#### `Stream()` object This object is used to represent user's stream on D\*. It is basically a list of posts. ---- ##### Getting stream To get basic stream you have to have working `Connection()` as this is required by `Stream()`'s constructor. c = diaspy.connection.Connection(pod='https://pod.example.com', username='foo', password='bar') c.login() stream = diaspy.streams.Stream(c) Now you have a stream filled with posts (if any can be found on user's stream). Other streams you can use are `Activity()`, `Aspects()`, `Commented()`, `Liked()`, `Mentions()`, `FollowedTags()` and `Tag()`. Example: `stream = diaspy.streams.Activity(c)` ---- ##### `fill()`, `update()` and `more()` When you want to refresh stream call it's `fill()` method. It will overwrite old stream contents. On the contrary, `update()` will get a new stream but will not overwrite old stream saved in the object memory. It will append every new post to the old stream. `more()` complements `update()` it will fetch you older posts instead of newer ones. ---- ##### Length of and iterating over a stream Stream's length can be checked by calling `len()` on it. len(stream) 10 When you want to iterate over a stream (e.g. when you want to print first *n* posts on the stream) you can do it in two ways. First, using `len()` and `range()` functions. for i in range(len(stream)): # do stuff... Second, iterating directly over the stream contents: for post in stream: # do stuff... ---- ##### Posting data to stream This is described in [`posting`](./posting.markdown) document in this manual. ---- ##### Clearing stream ##### `clear()` This will remove all posts from visible stream. ##### `purge()` This will scan stream for nonexistent posts (eg. deleted) and remove them. ---- ###### Manual for `diaspy`, written by Marek Marecki