#### `User()` object This object is used to represent a D\* user. ---- ##### Getting user data You have to know either GUID or *diaspora_id* of a user. Assume that *12345678abcdefgh* and *otheruser@pod.example.com* point to the same user. >>> c = diaspy.connection.Connection('https://pod.example.com', 'foo', 'bar') >>> >>> user_guid = diaspy.people.User(c) >>> user_guid.fetchguid('12345678abcdefgh') >>> >>> user_handle = diaspy.people.User(c) >>> user_handle.fetchhandle('otheruser@pod.example.com') Now, you have two `User()` objects containing the data of one user. The object is subscriptable so you can do like this: >>> user_guid['diaspora_id'] 'otheruser@pod.example.com' >>> >>> user_handle['guid'] '12345678abcdefgh' User object contains following items in its `data` dict: * `id`, `str`, id of the user; * `guid`, `str`, guid of the user; * `diaspora_id`, `str`, D\* id of the user; * `diaspora_name`, `str`, name of the user; * `image_urls`, `dict`, links to avatar of the user; Also `User()` object contains a stream for this user. * `stream`, `diaspy.streams.Outer`, stream of the user (provides all methods of generic stream); ---- ###### Manual for `diaspy`, written by Marek Marecki