lookup($array[$i]); $ret = ""; if (isset($result['email'])) { if (isset($result['name'])) { $ret = '"'.$result['name'].'" '; } $ret .= '<'.$result['email'].'>'; $array[$i] = $ret; } else { if (strpos($array[$i], '@') === false) { $array[$i] .= '@' . $domain; } $array[$i] = '<' . $array[$i] . '>'; } } return $array; } /* looks up aliases in the addressbook and expands them to * the RFC 821 valid RCPT address. ie * Adds @$domain if it wasn't in the address book and if it * doesn't have an @ symbol in it */ function expandRcptAddrs ($array) { global $domain; /* don't show errors -- kinda critical that we don't see * them here since the redirect won't work if we do show them */ $abook = addressbook_init(false, true); for ($i=0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $result = $abook->lookup($array[$i]); $ret = ""; if (isset($result['email'])) { $ret = '<'.$result['email'].'>'; $array[$i] = $ret; } else { if (strpos($array[$i], '@') === false) { $array[$i] .= '@' . $domain; } $array[$i] = '<' . $array[$i] . '>'; } } return $array; } /* Attach the files that are due to be attached */ function attachFiles ($fp, $session) { global $attachments, $attachment_dir, $username; $length = 0; $rn = sqm_nrn(); $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); if (isMultipart($session)) { foreach ($attachments as $info) { if ($info['session'] == $session) { if (isset($info['type'])) { $filetype = $info['type']; } else { $filetype = 'application/octet-stream'; } $header = '--' . mimeBoundary() . "$rn"; if ( isset($info['remotefilename']) && $info['remotefilename'] != '') { $header .= "Content-Type: $filetype; name=\"" . $info['remotefilename'] . "\"$rn"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $info['remotefilename'] . "\"$rn"; } else { $header .= "Content-Type: $filetype;$rn"; } /* Use 'rb' for NT systems -- read binary * Unix doesn't care -- everything's binary! :-) */ $filename = $hashed_attachment_dir . '/' . $info['localfilename']; $file = fopen ($filename, 'rb'); if (substr($filetype, 0, 5) == 'text/' || substr($filetype, 0, 8) == 'message/' ) { $header .= "$rn"; fputs ($fp, $header); $length += strlen($header); while ($tmp = fgets($file, 4096)) { $tmp = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $tmp); $tmp = str_replace("\r", "\n", $tmp); if ($rn == "\r\n"){ $tmp = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $tmp); } /** * Check if the last line has newline ($rn) in it * and append if it doesn't. */ if (feof($fp) && !strstr($tmp, "$rn")){ $tmp .= "$rn"; } fputs($fp, $tmp); $length += strlen($tmp); } } else { $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . "$rn" . "$rn"; fputs ($fp, $header); $length += strlen($header); while ($tmp = fread($file, 570)) { $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($tmp)); $length += strlen($encoded); fputs ($fp, $encoded); } } fclose ($file); } } } return $length; } /* Delete files that are uploaded for attaching */ function deleteAttachments($session) { global $username, $attachments, $attachment_dir; $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); $rem_attachments = array(); foreach ($attachments as $info) { if ($info['session'] == $session) { $attached_file = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$info[localfilename]"; if (file_exists($attached_file)) { unlink($attached_file); } } else { $rem_attachments[] = $info; } } $attachments = $rem_attachments; } /* Return a nice MIME-boundary */ function mimeBoundary () { static $mimeBoundaryString; if ( !isset( $mimeBoundaryString ) || $mimeBoundaryString == '') { $mimeBoundaryString = '----=_' . date( 'YmdHis' ) . '_' . mt_rand( 10000, 99999 ); } return $mimeBoundaryString; } /* Time offset for correct timezone */ function timezone () { global $invert_time; $diff_second = date('Z'); if ($invert_time) { $diff_second = - $diff_second; } if ($diff_second > 0) { $sign = '+'; } else { $sign = '-'; } $diff_second = abs($diff_second); $diff_hour = floor ($diff_second / 3600); $diff_minute = floor (($diff_second-3600*$diff_hour) / 60); $zonename = '('.strftime('%Z').')'; $result = sprintf ("%s%02d%02d %s", $sign, $diff_hour, $diff_minute, $zonename); return ($result); } /* Print all the needed RFC822 headers */ function write822Header ($fp, $t, $c, $b, $subject, $more_headers, $session) { global $REMOTE_ADDR, $SERVER_NAME, $REMOTE_PORT; global $data_dir, $username, $popuser, $domain, $version, $useSendmail; global $default_charset, $HTTP_VIA, $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; global $REMOTE_HOST, $identity; /** * Get which delimiter we are going to use. */ $rn = sqm_nrn(); /* Storing the header to make sure the header is the same * everytime the header is printed. */ static $header, $headerlength; if ($header == '') { $to = expandAddrs(parseAddrs($t)); $cc = expandAddrs(parseAddrs($c)); $bcc = expandAddrs(parseAddrs($b)); if (isset($identity) && $identity != 'default') { $reply_to = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'reply_to' . $identity); $from = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name' . $identity); $from_addr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address' . $identity); } else { $reply_to = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'reply_to'); $from = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name'); $from_addr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); } if ($from_addr == '') { $from_addr = $popuser.'@'.$domain; } $to_list = getLineOfAddrs($to); $cc_list = getLineOfAddrs($cc); $bcc_list = getLineOfAddrs($bcc); /* Encoding 8-bit characters and making from line */ $subject = encodeHeader($subject); if ($from == '') { $from = "<$from_addr>"; } else { $from = '"' . encodeHeader($from) . "\" <$from_addr>"; } /* This creates an RFC 822 date */ $date = date("D, j M Y H:i:s ", mktime()) . timezone(); /* Create a message-id */ $message_id = '<' . $REMOTE_PORT . '.' . $REMOTE_ADDR . '.'; $message_id .= time() . '.squirrel@' . $SERVER_NAME .'>'; /* Make an RFC822 Received: line */ if (isset($REMOTE_HOST)) { $received_from = "$REMOTE_HOST ([$REMOTE_ADDR])"; } else { $received_from = $REMOTE_ADDR; } if (isset($HTTP_VIA) || isset ($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { if ($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR == '') { $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 'unknown'; } $received_from .= " (proxying for $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)"; } $header = "Received: from $received_from" . $rn; $header .= " (SquirrelMail authenticated user $username)" . $rn; $header .= " by $SERVER_NAME with HTTP;" . $rn; $header .= " $date" . $rn; /* Insert the rest of the header fields */ $header .= "Message-ID: $message_id" . $rn; $header .= "Date: $date" . $rn; $header .= "Subject: $subject" . $rn; $header .= "From: $from" . $rn; $header .= "To: $to_list" . $rn; // Who it's TO if (isset($more_headers["Content-Type"])) { $contentType = $more_headers["Content-Type"]; unset($more_headers["Content-Type"]); } else { if (isMultipart($session)) { $contentType = "multipart/mixed;"; } else { if ($default_charset != '') { $contentType = 'text/plain; charset='.$default_charset; } else { $contentType = 'text/plain;'; } } } /* Insert headers from the $more_headers array */ if(is_array($more_headers)) { reset($more_headers); while(list($h_name, $h_val) = each($more_headers)) { $header .= sprintf("%s: %s%s", $h_name, $h_val, $rn); } } if ($cc_list) { $header .= "Cc: $cc_list" . $rn; // Who the CCs are } if ($reply_to != '') { $header .= "Reply-To: $reply_to" . $rn; } if ($useSendmail) { if ($bcc_list) { // BCCs is removed from header by sendmail $header .= "Bcc: $bcc_list" . $rn; } } /* Identify SquirrelMail */ $header .= "X-Mailer: SquirrelMail (version $version)" . $rn; /* Do the MIME-stuff */ $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $rn; if (isMultipart($session)) { $header .= 'Content-Type: '.$contentType.' boundary="'; $header .= mimeBoundary(); $header .= "\"$rn"; } else { $header .= 'Content-Type: ' . $contentType . $rn; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $rn; } $header .= $rn; // One blank line to separate header and body $headerlength = strlen($header); } /* Write the header */ fputs ($fp, $header); return $headerlength; } /* Send the body */ function writeBody ($fp, $passedBody, $session) { global $default_charset; /** * Get delimiter. */ $rn = sqm_nrn(); $attachmentlength = 0; if (isMultipart($session)) { $body = '--'.mimeBoundary() . $rn; if ($default_charset != "") { $body .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$default_charset".$rn; } else { $body .= "Content-Type: text/plain" . $rn; } $body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $rn . $rn; $body .= $passedBody . $rn . $rn; fputs ($fp, $body); $attachmentlength = attachFiles($fp, $session); if (!isset($postbody)) { $postbody = ""; } $postbody .= $rn . "--" . mimeBoundary() . "--" . $rn . $rn; fputs ($fp, $postbody); } else { $body = $passedBody . $rn; fputs ($fp, $body); $postbody = $rn; fputs ($fp, $postbody); } return (strlen($body) + strlen($postbody) + $attachmentlength); } /* Send mail using the sendmail command */ function sendSendmail($t, $c, $b, $subject, $body, $more_headers, $session) { global $sendmail_path, $popuser, $username, $domain; /* Build envelope sender address. Make sure it doesn't contain * spaces or other "weird" chars that would allow a user to * exploit the shell/pipe it is used in. */ $envelopefrom = "$popuser@$domain"; $envelopefrom = ereg_replace("[[:blank:]]",'', $envelopefrom); $envelopefrom = ereg_replace("[[:space:]]",'', $envelopefrom); $envelopefrom = ereg_replace("[[:cntrl:]]",'', $envelopefrom); /** * open pipe to sendmail or qmail-inject * (qmail-inject doesn't accept -t param) */ if (strstr($sendmail_path, "qmail-inject")) { $fp = popen (escapeshellcmd("$sendmail_path -f$envelopefrom"), "w"); } else { $fp = popen (escapeshellcmd("$sendmail_path -t -f$envelopefrom"), "w"); } $headerlength = write822Header ($fp, $t, $c, $b, $subject, $more_headers, $session); $bodylength = writeBody($fp, $body, $session); pclose($fp); return ($headerlength + $bodylength); } function smtpReadData($smtpConnection) { $read = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); $counter = 0; while ($read) { echo $read . '
'; $data[$counter] = $read; $read = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); $counter++; } } function sendSMTP($t, $c, $b, $subject, $body, $more_headers, $session) { global $username, $popuser, $domain, $version, $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $data_dir, $color, $use_authenticated_smtp, $identity, $key, $onetimepad; $to = expandRcptAddrs(parseAddrs($t)); $cc = expandRcptAddrs(parseAddrs($c)); $bcc = expandRcptAddrs(parseAddrs($b)); if (isset($identity) && $identity != 'default') { $from_addr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address' . $identity); } else { $from_addr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); } if (!$from_addr) { $from_addr = "$popuser@$domain"; } /* POP3 BEFORE SMTP CODE HERE */ global $pop_before_smtp; if (isset($pop_before_smtp) && $pop_before_smtp === true) { if (!isset($pop_port)) { $pop_port = 110; } if (!isset($pop_server)) { $pop_server = $smtpServerAddress; /* usually the same host! */ } $popConnection = fsockopen($pop_server, $pop_port, $err_no, $err_str); if (!$popConnection) { error_log("Error connecting to POP Server ($pop_server:$pop_port)" . " $err_no : $err_str"); } else { $tmp = fgets($popConnection, 1024); /* banner */ if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) { return(0); } fputs($popConnection, "USER $username\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($popConnection, 1024); if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) { return(0); } fputs($popConnection, 'PASS ' . OneTimePadDecrypt($key, $onetimepad) . "\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($popConnection, 1024); if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) { return(0); } fputs($popConnection, "QUIT\r\n"); /* log off */ fclose($popConnection); } } $smtpConnection = fsockopen($smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $errorNumber, $errorString); if (!$smtpConnection) { echo 'Error connecting to SMTP Server.
'; echo "$errorNumber : $errorString
"; exit; } $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } $to_list = getLineOfAddrs($to); $cc_list = getLineOfAddrs($cc); /* Lets introduce ourselves */ if (! isset ($use_authenticated_smtp) || $use_authenticated_smtp == false) { fputs($smtpConnection, "HELO $domain\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) return(0); } else { fputs($smtpConnection, "EHLO $domain\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) return(0); fputs($smtpConnection, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } fputs($smtpConnection, base64_encode ($username) . "\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } fputs($smtpConnection, base64_encode (OneTimePadDecrypt($key, $onetimepad)) . "\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } } /* Ok, who is sending the message? */ fputs($smtpConnection, "MAIL FROM: <$from_addr>\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } /* send who the recipients are */ for ($i = 0; $i < count($to); $i++) { fputs($smtpConnection, "RCPT TO: $to[$i]\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($cc); $i++) { fputs($smtpConnection, "RCPT TO: $cc[$i]\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($bcc); $i++) { fputs($smtpConnection, "RCPT TO: $bcc[$i]\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } } /* Lets start sending the actual message */ fputs($smtpConnection, "DATA\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); if (errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection)!=5) { return(0); } /* Send the message */ $headerlength = write822Header ($smtpConnection, $t, $c, $b, $subject, $more_headers, $session); $bodylength = writeBody($smtpConnection, $body, $session); fputs($smtpConnection, ".\r\n"); /* end the DATA part */ $tmp = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); $num = errorCheck($tmp, $smtpConnection, true); if ($num != 250) { return(0); } fputs($smtpConnection, "QUIT\r\n"); /* log off */ fclose($smtpConnection); return ($headerlength + $bodylength); } function errorCheck($line, $smtpConnection, $verbose = false) { global $color, $compose_new_win; /* Read new lines on a multiline response */ $lines = $line; while(ereg("^[0-9]+-", $line)) { $line = fgets($smtpConnection, 1024); $lines .= $line; } /* Status: 0 = fatal * 5 = ok */ $err_num = substr($line, 0, strpos($line, " ")); switch ($err_num) { case 500: $message = 'Syntax error; command not recognized'; $status = 0; break; case 501: $message = 'Syntax error in parameters or arguments'; $status = 0; break; case 502: $message = 'Command not implemented'; $status = 0; break; case 503: $message = 'Bad sequence of commands'; $status = 0; break; case 504: $message = 'Command parameter not implemented'; $status = 0; break; case 211: $message = 'System status, or system help reply'; $status = 5; break; case 214: $message = 'Help message'; $status = 5; break; case 220: $message = 'Service ready'; $status = 5; break; case 221: $message = 'Service closing transmission channel'; $status = 5; break; case 421: $message = 'Service not available, closing chanel'; $status = 0; break; case 235: return(5); break; case 250: $message = 'Requested mail action okay, completed'; $status = 5; break; case 251: $message = 'User not local; will forward'; $status = 5; break; case 334: return(5); break; case 450: $message = 'Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable'; $status = 0; break; case 550: $message = 'Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable'; $status = 0; break; case 451: $message = 'Requested action aborted: error in processing'; $status = 0; break; case 551: $message = 'User not local; please try forwarding'; $status = 0; break; case 452: $message = 'Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage'; $status = 0; break; case 552: $message = 'Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation'; $status = 0; break; case 553: $message = 'Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed'; $status = 0; break; case 354: $message = 'Start mail input; end with .'; $status = 5; break; case 554: $message = 'Transaction failed'; $status = 0; break; default: $message = 'Unknown response: '. nl2br(htmlspecialchars($lines)); $status = 0; $error_num = '001'; break; } if ($status == 0) { include_once('../functions/page_header.php'); if ($compose_new_win == '1') { compose_Header($color, 'None'); } else { displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); } include_once('../functions/display_messages.php'); $lines = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($lines)); $msg = $message . "
\nServer replied: $lines"; plain_error_message($msg, $color); } if (! $verbose) return $status; return $err_num; } /* create new reference header per rfc2822 */ function calculate_references($refs, $inreplyto, $old_reply_to) { /** * Get the delimiter. */ $rn = sqm_nrn(); $refer = ""; for ($i=1;$i 2) { $refer .= ' ' . $inreplyto; } else { if (!empty($old_reply_to)) { $refer .= $old_reply_to . ' ' . $inreplyto; } else { $refer .= $inreplyto; } } trim($refer); $refer = str_replace(' ', "$rn ", $refer); return $refer; } function sendMessage($t, $c, $b, $subject, $body, $reply_id, $MDN, $prio = 3, $session) { global $useSendmail, $msg_id, $is_reply, $mailbox, $onetimepad, $data_dir, $username, $domain, $key, $version, $sent_folder, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $default_use_priority, $more_headers, $request_mdn, $request_dr; /** * Get the delimiter. */ $rn = sqm_nrn(); $more_headers = Array(); do_hook('smtp_send'); $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 1); if (isset($reply_id) && $reply_id) { sqimap_mailbox_select ($imap_stream, $mailbox); sqimap_messages_flag ($imap_stream, $reply_id, $reply_id, 'Answered'); /* Insert In-Reply-To and References headers if the * message-id of the message we reply to is set (longer than "<>") * The References header should really be the old Referenced header * with the message ID appended, and now it is (jmunro) */ $hdr = sqimap_get_small_header ($imap_stream, $reply_id, false); if(strlen($hdr->message_id) > 2) { $refs = get_reference_header ($imap_stream, $reply_id); $inreplyto = $hdr->message_id; $old_reply_to = $hdr->inrepto; $refer = calculate_references ($refs, $inreplyto, $old_reply_to); $more_headers['In-Reply-To'] = $inreplyto; $more_headers['References'] = $refer; } } if ($default_use_priority) { $more_headers = array_merge($more_headers, createPriorityHeaders($prio)); } $requestRecipt = 0; if (isset($request_dr)) { $requestRecipt += 1; } if (isset($request_mdn)) { $requestRecipt += 2; } if ( $requestRecipt > 0) { $more_headers = array_merge($more_headers, createReceiptHeaders($requestRecipt)); } /* In order to remove the problem of users not able to create * messages with "." on a blank line, RFC821 has made provision * in section 4.5.2 (Transparency). */ $body = ereg_replace("\n\\.", "\n..", $body); $body = ereg_replace("^\\.", "..", $body); /* this is to catch all plain \n instances and * replace them with \r\n. All newlines were converted * into just \n inside the compose.php file. * But only if delimiter is, in fact, \r\n. */ if ($rn == "\r\n"){ $body = ereg_replace("\n", "\r\n", $body); } if ($MDN) { $more_headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/report; ". "report-type=disposition-notification;"; } if ($useSendmail) { $length = sendSendmail($t, $c, $b, $subject, $body, $more_headers, $session); } else { $length = sendSMTP($t, $c, $b, $subject, $body, $more_headers, $session); } if (sqimap_mailbox_exists ($imap_stream, $sent_folder)) { sqimap_append ($imap_stream, $sent_folder, $length); write822Header ($imap_stream, $t, $c, $b, $subject, $more_headers, $session); writeBody ($imap_stream, $body, $session); sqimap_append_done ($imap_stream); } sqimap_logout($imap_stream); /* Delete the files uploaded for attaching (if any). * only if $length != 0 (if there was no error) */ if ($length) { ClearAttachments($session); } return $length; } function createPriorityHeaders($prio) { $prio_headers = Array(); $prio_headers['X-Priority'] = $prio; switch($prio) { case 1: $prio_headers['Importance'] = 'High'; $prio_headers['X-MSMail-Priority'] = 'High'; break; case 3: $prio_headers['Importance'] = 'Normal'; $prio_headers['X-MSMail-Priority'] = 'Normal'; break; case 5: $prio_headers['Importance'] = 'Low'; $prio_headers['X-MSMail-Priority'] = 'Low'; break; } return $prio_headers; } function createReceiptHeaders($receipt) { GLOBAL $data_dir, $username; $receipt_headers = Array(); $from_addr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); $from = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name'); if ($from == '') { $from = "<$from_addr>"; } else { $from = '"' . encodeHeader($from) . "\" <$from_addr>"; } /* On Delivery */ if ( $receipt == 1 || $receipt == 3 ) { $receipt_headers["Return-Receipt-To"] = $from; } /* On Read */ if ($receipt == 2 || $receipt == 3 ) { /* Pegasus Mail */ $receipt_headers["X-Confirm-Reading-To"] = $from; /* RFC 2298 */ $receipt_headers["Disposition-Notification-To"] = $from; } return $receipt_headers; } ?>