""" In some places, we need to access the database, public_store, queue_store """ import gettext import pkg_resources ############################# # General mediagoblin globals ############################# # mongokit.Connection db_connection = None # mongokit.Connection database = None # should be the same as the public_store = None queue_store = None # Dump mail to stdout instead of sending it: email_debug_mode = False # Address for sending out mails email_sender_address = None # A WorkBenchManager workbench_manager = None # gettext translations = gettext.find( 'mediagoblin', pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'mediagoblin', 'translations'), ['en']) # app and global config objects app_config = None global_config = None # The actual app object app = None def setup_globals(**kwargs): """ Sets up a bunch of globals in this module. Takes the globals to setup as keyword arguments. If globals are specified that aren't set as variables above, then throw an error. """ from mediagoblin import mg_globals for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if not hasattr(mg_globals, key): raise AssertionError("Global %s not known" % key) setattr(mg_globals, key, value)