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"\n\n\n\n"; if ( !isset( $custom_css ) || $custom_css == 'none' ) { if ($theme_css != '') { echo ""; } } else { echo ''; } // if ($do_hook) { // do_hook("generic_header"); // } echo "\n$title$xtra\n\n"; } function initPage () { $page = new html(); $page->addChild('',''); $page->addChild('HTML'); return $page; } function initHead ($title = 'SquirrelMail', $session=false) { global $use_css, $compose_new_win, $compose_width, $compose_height, $base_uri; if ($session != false) { $compose_uri = 'src/compose.php?mailbox='. urlencode($mailbox).'&attachedmessages=true&session='."$session"; } else { $compose_uri = 'src/compose.php?newmessage=1'; $session = 0; } $head = new html('head'); $head->addChild('title', $title); // if ($use_css) { // $head->addChild('link','','','','', // array('REL' => 'stylesheet', 'TYPE' => 'text/css', // 'HREF' => $base_uri .'/css/read_body.css')); // } if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js = "function comp_in_new(comp_uri) {\n". " if (comp_uri =='') {\n". ' comp_uri = "'.$base_uri.$compose_uri."\";\n". ' }'. "\n". ' var newwin = window.open(comp_uri' . ', "_blank",'. '"width='.$compose_width. ',height='.$compose_height. '",scrollbars="yes",resizable="yes");'."\n". "}\n\n"; $head->scriptAdd($js); $js = 'function sendMDN() {'."\n". "mdnuri=window.location+'&sendreceipt=1';". "var newwin = window.open(mdnuri,'right');". "\n}\n\n"; $head->scriptAdd($js); } return $head; } function initBody($color, $javascript='') { global $use_css; if (!$use_css) { $body = new html('body','','','','', array('bgcolor' => $color[4], 'text' => $color[8], 'link' => $color[7], 'vlink' => $color[7], 'alink' => $color[7]), $javascript); } else { $body = new html('body','','','','','',$javascript); } return $body; } function getTop($color, $mailbox) { global $use_css, $languages, $squirrelmail_language, $frame_top, $delimiter, $base_uri; if ( isset( $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']) ) { $dir = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']; } else { $dir = 'ltr'; } if ( $dir == 'ltr' ) { $rgt = 'right'; $lft = 'left'; } else { $rgt = 'left'; $lft = 'right'; } if (!$use_css) { $tbl_ar = array('bgcolor' => $color[4], 'border' => 0, 'width' => '100%', 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2); $row_ar = array('bgcolor' => $color[9]); $col_ar = array('align' => $lft); } else { $tbl_ar = array('border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2); $row_ar = ''; $col_ar = array('align' => $lft); } $shortBoxName = imap_utf7_decode_local( readShortMailboxName($mailbox, $delimiter)); if ( $shortBoxName == 'INBOX' ) { $shortBoxName = _("INBOX"); } $top = new html('table','','','tp','tp',$tbl_ar); $row = new html('tr','','','tp_r','tp_r',$row_ar); if ( $shortBoxName <> '' && strtolower( $shortBoxName ) <> 'none' ) { $row->addChild('td',_("Current Folder") .':','','tp_c','tp_mbx_k', array('align' => $lft)); $row->addChild('td',$shortBoxName .' ',array('b'=>true),'tp_c', 'tp_mbx_v',array('align' => $lft)); } $col = new html('td','','','tp_c','tp_so',array('align' => $rgt)); if ($frame_top) { $lnk_ar = array('href' => $base_uri.'src/signout.php', 'target' => $frame_top); } else { $lnk_ar = array('href' => $base_uri.'src/signout.php'); } $col->addChild('a', _("Sign Out"),array('b'=>true),'','',$lnk_ar); $row->htmlAdd($col); $top->htmlAdd($row); return $top; } function getMenu($color,$mailbox) { global $use_css, $languages, $squirrelmail_language, $frame_top, $base_uri, $compose_new_win,$hide_sm_attributions; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); if ( isset( $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']) ) { $dir = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']; } else { $dir = 'ltr'; } if ( $dir == 'ltr' ) { $rgt = 'right'; $lft = 'left'; } else { $rgt = 'left'; $lft = 'right'; } if (!$use_css) { $tbl_ar = array('bgcolor' => $color[4], 'border' => 0, 'width' => '100%', 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2); $row_ar = array('bgcolor' => $color[4]); $col_ar = array('align' => $lft); } else { $tbl_ar = array('border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2); $row_ar = ''; $col_ar = array('align' => $lft); } $menu = new html('table','','','mn','mn',$tbl_ar); $row = new html('tr','','','mn','mn_r',$row_ar); $col = new html('td','','','mn','mn_c',$col_ar); $delimiter = new html('','  '); if ($compose_new_win == '1') { $col->addChild('a',_("Compose"),'','mn_c','mn_co', array('href' => 'javascript:void(0)'), array('onclick'=> 'comp_in_new()')); } else { $col->addChild('a',_("Compose"),'','mn_c','mn_co', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/compose.php?mailbox='.$urlMailbox, 'target' => 'right')); } $col->htmlAdd($delimiter); $col->addChild('a',_("Addresses"),'','mn_c','mn_ad', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/addressbook.php', 'target' => 'right')); $col->htmlAdd($delimiter); $col->addChild('a',_("Folders"),'','mn_c','mn_fo', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/folders.php', 'target' => 'right')); $col->htmlAdd($delimiter); $col->addChild('a',_("Options"),'','mn_c','mn_op', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/options.php', 'target' => 'right')); $col->htmlAdd($delimiter); $col->addChild('a',_("Search"),'','mn_c','mn_se', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/search.php?mailbox='.$urlMailbox, 'target' => 'right')); $col->htmlAdd($delimiter); $col->addChild('a',_("Help"),'','mn_c','mn_he', array('href' => $base_uri.'src/help.php', 'target' => 'right')); do_hook("menuline"); $row->htmlAdd($col); if (!$hide_sm_attributions) { $col = new html('td','','','mn','mn_sm',array('align'=>$rgt)); $col->addChild('a','SquirrelMail','','','', array('href'=>'http://www.squirrelmail.org','target'=>'_blank')); $row->htmlAdd($col); } $menu->htmlAdd($row); return $menu; } function displayInternalLink($path, $text, $target='') { global $base_uri; if ($target != '') { $target = " target=\"$target\""; } echo ''.$text.''; } function displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox, $xtra='', $session=false) { global $delimiter, $hide_sm_attributions, $base_uri, $PHP_SELF, $frame_top, $compose_new_win, $username, $datadir, $compose_width, $compose_height, $attachemessages, $session; $module = substr( $PHP_SELF, ( strlen( $PHP_SELF ) - strlen( $base_uri ) ) * -1 ); if ($qmark = strpos($module, '?')) { $module = substr($module, 0, $qmark); } if (!isset($frame_top)) { $frame_top = '_top'; } /* Locate the first displayable form element */ if ($session != false) { $compose_uri = 'src/compose.php?mailbox='. urlencode($mailbox).'&attachedmessages=true&session='."$session"; } else { $compose_uri = 'src/compose.php?newmessage=1'; $session = 0; } switch ( $module ) { case 'src/read_body.php': if ($compose_new_win == '1') { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}$/", $compose_width)) { $compose_width = '640'; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3,4}$/", $compose_height)) { $compose_height = '550'; } $js = "\n".'\n"; displayHtmlHeader ('Squirrelmail', $js); } displayHtmlHeader(); $onload = $xtra; break; case 'src/compose.php': $js = '\n"; $onload = "onLoad=\"checkForm();\""; displayHtmlHeader ('Squirrelmail', $js); break; default: $js = '\n"; $onload = "onLoad=\"checkForm();\""; displayHtmlHeader ('Squirrelmail', $js); break; } echo "\n\n"; /** Here is the header and wrapping table **/ $shortBoxName = imap_utf7_decode_local( readShortMailboxName($mailbox, $delimiter)); if ( $shortBoxName == 'INBOX' ) { $shortBoxName = _("INBOX"); } echo "\n" . html_tag( 'table', '', '', $color[4], 'border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"' ) ."\n" . html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $color[9] ) ."\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) ."\n"; if ( $shortBoxName <> '' && strtolower( $shortBoxName ) <> 'none' ) { echo ' ' . _("Current Folder") . ": $shortBoxName \n"; } else { echo ' '; } echo " \n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right' ) ."\n"; displayInternalLink ('src/signout.php', _("Sign Out"), $frame_top); echo "\n" . " \n" . html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $color[4] ) ."\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) ."\n"; $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); if ($compose_new_win == '1') { echo "". _("Compose"). ''; } else { displayInternalLink ("src/compose.php?mailbox=$urlMailbox", _("Compose"), 'right'); } echo "  \n"; displayInternalLink ("src/addressbook.php", _("Addresses"), 'right'); echo "  \n"; displayInternalLink ("src/folders.php", _("Folders"), 'right'); echo "  \n"; displayInternalLink ("src/options.php", _("Options"), 'right'); echo "  \n"; displayInternalLink ("src/search.php?mailbox=$urlMailbox", _("Search"), 'right'); echo "  \n"; displayInternalLink ("src/help.php", _("Help"), 'right'); echo "  \n"; do_hook("menuline"); echo " \n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right' ) ."\n"; echo ($hide_sm_attributions ? ' ' : 'SquirrelMail'); echo "\n". " \n". "\n\n"; } /* blatently copied/truncated/modified from the above function */ function compose_Header($color, $mailbox) { global $delimiter, $hide_sm_attributions, $base_uri, $PHP_SELF, $frame_top, $compose_new_win; $module = substr( $PHP_SELF, ( strlen( $PHP_SELF ) - strlen( $base_uri ) ) * -1 ); if (!isset($frame_top)) { $frame_top = '_top'; } /* Locate the first displayable form element */ switch ( $module ) { case 'src/search.php': $pos = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'search_pos', 0 ) - 1; $onload = "onLoad=\"document.forms[$pos].elements[2].focus();\""; displayHtmlHeader (_("Compose")); break; default: $js = '\n"; $onload = "onLoad=\"checkForm();\""; displayHtmlHeader (_("Compose"), $js); break; } echo "\n\n"; } ?>