name = $name; $this->caption = $caption; $this->type = $type; $this->refresh_level = $refresh_level; $this->possible_values = $possible_values; $this->size = SMOPT_SIZE_MEDIUM; $this->comment = ''; /* Check for a current value. */ if (isset($GLOBALS[$name])) { $this->value = $GLOBALS[$name]; } else { $this->value = ''; } /* Check for a new value. */ if (isset($GLOBALS["new_$name"])) { $this->new_value = $GLOBALS["new_$name"]; $this->changed = ($this->value !== $this->new_value); } else { $this->new_value = ''; $this->changed = false; } } /* Set the size for this option. */ function setSize($size) { $this->size = $size; } /* Set the comment for this option. */ function setComment($comment) { $this->comment = $comment; } function createHTMLWidget() { switch ($this->type) { case SMOPT_TYPE_STRING: $result = $this->createWidget_String(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST: $result = $this->createWidget_StrList(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_TEXTAREA: $result = $this->createWidget_TextArea(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_INTEGER: $result = $this->createWidget_Integer(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_FLOAT: $result = $this->createWidget_Float(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: $result = $this->createWidget_Boolean(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN: $result = $this->createWidget_Hidden(); break; case SMOPT_TYPE_COMMENT: $result = $this->createWidget_Comment(); break; default: $result = '' . sprintf(_("Option Type '%s' Not Found"), $this->type) . ''; } /* Now, return the created widget. */ return ($result); } function createWidget_String() { switch ($this->size) { case SMOPT_SIZE_TINY: $width = 5; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_SMALL: $width = 12; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_LARGE: $width = 38; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_HUGE: $width = 50; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_NORMAL: default: $width = 25; } $result = "name\" VALUE=\"$this->value\" SIZE=\"$width\">"; return ($result); } function createWidget_StrList() { /* Begin the select tag. */ $result = "'; return ($result); } function createWidget_TextArea() { switch ($this->size) { case SMOPT_SIZE_TINY: $rows = 3; $cols = 10; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_SMALL: $rows = 4; $cols = 30; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_LARGE: $rows = 10; $cols = 60; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_HUGE: $rows = 20; $cols = 80; break; case SMOPT_SIZE_NORMAL: default: $rows = 5; $cols = 50; } $result = ""; return ($result); } function createWidget_Integer() { return ($this->createWidget_String()); } function createWidget_Float() { return ($this->createWidget_String()); } function createWidget_Boolean() { /* Do the whole current value thing. */ if ($this->value != SMPREF_NO) { $yes_chk = ' CHECKED'; $no_chk = ''; } else { $yes_chk = ''; $no_chk = ' CHECKED'; } /* Build the yes choice. */ $yes_option = ' " . _("Yes"); /* Build the no choice. */ $no_option = ' " . _("No"); /* Build and return the combined "boolean widget". */ $result = "$yes_option    $no_option"; return ($result); } function createWidget_Hidden() { $result = ''; return ($result); } function createWidget_Comment() { $result = $this->comment; return ($result); } function hasChanged() { return ($this->changed); } } function createOptionGroups($optgrps, $optvals) { /* Build a simple array with which to start. */ $result = array(); /* Create option group for each option group name. */ foreach ($optgrps as $grpkey => $grpname) { $result[$grpkey] = array(); $result[$grpkey]['name'] = $grpname; $result[$grpkey]['options'] = array(); } /* Create a new SquirrelOption for each set of option values. */ foreach ($optvals as $grpkey => $grpopts) { foreach ($grpopts as $optset) { if (isset($optset['posvals'])) { /* Create a new option with all values given. */ $next_option = new SquirrelOption( $optset['name'], $optset['caption'], $optset['type'], $optset['refresh'], $optset['posvals'] ); } else { /* Create a new option with all but possible values given. */ $next_option = new SquirrelOption( $optset['name'], $optset['caption'], $optset['type'], $optset['refresh'] ); } /* If provided, set the size for this option. */ if (isset($optset['size'])) { $next_option->setSize($optset['size']); } /* If provided, set the comment for this option. */ if (isset($optset['comment'])) { $next_option->setComment($optset['comment']); } /* Add this option to the option array. */ $result[$grpkey]['options'][] = $next_option; } } /* Return our resulting array. */ return ($result); } function printOptionGroups($option_groups) { foreach ($option_groups as $next_optgrp) { echo '' . $next_optgrp['name'] . "\n"; foreach ($next_optgrp['options'] as $option) { if ($option->type != SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN) { echo "\n"; echo ' ' . $option->caption . ":\n"; echo ' ' . $option->createHTMLWidget() . "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo $option->createHTMLWidget(); } } echo " \n"; } } function OptionSelect( $title, $name, $data, $default, $show = '', $store = '' ) { echo "$title: " . "\n"; } function OptionRadio( $title, $name, $data, $default, $show = '', $store = '', $sep = '   ' ) { echo "$title: "; foreach( $data as $key => $opt ) { if ( $store == '' ) { $vl = $key; } else{ $vl = $opt[$store]; } if ( $show == '' ) { $nm = $opt; } else{ $nm = $opt[$show]; } if ( $nm <> '') { echo "$nm $sep\n"; } } echo "\n"; } function OptionText( $title, $name, $value, $size ) { echo "$title: " . "" . "\n"; } function OptionHidden( $name, $value ) { echo "\n"; } function OptionCheck( $title, $name, $value, $comment ) { if ( $value ) $chk = 'checked'; echo "$title: " . " $comment" . "\n"; } function OptionTitle( $title ) { echo "$title\n"; } function OptionSubmit( $name ) { echo ' ' . ''; } ?>