail_metadata': {}}) def get_process_filename(entry, workbench, acceptable_files): """ Try and get the queued file if available, otherwise return the first file in the acceptable_files that we have. If no acceptable_files, raise ProcessFileNotFound """ if entry.queued_media_file: filepath = entry.queued_media_file storage = mgg.queue_store else: for keyname in acceptable_files: if entry.media_files.get(keyname): filepath = entry.media_files[keyname] storage = mgg.public_store break if not filepath: raise ProcessFileNotFound() filename = workbench.localized_file( storage, filepath, 'source') if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ProcessFileNotFound() return filename def store_public(entry, keyname, local_file, target_name=None, delete_if_exists=True): if target_name is None: target_name = os.path.basename(local_file) target_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, target_name) if keyname in entry.media_files: _log.warn("store_public: keyname %r already used for file %r, " "replacing with %r", keyname, entry.media_files[keyname], target_filepath) if delete_if_exists: mgg.public_store.delete_file(entry.media_files[keyname]) try: mgg.public_store.copy_local_to_storage(local_file, target_filepath) except Exception as e: _log.error(u'Exception happened: {0}'.format(e)) raise PublicStoreFail(keyname=keyname) # raise an error if the file failed to copy if not mgg.public_store.file_exists(target_filepath): raise PublicStoreFail(keyname=keyname) entry.media_files[keyname] = target_filepath def copy_original(entry, orig_filename, target_name, keyname=u"original"): store_public(entry, keyname, orig_filename, target_name) class BaseProcessingFail(Exception): """ Base exception that all other processing failure messages should subclass from. You shouldn't call this itself; instead you should subclass it and provide the exception_path and general_message applicable to this error. """ general_message = u'' @property def exception_path(self): return u"%s:%s" % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def __init__(self, message=None, **metadata): if message is not None: super(BaseProcessingFail, self).__init__(message) metadata['message'] = message self.metadata = metadata class BadMediaFail(BaseProcessingFail): """ Error that should be raised when an inappropriate file was given for the media type specified. """ general_message = _(u'Invalid file given for media type.') class PublicStoreFail(BaseProcessingFail): """ Error that should be raised when copying to public store fails """ general_message = _('Copying to public storage failed.') class ProcessFileNotFound(BaseProcessingFail): """ Error that should be raised when an acceptable file for processing is not found. """ general_message = _(u'An acceptable processing file was not found')