#!/usr/bin/python3 """ libremanage - Lightweight, free software for remote side-chanel server management Copyright (C) 2018 Alyssa Rosenzweig This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ USAGE = """ Usage: $ libremanage [server name] [command] Example: $ libremanage web2 reboot Server names are defined in the accompanying config.py. Valid commands are as follows: - shutdown, reboot, poweron: Power management - tty: Open TTY in GNU Screen - sanity, sanity-sh: SSH sanity tests, ignore Define a configuration file in ~/.libremanage.json. See the included config.json for an example. Servers correspond to managed servers; managers correspond to single-board computers connecting the servers. libremanage SSHs into the manager to access the server through the side-channel. """ import sys import json import functools import subprocess import time import os.path def open_ssh(server, command, force_tty=False): config = server["ssh"] args = ["ssh"] + (["-t"] if force_tty else []) + [config["username"] + "@" + config["host"], "-p", str(config["port"]), command] subprocess.run(args) def die_with_usage(message): print(message) print(USAGE) sys.exit(1) def get_server_handle(name): try: server = CONFIG["servers"][name] except KeyError: die_with_usage("Unknown server, please configure") # Associate manager configuration server["ssh"] = CONFIG["managers"][server["manager"]] return server def gpio_export(server, pin, mode): if mode: open_ssh(server, "echo " + str(pin) + " > /sys/class/gpio/export") open_ssh(server, "echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio" + str(pin) + "/direction") else: open_ssh(server, "echo " + str(pin) + " > /sys/class/gpio/unexport") def gpio_write(server, pin, value): open_ssh(server, "echo " + str(value) + " > /sys/class/gpio/gpio" + str(pin) + "/value") def power_button(server, pin, state): # Hold down the power to force off (via the EC), # or just flick on to turn on gpio_write(server, pin, 1) time.sleep(2 if state == POWER_OFF else 0.5) gpio_write(server, pin, 0) POWER_OFF = 0 POWER_ON = 1 POWER_REBOOT = 2 def set_server_power(state, server): conf = server["power"] # TODO: Invert # Export pin, configure, write value, unexport pin = conf["pin"] gpio_export(server, pin, True) # Act like a power button if state == POWER_OFF or state == POWER_ON: power_button(server, pin, state) elif state == POWER_REBOOT: # Requires that we already be online. power_button(server, pin, POWER_OFF) power_button(server, pin, POWER_ON) gpio_export(server, pin, False) COMMANDS = { # Power managemment "shutdown": functools.partial(set_server_power, POWER_OFF), "poweron": functools.partial(set_server_power, POWER_ON), "reboot": functools.partial(set_server_power, POWER_REBOOT), # TTY access (or keyboard if wired as such) "tty": lambda s: open_ssh(s, "screen " + s["tty"]["file"] + " " + str(s["tty"]["baud"]), force_tty=True), "tty-baud": lambda s: open_ssh(s, "stty -F "+ s["tty"]["file"] + " " + str(s["tty"]["baud"])), "tty-read": lambda s: open_ssh(s, "cat " + s["tty"]["file"], force_tty=True), "tty-write": lambda s: open_ssh(s, "stdbuf -o0 cat > " + s["tty"]["file"], force_tty=True), # SSH sanity tests "sanity": lambda s: open_ssh(s, "whoami"), "sanity-sh": lambda s: open_ssh(s, ""), } def issue_command(server_name, command): server = get_server_handle(server_name) try: callback = COMMANDS[command] except KeyError: die_with_usage("Invalid command supplied") callback(server) # Load configuration, get command, and go! try: with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.libremanage.json")) as f: CONFIG = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: die_with_usage("Configuration file missing in ~/.libremanage.json") if len(sys.argv) != 3: die_with_usage("Incorrect number of arguments") issue_command(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])