$aTemplateSetAttributes) { $templateset_values[$aTemplateSetAttributes['NAME']] = $aTemplateSetAttributes['ID']; } ksort($templateset_values); $templateset_values = array_flip($templateset_values); // display template options only when there is more than one template if (count($templateset_values)>1) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'sTemplateID', 'caption' => _("Skin"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => $templateset_values, 'save' => 'save_option_template' ); } /* Load the theme option. */ $theme_values = array(); // Always provide the template default first. $theme_values['none'] = 'Template Default Theme'; // List alternate themes provided by templates first $template_themes = $oTemplate->get_alternative_stylesheets(true); asort($template_themes); foreach ($template_themes as $sheet=>$name) { $theme_values[$sheet] = 'Template Theme - '.sm_encode_html_special_chars($name); } // Next, list user-provided styles asort($user_themes); foreach ($user_themes as $style) { if ($style['PATH'] == 'none') continue; $theme_values[$style['PATH']] = 'User Theme - '.sm_encode_html_special_chars($style['NAME']); } if (count($user_themes) + count($template_themes) > 1) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'chosen_theme', 'caption' => _("Theme"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => $theme_values, 'save' => 'css_theme_save' ); } /* Icon theme selection */ if ($use_icons) { global $icon_themes, $icon_theme; $temp = array(); $value = 0; for ($count = 0; $count < sizeof($icon_themes); $count++) { $temp[$icon_themes[$count]['PATH']] = $icon_themes[$count]['NAME']; } if (sizeof($icon_themes) > 0) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'icon_theme', 'caption' => _("Icon Theme"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'posvals' => $temp, 'save' => 'icon_theme_save' ); } } $fontset_values = array(); $fontset_list = array(); if (!empty($fontsets) && is_array($fontsets)) { foreach (array_keys($fontsets) as $fontset_key) { $fontset_list[$fontset_key]=$fontset_key; } ksort($fontset_list); } if (count($fontset_list) > 1) { $fontset_list = array_merge(array('' => _("Default font style")), $fontset_list); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'chosen_fontset', 'caption' => _("Font style"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => $fontset_list ); } $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'chosen_fontsize', 'caption' => _("Font size"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => array('' => _("Default font size"), '8' => '8 px', '10' => '10 px', '12' => '12 px', '14' => '14 px') ); $language_values = array(); foreach ($languages as $lang_key => $lang_attributes) { if (isset($lang_attributes['NAME'])) { $language_values[$lang_key] = $lang_attributes['NAME']; if ( isset($show_alternative_names) && $show_alternative_names && isset($lang_attributes['ALTNAME']) ) { $language_values[$lang_key] .= " / " . $lang_attributes['ALTNAME']; } } } asort($language_values); $language_values = array_merge(array('' => _("Default")), $language_values); $language = $squirrelmail_language; // add language selection only when more than 2 languages are available // (default, English and some other) if (count($language_values)>2) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'language', 'caption' => _("Language"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => $language_values, 'htmlencoded' => true ); } /* Set values for the "use javascript" option. */ $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'javascript_setting', 'caption' => _("Use Javascript"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_JS_AUTODETECT => _("Autodetect"), SMPREF_JS_ON => _("Always"), SMPREF_JS_OFF => _("Never")), 'save' => 'save_option_javascript_autodetect', 'extra_attributes' => array('onclick' => 'document.option_form.new_js_autodetect_results.value = \'' . SMPREF_JS_ON . '\';'), ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'js_autodetect_results', 'caption' => '', 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE //'post_script' => $js_autodetect_script, ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_GENERAL][] = array( 'name' => 'hour_format', 'caption' => _("Hour Format"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_TIME_12HR => _("12-hour clock"), SMPREF_TIME_24HR => _("24-hour clock")) ); /*** Load the General Options into the array ***/ $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX] = _("Mailbox Display Options"); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX] = array(); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_num', 'caption' => _("Number of Messages per Page"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'alt_index_colors', 'caption' => _("Enable Alternating Row Colors"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'fancy_index_highlite', 'caption' => _("Enable Fancy Row Mouseover Highlighting"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_flag_buttons', 'caption' => _("Show Flag / Unflag Buttons"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_copy_buttons', 'caption' => _("Enable Message Copy Buttons"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'page_selector', 'caption' => _("Enable Page Selector"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'compact_paginator', 'caption' => _("Use Compact Page Selector"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'page_selector_max', 'caption' => _("Maximum Number of Pages to Show"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_personal_names', 'caption' => _("Show Names Instead of Email Addresses"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_full_date', 'caption' => _("Always Show Full Date"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'custom_date_format', 'caption' => _("Custom Date Format"), //FIXME: need better wording here. users should be made aware that this is for advanced use. It might be nice to provide a list of the more common date format characters. It may be helpful to know that it overrides settings such as the one above show_full_date, and only if kept empty will the other date formats apply. For non-English users, it also may be helpful to know that the format is still passed through our own date_intl() function which translates things like the day of the week, month names and abbreviations, etc. 'trailing_text' => ' ' . _("(Uses format of PHP date() function)"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY, ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'truncate_sender', 'caption' => _("Length of From/To Field (0 for full)"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'truncate_subject', 'caption' => _("Length of Subject Field (0 for full)"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); /* FIXME! disabled because the template doesn't support it (yet?) $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'show_recipient_instead', 'caption' => _("Show recipient name if the message is from your default identity"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); */ if ($allow_thread_sort == TRUE) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MAILBOX][] = array( 'name' => 'sort_by_ref', 'caption' => _("Enable Thread Sort by References Header"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL ); } /*** Load the General Options into the array ***/ $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE] = _("Message Display Options"); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE] = array(); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'wrap_at', 'caption' => _("Wrap Incoming Text At"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'show_html_default', 'caption' => _("Show HTML Version by Default"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); if ($use_iframe) { // Type is set to string in order to be able to use 100%. $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'iframe_height', 'caption' => _("Height of inline frame"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); } $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'enable_forward_as_attachment', 'caption' => _("Enable Forward as Attachment"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'show_xmailer_default', 'caption' => _("Enable Mailer Display"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'attachment_common_show_images', 'caption' => _("Display Attached Images with Message"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); if ($default_use_mdn) { $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'mdn_user_support', 'caption' => _("Enable Mail Delivery Notification"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); } $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'delete_prev_next_display', 'caption' => _("Show 'Delete & Prev/Next' Links"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_MESSAGE][] = array( 'name' => 'return_to_message_list_after_move', 'caption' => _("Return To Message List After Move"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); /*** Load the Address Book Options into the array ***/ $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK] = _("Address Book Display Options"); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK] = array(); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK][] = array( 'name' => 'abook_show_num', 'caption' => _("Number of Addresses per Page"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK][] = array( 'name' => 'abook_page_selector', 'caption' => _("Enable Page Selector"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK][] = array( 'name' => 'abook_compact_paginator', 'caption' => _("Use Compact Page Selector"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE ); $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_ABOOK][] = array( 'name' => 'abook_page_selector_max', 'caption' => _("Maximum Number of Pages to Show"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_TINY ); /* Assemble all this together and return it as our result. */ $result = array( 'grps' => $optgrps, 'vals' => $optvals ); return ($result); } /******************************************************************/ /** Define any specialized save functions for this option page. ***/ /******************************************************************/ /** * This function saves a new template setting. * It updates the template array. */ function save_option_template($option) { global $aTemplateSet; /* Do checking to make sure new template is in the available templates array. */ $templateset_in_array = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aTemplateSet); ++$i) { if ($aTemplateSet[$i]['ID'] == $option->new_value) { $templateset_in_array = true; break; } } if (!$templateset_in_array) { $option->new_value = ''; } else { // clear template cache when changing template sets // (in order to do so, we have to change the global // template set ID now... should not be a problem -- // in fact, if we don't do it now, very anomalous // problems occur) // global $sTemplateID; $sTemplateID = $option->new_value; Template::cache_template_file_hierarchy($sTemplateID, TRUE); } /** * TODO: If the template changes and we are using a template provided theme * ($user_theme), do we want to reset $user_theme? */ /* Save the option like normal. */ save_option($option); } /** * This function saves the javascript detection option. */ function save_option_javascript_autodetect($option) { save_option($option); checkForJavascript(TRUE); } /** * This function saves the user's icon theme setting */ function icon_theme_save($option) { global $icon_themes; // Don't assume the new value is there, double check // and only save if found $found = false; foreach ($icon_themes as $data) { if ($data['PATH'] == $option->new_value) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) $option->new_value = 'none'; save_option($option); } function css_theme_save ($option) { global $user_themes, $oTemplate; // Don't assume the new value is there, double check // and only save if found $found = false; foreach ($user_themes as $data) { if ($data['PATH'] == $option->new_value) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $template_themes = $oTemplate->get_alternative_stylesheets(true); foreach ($template_themes as $path => $name) { if ($path == $option->new_value) { $found = true; break; } } } if (!$found) $option->new_value = 'none'; save_option($option); }