[mediagoblin] # HTML title of the pages html_title = string(default="GNU MediaGoblin") # Enabled media types media_types = string_list(default=list("mediagoblin.media_types.image")) # database stuff db_host = string() db_name = string(default="mediagoblin") db_port = integer() # Where temporary files used in processing and etc are kept workbench_path = string(default="%(here)s/user_dev/media/workbench") # Where mediagoblin-builtin static assets are kept direct_remote_path = string(default="/mgoblin_static/") # set to false to enable sending notices email_debug_mode = boolean(default=True) email_sender_address = string(default="notice@mediagoblin.example.org") email_smtp_host = string(default='') email_smtp_port = integer(default=25) email_smtp_user = string(default=None) email_smtp_pass = string(default=None) # Set to false to disable registrations allow_registration = boolean(default=True) # tag parsing tags_max_length = integer(default=50) # Whether comments are ascending or descending comments_ascending = boolean(default=True) # By default not set, but you might want something like: # "%(here)s/user_dev/templates/" local_templates = string() # Whether or not celery is set up via an environment variable or # something else (and thus mediagoblin should not attempt to set it up # itself) celery_setup_elsewhere = boolean(default=False) # Whether or not users are able to upload files of any filetype with # their media entries -- This is useful if you want to provide the # source files for a media file but can also be a HUGE security risk. allow_attachments = boolean(default=False) # Cookie stuff csrf_cookie_name = string(default='mediagoblin_csrftoken') # Push stuff push_urls = string_list(default=list()) [storage:publicstore] storage_class = string(default="mediagoblin.storage.filestorage:BasicFileStorage") base_dir = string(default="%(here)s/user_dev/media/public") base_url = string(default="/mgoblin_media/") [storage:queuestore] storage_class = string(default="mediagoblin.storage.filestorage:BasicFileStorage") base_dir = string(default="%(here)s/user_dev/media/queue") # Should we keep the original file? [media_type:mediagoblin.media_types.video] keep_original = boolean(default=False) [beaker.cache] type = string(default="file") data_dir = string(default="%(here)s/user_dev/beaker/cache/data") lock_dir = string(default="%(here)s/user_dev/beaker/cache/lock") [celery] # known booleans celery_result_persistent = boolean() celery_create_missing_queues = boolean() broker_use_ssl = boolean() broker_connection_retry = boolean() celery_always_eager = boolean() celery_eager_propagates_exceptions = boolean() celery_ignore_result = boolean() celery_track_started = boolean() celery_disable_rate_limits = boolean() celery_acks_late = boolean() celery_store_errors_even_if_ignored = boolean() celery_send_task_error_emails = boolean() celery_send_events = boolean() celery_send_task_sent_event = boolean() celeryd_log_color = boolean() celery_redirect_stdouts = boolean() # known ints celeryd_concurrency = integer() celeryd_prefetch_multiplier = integer() celery_amqp_task_result_expires = integer() celery_amqp_task_result_connection_max = integer() redis_port = integer() redis_db = integer() broker_port = integer() broker_connection_timeout = integer() celery_broker_connection_max_retries = integer() celery_task_result_expires = integer() celery_max_cached_results = integer() celery_default_rate_limit = integer() celeryd_max_tasks_per_child = integer() celeryd_task_time_limit = integer() celeryd_task_soft_time_limit = integer() mail_port = integer() celerybeat_max_loop_interval = integer() # known floats celeryd_eta_scheduler_precision = float() # known lists celery_routes = string_list() celery_imports = string_list()