", $passed); $passed = str_replace("<", "<", $passed); $words = explode(" ", trim($passed)); $i = 0; $line_len = strlen($words[$i])+1; $line = ""; while ($i < count($words)) { while ($line_len < $wrap) { $line = "$line$words[$i] "; $i++; $line_len = $line_len + strlen($words[$i])+1; } $line_len = strlen($words[$i])+1; if ($line_len < $wrap) { if ($i < count($words)) // don't
the last line $line = "$line\n"; } else { $endline = $words[$i]; while ($line_len >= $wrap) { $bigline = substr($endline, 0, $wrap); $endline = substr($endline, $wrap, strlen($endline)); $line_len = strlen($endline); $line = "$line$bigline
"; } $line = "$line$endline
"; $i++; } } $line = str_replace(">", ">", $line); $line = str_replace("<", "<", $line); return $line; } /** Returns an array of email addresses **/ function parseAddrs($text) { if (trim($text) == "") { return; } $text = str_replace(" ", "", $text); $text = str_replace(",", ";", $text); $array = explode(";", $text); return $array; } /** Returns a line of comma separated email addresses from an array **/ function getLineOfAddrs($array) { $to_line = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { if ($to_line) $to_line = "$to_line, $array[$i]"; else $to_line = "$array[$i]"; } return $to_line; } function translateText($body, $wrap_at, $charset) { include ("../functions/url_parser.php"); /** Add any parsing you want to in here */ $body = trim($body); $body_ary = explode("\n", $body); for ($i = 0; $i < count($body_ary); $i++) { $line = $body_ary[$i]; $line = "^^$line"; //$line = str_replace(">", ">", $line); //$line = str_replace("<", "<", $line); //$line = htmlspecialchars($line); if (strlen($line) >= $wrap_at) // -2 because of the ^^ at the beginning $line = wordWrap($line, $wrap_at); $line = charset_decode($charset, $line); $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line); $line = str_replace("\t", "        ", $line); $line = nl2br($line); if (strpos(trim(str_replace(" ", "", $line)), ">>") == 2) { $line = substr($line, 2, strlen($line)); $line = "$line
\n"; } else if (strpos(trim(str_replace(" ", "", $line)), ">") == 2) { $line = substr($line, 2, strlen($line)); $line = "$line
\n"; } else { $line = substr($line, 2, strlen($line)); $line = "$line
\n"; } $line = parseUrl ($line); $new_body[$i] = "$line"; } $bdy = implode("\n", $new_body); return $bdy; } /* SquirrelMail version number -- DO NOT CHANGE */ $version = "0.4pre1"; function find_mailbox_name ($mailbox) { $mailbox = trim($mailbox); if (substr($mailbox, strlen($mailbox)-1, strlen($mailbox)) == "\"") { $mailbox = substr($mailbox, 0, strlen($mailbox) - 1); $pos = strrpos ($mailbox, "\"")+1; $box = substr($mailbox, $pos); } else { $box = substr($mailbox, strrpos($mailbox, " ")+1, strlen($mailbox)); } return $box; } function replace_spaces ($string) { return str_replace(" ", " ", $string); } function replace_escaped_spaces ($string) { return str_replace(" ", " ", $string); } ?>