import sys import urllib from webob import Request, exc import routes import pymongo from mediagoblin import routing, util class Error(Exception): pass class ImproperlyConfigured(Error): pass def load_controller(string): module_name, func_name = string.split(':', 1) __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] func = getattr(module, func_name) return func class MediagoblinApp(object): """ Really basic wsgi app using routes and WebOb. """ def __init__(self, database, user_template_path=None): self.template_env = util.get_jinja_env(user_template_path) self.db = database def __call__(self, environ, start_response): request = Request(environ) path_info = request.path_info route_match = routing.mapping.match(path_info) # No matching page? if route_match is None: # Try to do see if we have a match with a trailing slash # added and if so, redirect if not path_info.endswith('/') \ and request.method == 'GET' \ and routing.mapping.match(path_info + '/'): new_path_info = path_info + '/' if request.GET: new_path_info = '%s?%s' % ( new_path_info, urllib.urlencode(request.GET)) redirect = exc.HTTPTemporaryRedirect(location=new_path_info) return request.get_response(redirect)(environ, start_response) # Okay, no matches. 404 time! return exc.HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response) controller = load_controller(route_match['controller']) request.start_response = start_response request.matchdict = route_match = self request.template_env = self.template_env request.urlgen = routes.URLGenerator(routing.mapping, environ) return controller(request)(environ, start_response) def paste_app_factory(global_config, **kw): connection = pymongo.Connection() db = kw.get('db_name', 'mediagoblin') return MediagoblinApp( db, user_template_path=kw.get('local_templates'))