the last line $line = "$line
"; } else { $endline = $words[$i]; while ($line_len >= $wrap) { $bigline = substr($endline, 0, $wrap); $endline = substr($endline, $wrap, strlen($endline)); $line_len = strlen($endline); $line = "$line$bigline
"; } $line = "$line$endline
"; $i++; } } return $line; } /** Returns an array of email addresses **/ function parseAddrs($text) { if (trim($text) == "") { return; } $text = str_replace(" ", "", $text); $text = str_replace(",", ";", $text); $array = explode(";", $text); return $array; } /** Returns a line of comma separated email addresses from an array **/ function getLineOfAddrs($array) { $to_line = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($to_line) $to_line = "$to_line, $array[$i]"; else $to_line = "$array[$i]"; } return $to_line; } /* SquirrelMail version number -- DO NOT CHANGE */ $version = "0.2"; ?>