0) { $key = substr($pref, 0, $equalsAt); $value = substr($pref, $equalsAt + 1); if (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'highlight') { $key = 'highlight' . $highlight_num; $highlight_num ++; } if ($value != '') { $prefs_cache[$key] = $value; } } } fclose($file); session_unregister('prefs_cache'); session_register('prefs_cache'); $prefs_are_cached = true; session_unregister('prefs_are_cached'); session_register('prefs_are_cached'); } /** * Return the value for the prefernce given by $string. */ function getPref($data_dir, $username, $string, $default = '') { global $prefs_cache; $result = ''; cachePrefValues($data_dir, $username); if (isset($prefs_cache[$string])) { $result = $prefs_cache[$string]; } else { $result = $default; } return ($result); } /** * Save the preferences for this user. */ function savePrefValues($data_dir, $username) { global $prefs_cache; $file = fopen($data_dir . $username . '.pref', 'w'); foreach ($prefs_cache as $Key => $Value) { if (isset($Value)) { fwrite($file, $Key . '=' . $Value . "\n"); } } fclose($file); } /** * Remove a preference for the current user. */ function removePref($data_dir, $username, $string) { global $prefs_cache; cachePrefValues($data_dir, $username); if (isset($prefs_cache[$string])) { unset($prefs_cache[$string]); } savePrefValues($data_dir, $username); } /** * Set a there preference $string to $value. */ function setPref($data_dir, $username, $string, $value) { global $prefs_cache; cachePrefValues($data_dir, $username); if (isset($prefs_cache[$string]) && ($prefs_cache[$string] == $value)) { return; } if ($value === '') { removePref($data_dir, $username, $string); return; } $prefs_cache[$string] = $value; savePrefValues($data_dir, $username); } /** * Check for a preferences file. If one can not be found, create it. */ function checkForPrefs($data_dir, $username) { $filename = $data_dir . $username . '.pref'; if (!file_exists($filename) ) { if (!copy($data_dir . 'default_pref', $filename)) { echo _("Error opening ") . $filename; exit; } } } /** * Write the User Signature. */ function setSig($data_dir, $username, $value) { $file = fopen($data_dir . $username . '.sig', 'w'); fwrite($file, $value); fclose($file); } /** * Get the signature. */ function getSig($data_dir, $username) { $filename = $data_dir . $username . '.sig'; $sig = ''; if (file_exists($filename)) { $file = fopen($filename, 'r'); while (!feof($file)) { $sig .= fgets($file, 1024); } fclose($file); } return $sig; } ?>