[DEFAULT] data_basedir = %(here)s/user_dev [mediagoblin] # HTML title of the pages html_title = string(default="GNU MediaGoblin") # link to source for this MediaGoblin site source_link = string(default="https://savannah.gnu.org/git/?group=mediagoblin") # database stuff sql_engine = string(default="sqlite:///%(here)s/mediagoblin.db") # This flag is used during testing to allow use of in-memory SQLite # databases. It is not recommended to be used on a running instance. run_migrations = boolean(default=False) # Where temporary files used in processing and etc are kept workbench_path = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/media/workbench") # Where to store cryptographic sensible data crypto_path = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/crypto") # Where mediagoblin-builtin static assets are kept direct_remote_path = string(default="/mgoblin_static/") # set to false to enable sending notices email_debug_mode = boolean(default=True) # Uses SSL/TLS when connecting to SMTP server email_smtp_use_ssl = boolean(default=False) # Uses STARTTLS when connecting to SMTP server email_smtp_force_starttls = boolean(default=False) # Email address which notices are sent from email_sender_address = string(default="notice@mediagoblin.example.org") # Hostname of SMTP server email_smtp_host = string(default='') # Port for SMTP server email_smtp_port = integer(default=0) # Username used for SMTP server email_smtp_user = string(default=None) # Password used for SMTP server email_smtp_pass = string(default=None) # Set to false to disable registrations allow_registration = boolean(default=True) # tag parsing tags_max_length = integer(default=255) # Enable/disable comments allow_comments = boolean(default=True) # Whether comments are ascending or descending comments_ascending = boolean(default=True) # Enable/disable reporting allow_reporting = boolean(default=True) # Enable/disable terms of service # ... Note: you can override the terms of service template on a # per-site basis... show_tos = boolean(default=False) # By default not set, but you might want something like: # "%(data_basedir)s/templates/" local_templates = string() # Whether or not celery is set up via an environment variable or # something else (and thus mediagoblin should not attempt to set it up # itself) celery_setup_elsewhere = boolean(default=False) # Whether or not users are able to upload files of any filetype with # their media entries -- This is useful if you want to provide the # source files for a media file but can also be a HUGE security risk. allow_attachments = boolean(default=False) # Cookie stuff csrf_cookie_name = string(default='mediagoblin_csrftoken') # Set to true to prevent browsers leaking information through Referrers no_referrer = boolean(default=True) # Push stuff push_urls = string_list(default=list()) exif_visible = boolean(default=False) original_date_visible = boolean(default=False) # Theming stuff theme_install_dir = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/themes/") theme_web_path = string(default="/theme_static/") theme_linked_assets_dir = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/theme_static/") theme = string() # plugin default assets directory plugin_web_path = string(default="/plugin_static/") plugin_linked_assets_dir = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/plugin_static/") # Default user upload limit (in Mb) upload_limit = integer(default=None) # Max file size (in Mb) max_file_size = integer(default=None) # Privilege scheme user_privilege_scheme = string(default="uploader,commenter,reporter") # Frequency garbage collection will run (setting to 0 or false to disable) # Setting units are minutes. garbage_collection = integer(default=60) [jinja2] # Jinja2 supports more directives than the minimum required by mediagoblin. # This setting allows users creating custom templates to specify a list of # additional extensions they want to use. example value: # extensions = jinja2.ext.loopcontrols , jinja2.ext.with_ extensions = string_list(default=list()) [storage:publicstore] storage_class = string(default="mediagoblin.storage.filestorage:BasicFileStorage") base_dir = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/media/public") base_url = string(default="/mgoblin_media/") [storage:queuestore] storage_class = string(default="mediagoblin.storage.filestorage:BasicFileStorage") base_dir = string(default="%(data_basedir)s/media/queue") [media:medium] # Dimensions used when creating media display images. max_width = integer(default=640) max_height = integer(default=640) [media:thumb] # Dimensions used when creating media thumbnails # This is unfortunately not implemented in the media # types yet. You can help! # TODO: Make plugins follow the media size settings max_width = integer(default=180) max_height = integer(default=180) [celery] # default result stuff CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = string(default="database") CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = string(default="sqlite:///%(here)s/celery.db") # default kombu stuff BROKER_URL = string(default="amqp://") CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE = string(default="default") # known booleans CELERY_RESULT_PERSISTENT = boolean() CELERY_CREATE_MISSING_QUEUES = boolean() BROKER_USE_SSL = boolean() BROKER_CONNECTION_RETRY = boolean() CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = boolean() CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS = boolean() CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT = boolean() CELERY_TRACK_STARTED = boolean() CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS = boolean() CELERY_ACKS_LATE = boolean(default=True) CELERY_STORE_ERRORS_EVEN_IF_IGNORED = boolean() CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS = boolean() CELERY_SEND_EVENTS = boolean() CELERY_SEND_TASK_SENT_EVENT = boolean() CELERYD_LOG_COLOR = boolean() CELERY_REDIRECT_STDOUTS = boolean() # known ints CELERYD_CONCURRENCY = integer(default=1) CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER = integer(default=1) CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = integer() CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_CONNECTION_MAX = integer() REDIS_PORT = integer() REDIS_DB = integer() BROKER_PORT = integer() BROKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = integer() CELERY_BROKER_CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES = integer() CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = integer() CELERY_MAX_CACHED_RESULTS = integer() CELERY_DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT = integer() CELERYD_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD = integer() CELERYD_TASK_TIME_LIMIT = integer() CELERYD_TASK_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT = integer() MAIL_PORT = integer() CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL = integer() # known floats CELERYD_ETA_SCHEDULER_PRECISION = float() # known lists CELERY_ROUTES = string_list() CELERY_IMPORTS = string_list()