#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2019 Alex Schroeder # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . import diaspy import subprocess import argparse import shutil import cmd import sys import os _RC_PATHS = ( "~/.config/jan-pona-mute/login", "~/.jan-pona-mute.d/login" "~/.jan-pona-mute" ) _NOTE_DIRS = ( "~/.config/jan-pona-mute/notes", "~/.jan-pona-mute.d/notes" ) _PAGERS = ( os.getenv("PAGER"), "mdcat", "fold", "cat" ) _EDITORS = ( os.getenv("EDITOR"), "vi", "ed" ) shortcuts = { "q": "quit", "p": "preview", "c": "comments", "r": "reload", "n": "notifications", "e": "edit", "d": "delete", "g": "notifications reload", } def get_rcfile(): """Init file finder""" for path in _RC_PATHS: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.exists(path): return path return None def get_notes_dir(): """Notes directory finder""" dir = None for path in _NOTE_DIRS: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.isdir(path): dir = path break if dir == None: dir = os.path.expanduser(_NOTE_DIRS[0]) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) return dir def get_binary(list): for cmd in list: if cmd != None: bin = shutil.which(cmd) if bin != None: return bin def get_pager(): """Pager finder""" return get_binary(_PAGERS) def get_editor(): """Editor finder""" return get_binary(_EDITORS) class DiasporaClient(cmd.Cmd): prompt = "\x1b[38;5;255m" + "> " + "\x1b[0m" intro = "Welcome to Diaspora! Use the intro command for a quick introduction." header_format = "\x1b[1;38;5;255m" + "%s" + "\x1b[0m" username = None pod = None password = None pager = None editor = None connection = None notifications = [] home = [] numbers_refer_to = None post = None post_cache = {} # key is self.post.uid, and notification.id undo = [] # dict mapping user ids to usernames users = {} def get_username(self, guid): if guid in self.users: return self.users[guid] else: user = diaspy.people.User(connection = self.connection, guid = guid) self.users[guid] = user.handle() return self.users[guid] def do_intro(self, line): """Start here.""" print(""" Use the 'account' and 'password' commands to set up your connection, then use the 'login' command to log in. If everything works as intended, use the 'save' command to save these commands to an init file. Once you've listed things such as notifications or the home stream, enter a number to select the corresponding item. """) def do_account(self, account): """Set username and pod using the format username@pod.""" try: (self.username, self.pod) = account.split('@') print("Username and pod set: %s@%s" % (self.username, self.pod)) except ValueError: print("The account must contain an @ character, e.g. kensanata@pluspora.com.") print("Use the account comand to set the account.") def do_info(self, line): """Get some info about things. By default, it is info about yourself.""" print(self.header("Info")) print("Username: %s" % self.username) print("Password: %s" % ("None" if self.password == None else "set")) print("Pod: %s" % self.pod) print("Pager: %s" % self.pager) print("Editor: %s" % self.editor) print("Cache: %s posts" % len(self.post_cache)) def do_password(self, password): """Set the password.""" self.password = (None if self.password == "" else password) print("Password %s" % ("unset" if self.password == "" else "set")) def do_save(self, line): """Save your login information to the init file.""" if self.username == None or self.pod == None: print("Use the 'account' command to set username and pod.") elif self.password == None: print("Use the 'password' command.") else: rcfile = get_rcfile() if rcfile == None: rfile = _RC_PATHS[0] seen_account = False seen_password = False seen_login = False changed = False file = [] with open(rcfile, "r") as fp: for line in fp: words = line.strip().split() if words: if words[0] == "account": seen_account = True account = "%s@%s" % (self.username, self.pod) if len(words) > 1 and words[1] != account: line = "account %s\n" % account changed = True elif words[0] == "password": seen_password = True if len(words) > 1 and words[1] != self.password: line = "password %s\n" % self.password changed = True elif words[0] == "login": if seen_account and seen_password: seen_login = True else: # skip login if no account or no password given line = None changed = True if line != None: file.append(line) if not seen_account: file.append("account %s@%s\n" % (self.username, self.pod)) changed = True if not seen_password: file.append("password %s\n" % self.password) changed = True if not seen_login: file.append("login\n") changed = True if changed: if os.path.isfile(rcfile): os.rename(rcfile, rcfile + "~") if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(rcfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(rcfile)) with open(rcfile, "w") as fp: fp.write("".join(file)) print("Wrote %s" % rcfile) else: print("No changes made, %s left unchanged" % rcfile) def do_login(self, line): """Login.""" if line != "": self.onecmd("account %s" % line) if self.username == None or self.pod == None: print("Use the 'account' command to set username and pod.") elif self.password == None: print("Use the 'password' command.") else: self.connection = diaspy.connection.Connection( pod = "https://%s" % self.pod, username = self.username, password = self.password) try: self.connection.login() except diaspy.errors.LoginError: print("Login failed.") def do_pager(self, pager): """Set the pager, e.g. to cat""" self.pager = pager print("Pager set: %s" % self.pager) def do_editor(self, editor): """Set the editor, e.g. to ed""" self.editor = editor print("Editor set: %s" % self.editor) def header(self, line): """Wrap line in header format.""" return self.header_format % line def do_notifications(self, line): """List notifications. Use 'notifications reload' to reload them.""" if line == "" and self.notifications: print("Redisplaying the notifications in the cache.") print("Use the 'reload' argument to reload them.") elif line == "reload" or not self.notifications: if self.connection == None: print("Use the 'login' command, first.") return self.notifications = diaspy.notifications.Notifications(self.connection).last() else: print("The 'notifications' command only takes the optional argument 'reload'.") return if self.notifications: for n, notification in enumerate(self.notifications): if notification.unread: print(self.header("%2d. %s %s") % (n+1, notification.when(), notification)) else: print("%2d. %s %s" % (n+1, notification.when(), notification)) print("Enter a number to select the notification.") self.numbers_refer_to = 'notifications' else: print("There are no notifications. 😢") ### The end! def do_quit(self, *args): """Exit jan-pona-mute.""" print("Be safe!") sys.exit() def default(self, line): if line.strip() == "EOF": return self.onecmd("quit") # Expand abbreviated commands first_word = line.split()[0].strip() if first_word in shortcuts: full_cmd = shortcuts[first_word] expanded = line.replace(first_word, full_cmd, 1) return self.onecmd(expanded) # Finally, see if it's a notification and show it self.do_show(line) def do_show(self, line): """Show the post given by the index number. The index number must refer to the current list of notifications or the home stream.""" if not self.notifications and not self.home: print("Use the 'login' command to load notifications.") return if line == "": print("Please specify a number.") return try: n = int(line.strip()) if self.numbers_refer_to == 'notifications': notification = self.notifications[n-1] self.show(notification) self.load(notification.about()) elif self.numbers_refer_to == 'home': self.post = self.home[n-1] else: print("Internal error: not sure what numbers '%s' refer to." % self.numbers_refer_to) return except ValueError: print("The 'show' command takes a notification number but '%s' is not a number" % line) return except IndexError: print("Index too high!") return print() self.show(self.post) if(self.post.comments): print() if len(self.post.comments) == 1: print("There is 1 comment.") else: print("There are %d comments." % len(self.post.comments)) print("Use the 'comments' command to list the latest comments.") def load(self, id): """Load the post belonging to the id (from a notification), or get it from the cache.""" if id in self.post_cache: self.post = self.post_cache[id] print("Retrieved post from the cache.") else: print("Loading...") self.post = diaspy.models.Post(connection = self.connection, id = id) self.post_cache[id] = self.post return self.post def do_reload(self, line): """Reload the current post.""" if self.post == None: print("Use the 'show' command to show a post, first.") return print("Reloading...") self.post = diaspy.models.Post(connection = self.connection, id = self.post.id) self.post_cache[id] = self.post def show(self, item): """Show the current item.""" if self.pager: subprocess.run(self.pager, input = str(item), text = True) else: print(str(item)) def do_comments(self, line): """Show the comments for the current post. Use the 'all' argument to show them all. Use a numerical argument to show that many. The default is to load the last five.""" if self.post == None: print("Use the 'show' command to show a post, first.") return if self.post.comments == None: print("The current post has no comments.") return n = 5 comments = self.post.comments if line == "all": n = None elif line != "": try: n = int(line.strip()) except ValueError: print("The 'comments' command takes a number as its argument, or 'all'.") print("The default is to show the last 5 comments.") return if n == None: start = 0 else: # n is from the back start = max(len(comments) - n, 0) if comments: for n, comment in enumerate(comments[start:], start): print() print(self.header("%2d. %s %s") % (n+1, comment.when(), comment.author())) print() self.show(comment) else: print("There are no comments on the selected post.") def do_comment(self, line): """Leave a comment on the current post. If you just use a number as your comment, it will refer to a note. Use the 'edit' command to edit notes.""" if self.post == None: print("Use the 'show' command to show a post, first.") return try: # if the comment is just a number, use a note to post n = int(line.strip()) notes = self.get_notes() if notes: try: line = self.read_note(notes[n-1]) print("Using note #%d: %s" % (n, notes[n-1])) except IndexError: print("Use the 'list notes' command to list valid numbers.") return else: print("There are no notes to use.") return except ValueError: # in which case we'll simply comment with the line pass comment = self.post.comment(line) self.post.comments.add(comment) self.undo.append("delete comment %s from %s" % (comment.id, self.post.id)) print("Comment posted.") def do_delete(self, line): """Delete a comment.""" words = line.strip().split() if words: if words[0] == "comment": if len(words) == 4: post = self.post_cache[words[3]] post.delete_comment(words[1]) comments = [c.id for c in post.comments if c.id != id] post.comments = diaspy.models.Comments(comments) print("Comment deleted.") return if self.post == None: print("Use the 'show' command to show a post, first.") return if len(words) == 2: try: n = int(words[1]) comment = self.post.comments[n-1] id = comment.id except ValueError: print("Deleting a comment requires an integer.") return except IndexError: print("Use the 'comments' command to find valid comment numbers.") return # not catching any errors from diaspy self.post.delete_comment(id) # there is no self.post.comments.remove(id) comments = [c.id for c in self.post.comments if c.id != id] self.post.comments = diaspy.models.Comments(comments) print("Comment deleted.") return else: print("Deleting a comment requires a comment id and a post id, or a number.") print("delete comment from ") print("delete comment 5") return if words[0] == "note": if len(words) != 2: print("Deleting a note requires a number.") return try: n = int(words[1]) except ValueError: print("Deleting a note requires an integer.") return notes = self.get_notes() if notes: try: os.unlink(self.get_note_path(notes[n-1])) print("Deleted note #%d: %s" % (n, notes[n-1])) except IndexError: print("Use the 'list notes' command to list valid numbers.") else: print("There are no notes to delete.") else: print("Things to delete: comment, note.") return else: print("Delete what?") def do_undo(self, line): """Undo an action.""" if line != "": print("The 'undo' command does not take an argument.") return if not self.undo: print("There is nothing to undo.") return return self.onecmd(self.undo.pop()) def do_edit(self, line): """Edit a note with a given name.""" if line == "": print("Edit takes the name of a note as an argument.") return file = self.get_note_path(line) if self.editor: subprocess.run([self.editor, file]) self.onecmd("notes") else: print("Use the 'editor' command to set an editor.") def do_notes(self, line): """List notes""" if line != "": print("The 'notes' command does not take an argument.") return notes = self.get_notes() if notes: for n, note in enumerate(notes): print(self.header("%2d. %s") % (n+1, note)) else: print("Use 'edit' to create a note.") else: print("Things to list: notes.") def get_notes(self): """Get the list of notes.""" return os.listdir(get_notes_dir()) def get_note_path(self, filename): """Get the correct path for a note.""" return os.path.join(get_notes_dir(), filename) def read_note(self, filename): """Get text of a note.""" with open(self.get_note_path(filename), mode = 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as fp: return fp.read() def do_preview(self, line): """Preview a note using your pager. Use the 'pager' command to set your pager to something like 'mdcat'.""" if line == "": print("The 'preview' command the number of a note as an argument.") print("Use the 'notes' command to list all your notes.") return try: n = int(line.strip()) notes = self.get_notes() if notes: try: self.show(self.read_note(notes[n-1])) except IndexError: print("Use the 'list notes' command to list valid numbers.") return else: print("There are no notes to preview.") return except ValueError: print("The 'preview' command takes a number as its argument.") return def do_home(self, line): """Show the main stream containing the combined posts of the followed users and tags and the community spotlights posts if the user enabled those.""" if line == "": if self.home: print("Redisplaying the cached statuses of the home stream.") print("Use the 'reload' argument to reload them.") print("Use the 'all' argument to show them all.") print("Use a number to show only that many.") print("The default is 5.") else: print("Loading...") self.home = diaspy.streams.Stream(self.connection) self.home.fill() for post in self.home: if post.id not in self.post_cache: self.post_cache[post.id] = post elif line == "reload": if self.connection == None: print("Use the 'login' command, first.") return if self.home: print("Reloading...") self.home.update() line = "" else: self.home = diaspy.streams.Stream(self.connection) self.home.fill() n = 5 posts = self.home if line == "all": n = None elif line != "": try: n = int(line.strip()) except ValueError: print("The 'home' command takes a number as its argument, or 'reload' or 'all'.") print("The default is to show the last 5 posts.") return if n == None: start = 0 else: # n is from the back start = max(len(posts) - n, 0) if posts: for n, post in enumerate(posts[start:], start): print() print(self.header("%2d. %s %s") % (n+1, post.data()["created_at"], post.author())) print() self.show(post) print("Enter a number to select the post.") self.numbers_refer_to = 'home' else: print("The people you follow have nothing to say.") print("The tags you follow are empty. 😢") def do_shortcuts(self, line): """List all shortcuts.""" if line != "": print("The 'shortcuts' command does not take an argument.") return print(self.header("Shortcuts")) for shortcut in sorted(shortcuts): print("%s\t%s" % (shortcut, shortcuts[shortcut])) print("Use the 'shortcut' command to change or add shortcuts.") def do_shortcut(self, line): """Define a new shortcut.""" words = line.strip().split(maxsplit = 1) if len(words) == 0: return self.onecmd("shortcuts") elif len(words) == 1: shortcut = words[0] if shortcut in shortcuts: print("%s\t%s" % (shortcut, shortcuts[shortcut])) else: print("%s is not a shortcut" % shortcut) else: shortcuts[words[0]] = words[1] # Main function def main(): # Parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A command line Diaspora client.') parser.add_argument('--no-init-file', dest='init_file', action='store_const', const=False, default=True, help='Do not load a init file') args = parser.parse_args() # Instantiate client c = DiasporaClient() # Process init file seen_pager = False seen_editor = False if args.init_file: rcfile = get_rcfile() if rcfile: print("Using init file %s" % rcfile) with open(rcfile, "r") as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip() if line != "": c.cmdqueue.append(line) if not seen_pager: seen_pager = line.startswith("pager "); if not seen_editor: seen_editor = line.startswith("editor "); else: print("Use the 'save' command to save your login sequence to an init file.") if not seen_pager: # prepend c.cmdqueue.insert(0, "pager %s" % get_pager()) if not seen_editor: # prepend c.cmdqueue.insert(0, "editor %s" % get_editor()) # Endless interpret loop while True: try: c.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") if __name__ == '__main__': main()