# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting # Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from webob import Response, exc from mediagoblin.auth import lib as auth_lib from mediagoblin.auth import forms as auth_forms from mediagoblin.util import send_email from mediagoblin import globals as mgoblin_globals def register(request): """ Your classic registration view! """ register_form = auth_forms.RegistrationForm(request.POST) if request.method == 'POST' and register_form.validate(): # TODO: Make sure the user doesn't exist already users_with_username = \ request.db.User.find({'username': request.POST['username']}).count() if users_with_username: register_form.username.errors.append( u'Sorry, a user with that name already exists.') else: # Create the user entry = request.db.User() entry['username'] = request.POST['username'] entry['email'] = request.POST['email'] entry['pw_hash'] = auth_lib.bcrypt_gen_password_hash( request.POST['password']) entry.save(validate=True) email_template = request.template_env.get_template( 'mediagoblin/auth/verification_email.txt') # TODO: There is no error handling in place send_email( mgoblin_globals.email_sender_address, list(entry['email']), # TODO # Due to the distributed nature of GNU MediaGoblin, we should # find a way to send some additional information about the # specific GNU MediaGoblin instance in the subject line. For # example "GNU MediaGoblin @ Wandborg - [...]". 'GNU MediaGoblin - Verify email', email_template.render( username=entry['username'], verification_url='http://{host}{uri}?userid={userid}&token={verification_key}'.format( host=request.host, uri=request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.verify_email'), userid=unicode(entry['_id']), verification_key=entry['verification_key']))) # Redirect to register_success return exc.HTTPFound( location=request.urlgen("mediagoblin.auth.register_success")) # render template = request.template_env.get_template( 'mediagoblin/auth/register.html') return Response( template.render( {'request': request, 'register_form': register_form})) def register_success(request): template = request.template_env.get_template( 'mediagoblin/auth/register_success.html') return Response( template.render( {'request': request})) def login(request): """ MediaGoblin login view. If you provide the POST with 'next', it'll redirect to that view. """ login_form = auth_forms.LoginForm(request.POST) login_failed = False if request.method == 'POST' and login_form.validate(): user = request.db.User.one( {'username': request.POST['username']}) if user and user.check_login(request.POST['password']): # set up login in session request.session['user_id'] = unicode(user['_id']) request.session.save() if request.POST.get('next'): return exc.HTTPFound(location=request.POST['next']) else: return exc.HTTPFound( location=request.urlgen("index")) else: # Prevent detecting who's on this system by testing login # attempt timings auth_lib.fake_login_attempt() login_failed = True # render template = request.template_env.get_template( 'mediagoblin/auth/login.html') return Response( template.render( {'request': request, 'login_form': login_form, 'next': request.GET.get('next') or request.POST.get('next'), 'login_failed': login_failed})) def logout(request): # Maybe deleting the user_id parameter would be enough? request.session.delete() return exc.HTTPFound( location=request.urlgen("index")) def verify_email(request): """ Email verification view validates GET parameters against database and unlocks the user account, if you are lucky :) """ import bson.objectid user = request.db.User.find_one( {'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(unicode(request.GET.get('userid')))}) verification_successful = bool if user and user['verification_key'] == unicode(request.GET.get('token')): user['status'] = u'active' user['email_verified'] = True verification_successful = True user.save() else: verification_successful = False template = request.template_env.get_template( 'mediagoblin/auth/verify_email.html') return Response( template.render( {'request': request, 'user': user, 'verification_successful': verification_successful}))