].*$', '', $array[$i]); } return $array; } /** * Returns a line of comma separated email addresses from an array. */ function getLineOfAddrs($array) { if (is_array($array)) { $to_line = implode(', ', $array); $to_line = ereg_replace(', (, )+', ', ', $to_line); $to_line = trim(ereg_replace('^, ', '', $to_line)); if( substr( $to_line, -1 ) == ',' ) $to_line = substr( $to_line, 0, -1 ); } else { $to_line = ''; } return( $to_line ); } function translateText(&$body, $wrap_at, $charset) { global $where, $what; /* from searching */ global $color; /* color theme */ require_once('../functions/url_parser.php'); $body_ary = explode("\n", $body); $PriorQuotes = 0; for ($i=0; $i < count($body_ary); $i++) { $line = $body_ary[$i]; if (strlen($line) - 2 >= $wrap_at) { sqWordWrap($line, $wrap_at); } $line = charset_decode($charset, $line); $line = str_replace("\t", ' ', $line); parseUrl ($line); $Quotes = 0; $pos = 0; $j = strlen( $line ); while ( $pos < $j ) { if ($line[$pos] == ' ') { $pos ++; } else if (strpos($line, '>', $pos) === $pos) { $pos += 4; $Quotes ++; } else { break; } } if ($Quotes > 1) { if (! isset($color[14])) { $color[14] = '#FF0000'; } $line = '' . $line . ''; } elseif ($Quotes) { if (! isset($color[13])) { $color[13] = '#800000'; } $line = '' . $line . ''; } $body_ary[$i] = $line; } $body = '
' . implode("\n", $body_ary) . '
'; } function find_mailbox_name ($mailbox) { if (ereg(" *\"([^\r\n\"]*)\"[ \r\n]*$", $mailbox, $regs)) return $regs[1]; ereg(" *([^ \r\n\"]*)[ \r\n]*$",$mailbox,$regs); return $regs[1]; } function php_self () { global $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']) && !empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']) ) { return $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']; } if (isset($PHP_SELF) && !empty($PHP_SELF)) { return $PHP_SELF; } else if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']) && !empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'])) { return $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; } else { return ''; } } /** * This determines the location to forward to relative to your server. * If this doesnt work correctly for you (although it should), you can * remove all this code except the last two lines, and change the header() * function to look something like this, customized to the location of * SquirrelMail on your server: * * http://www.myhost.com/squirrelmail/src/login.php */ function get_location () { global $PHP_SELF, $SERVER_NAME, $HTTP_HOST, $SERVER_PORT, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; /* Get the path, handle virtual directories */ $path = substr(php_self(), 0, strrpos(php_self(), '/')); /* Check if this is a HTTPS or regular HTTP request. */ $proto = 'http://'; /* * If you have 'SSLOptions +StdEnvVars' in your apache config * OR if you have HTTPS in your HTTP_SERVER_VARS * OR if you are on port 443 */ $getEnvVar = getenv('HTTPS'); if ((isset($getEnvVar) && !strcasecmp($getEnvVar, 'on')) || (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTPS'])) || (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT']) && $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)) { $proto = 'https://'; } /* Get the hostname from the Host header or server config. */ $host = ''; if (isset($HTTP_HOST) && !empty($HTTP_HOST)) { $host = $HTTP_HOST; } else if (isset($SERVER_NAME) && !empty($SERVER_NAME)) { $host = $SERVER_NAME; } else if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME']) && !empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'])) { $host = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME']; } $port = ''; if (! strstr($host, ':')) { if (isset($SERVER_PORT)) { if (($SERVER_PORT != 80 && $proto == 'http://') || ($SERVER_PORT != 443 && $proto == 'https://')) { $port = sprintf(':%d', $SERVER_PORT); } } } /* Fallback is to omit the server name and use a relative */ /* URI, although this is not RFC 2616 compliant. */ return ($host ? $proto . $host . $port . $path : $path); } /** * These functions are used to encrypt the passowrd before it is * stored in a cookie. */ function OneTimePadEncrypt ($string, $epad) { $pad = base64_decode($epad); $encrypted = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen ($string); $i++) { $encrypted .= chr (ord($string[$i]) ^ ord($pad[$i])); } return base64_encode($encrypted); } function OneTimePadDecrypt ($string, $epad) { $pad = base64_decode($epad); $encrypted = base64_decode ($string); $decrypted = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen ($encrypted); $i++) { $decrypted .= chr (ord($encrypted[$i]) ^ ord($pad[$i])); } return $decrypted; } /** * Randomize the mt_rand() function. Toss this in strings or integers * and it will seed the generator appropriately. With strings, it is * better to get them long. Use md5() to lengthen smaller strings. */ function sq_mt_seed($Val) { /* if mt_getrandmax() does not return a 2^n - 1 number, this might not work well. This uses $Max as a bitmask. */ $Max = mt_getrandmax(); if (! is_int($Val)) { if (function_exists('crc32')) { $Val = crc32($Val); } else { $Str = $Val; $Pos = 0; $Val = 0; $Mask = $Max / 2; $HighBit = $Max ^ $Mask; while ($Pos < strlen($Str)) { if ($Val & $HighBit) { $Val = (($Val & $Mask) << 1) + 1; } else { $Val = ($Val & $Mask) << 1; } $Val ^= $Str[$Pos]; $Pos ++; } } } if ($Val < 0) { $Val *= -1; } if ($Val = 0) { return; } mt_srand(($Val ^ mt_rand(0, $Max)) & $Max); } /** * This function initializes the random number generator fairly well. * It also only initializes it once, so you don't accidentally get * the same 'random' numbers twice in one session. */ function sq_mt_randomize() { global $REMOTE_PORT, $REMOTE_ADDR, $UNIQUE_ID; static $randomized; if ($randomized) { return; } /* Global. */ sq_mt_seed((int)((double) microtime() * 1000000)); sq_mt_seed(md5($REMOTE_PORT . $REMOTE_ADDR . getmypid())); /* getrusage */ if (function_exists('getrusage')) { /* Avoid warnings with Win32 */ $dat = @getrusage(); if (isset($dat) && is_array($dat)) { $Str = ''; foreach ($dat as $k => $v) { $Str .= $k . $v; } sq_mt_seed(md5($Str)); } } /* Apache-specific */ sq_mt_seed(md5($UNIQUE_ID)); $randomized = 1; } function OneTimePadCreate ($length=100) { sq_mt_randomize(); $pad = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $pad .= chr(mt_rand(0,255)); } return base64_encode($pad); } /** * Check if we have a required PHP-version. Return TRUE if we do, * or FALSE if we don't. * * To check for 4.0.1, use sqCheckPHPVersion(4,0,1) * To check for 4.0b3, use sqCheckPHPVersion(4,0,-3) * * Does not handle betas like 4.0.1b1 or development versions */ function sqCheckPHPVersion($major, $minor, $release) { $ver = phpversion(); eregi('^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(.*)', $ver, $regs); /* Parse the version string. */ $vmajor = strval($regs[1]); $vminor = strval($regs[2]); $vrel = $regs[3]; if($vrel[0] == '.') { $vrel = strval(substr($vrel, 1)); } if($vrel[0] == 'b' || $vrel[0] == 'B') { $vrel = - strval(substr($vrel, 1)); } if($vrel[0] == 'r' || $vrel[0] == 'R') { $vrel = - strval(substr($vrel, 2))/10; } /* Compare major version. */ if ($vmajor < $major) { return false; } if ($vmajor > $major) { return true; } /* Major is the same. Compare minor. */ if ($vminor < $minor) { return false; } if ($vminor > $minor) { return true; } /* Major and minor is the same as the required one. Compare release */ if ($vrel >= 0 && $release >= 0) { /* Neither are beta */ if($vrel < $release) return false; } else if($vrel >= 0 && $release < 0) { /* This is not beta, required is beta */ return true; } else if($vrel < 0 && $release >= 0){ /* This is beta, require not beta */ return false; } else { /* Both are beta */ if($vrel > $release) return false; } return true; } /** * Returns a string showing the size of the message/attachment. */ function show_readable_size($bytes) { $bytes /= 1024; $type = 'k'; if ($bytes / 1024 > 1) { $bytes /= 1024; $type = 'm'; } if ($bytes < 10) { $bytes *= 10; settype($bytes, 'integer'); $bytes /= 10; } else { settype($bytes, 'integer'); } return $bytes . ' ' . $type . ''; } /** * Generates a random string from the caracter set you pass in * * Flags: * 1 = add lowercase a-z to $chars * 2 = add uppercase A-Z to $chars * 4 = add numbers 0-9 to $chars */ function GenerateRandomString($size, $chars, $flags = 0) { if ($flags & 0x1) { $chars .= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; } if ($flags & 0x2) { $chars .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; } if ($flags & 0x4) { $chars .= '0123456789'; } if (($size < 1) || (strlen($chars) < 1)) { return ''; } sq_mt_randomize(); /* Initialize the random number generator */ $String = ''; $j = strlen( $chars ) - 1; while (strlen($String) < $size) { $String .= $chars{mt_rand(0, $j)}; } return $String; } function quoteIMAP($str) { return ereg_replace('(["\\])', '\\\\1', $str); } /** * Trims every element in the array */ function TrimArray(&$array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { global $$k; if (is_array($$k)) { foreach ($$k as $k2 => $v2) { $$k[$k2] = substr($v2, 1); } } else { $$k = substr($v, 1); } /* Re-assign back to array. */ $array[$k] = $$k; } } /** * Removes slashes from every element in the array */ function RemoveSlashes(&$array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { global $$k; if (is_array($$k)) { foreach ($$k as $k2 => $v2) { $newArray[stripslashes($k2)] = stripslashes($v2); } $$k = $newArray; } else { $$k = stripslashes($v); } /* Re-assign back to the array. */ $array[$k] = $$k; } } $PHP_SELF = php_self(); ?>