/> \n"; } ?>

see below for details.'); ?>

hasWarnings()) { ?>

hasErrors()) { ?>

Learn more about using CiviCRM in other languages.', array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=88408149')); ?>

hasErrors()) { ?>

Database Details below for specific errors.", array(1 => '#dbDetails')); ?>

Check this box to pre-populate CiviCRM with sample English contact records, online contribution pages, profile forms, etc. These examples can help you learn about CiviCRM features.

' . ts('CiviCRM Database Details') . ''; $dbReq->showTable(ts("MySQL %1 Configuration", array(1 => 'CiviCRM'))); ?> " . ts('Drupal Database Details') . ""; $dbReq->showTable(ts("MySQL %1 Configuration", array(1 => 'Drupal'))); }?>

showTable(); ?>