'US-ASCII', 'user' => false, /* no pref storage if false */ 'setindex' => 0, // 'search' => 'ALL', 'max_cache_size' => SQM_MAX_MBX_IN_CACHE ); $aConfig = array_merge($aDefaultConfigProps,$aConfig); $iSetIndx = $aConfig['setindex']; $aMbxResponse = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); if ($mailbox_cache) { if (isset($mailbox_cache[$account.'_'.$mailbox])) { $aCachedMailbox = $mailbox_cache[$account.'_'.$mailbox]; } else { $aCachedMailbox = false; } /* cleanup cache */ if (count($mailbox_cache) > $aConfig['max_cache_size'] -1) { $aTime = array(); foreach($mailbox_cache as $cachedmailbox => $aVal) { $aTime[$aVal['TIMESTAMP']] = $cachedmailbox; } if (ksort($aTime,SORT_NUMERIC)) { for ($i=0,$iCnt=count($mailbox_cache);$i<($iCnt-$aConfig['max_cache_size']);++$i) { $sOldestMbx = array_shift($aTime); /** * Remove only the UIDSET and MSG_HEADERS from cache because those can * contain large amounts of data. */ if (isset($mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['UIDSET'])) { $mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['UIDSET']= false; } if (isset($mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; } } } } } else { $aCachedMailbox = false; } /** * Deal with imap servers that do not return the required UIDNEXT or * UIDVALIDITY response * from a SELECT call (since rfc 3501 it's required). */ if (!isset($aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT']) || !isset($aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY'])) { $aStatus = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection,$mailbox, array('UIDNEXT','UIDVALIDITY')); $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT'] = $aStatus['UIDNEXT']; $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDTY'] = $aStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; } $aMailbox['ACCOUNT'] = $account; $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = false; $aMailbox['ID'] = false; $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] = $iSetIndx; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; if ($aCachedMailbox) { /** * Validate integrity of cached data */ if ($aCachedMailbox['EXISTS'] == $aMbxResponse['EXISTS'] && $aMbxResponse['EXISTS'] && $aCachedMailbox['UIDVALIDITY'] == $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY'] && $aCachedMailbox['UIDNEXT'] == $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT'] && isset($aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) && (!isset($aConfig['search']) || /* always set search from the searchpage */ $aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] == $aConfig['search'])) { if (isset($aCachedMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = $aCachedMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']; } $aMailbox['ID'] = $aCachedMailbox['ID']; if (isset($aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && $aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) { if (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]) && $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT] != $aCachedMailbox['SORT'] ) { $newsort = $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]; $oldsort = $aCachedMailbox['SORT']; /** * If it concerns a reverse sort we do not need to invalidate * the cached sorted UIDSET, a reverse is sufficient. */ if ((($newsort % 2) && ($newsort + 1 == $oldsort)) || (!($newsort % 2) && ($newsort - 1 == $oldsort))) { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = array_reverse($aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]); } else { $server_sort_array = false; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; $aMailbox['ID'] = false; } // store the new sort value in the mailbox pref if ($aConfig['user']) { // FIXME, in ideal situation, we write back the // prefs at the end of the script setUserPref($aConfig['user'],'pref_'.$account.'_'.$mailbox,serialize($aProps)); } } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } } } } /** * Restore the offset in the paginator if no new offset is provided. */ if (isset($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && !isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aCachedMailbox['OFFSET']) { $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = $aCachedMailbox['OFFSET']; $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = $aCachedMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; } else { $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = (isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aConfig['offset']) ? $aConfig['offset'] -1 : 0; $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = (isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aConfig['offset']) ? $aConfig['offset'] : 1; } /** * Restore the number of messages in the result set */ if (isset($aCachedMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx]) && $aCachedMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx]) { $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx]; } /** * Restore the showall value no new showall value is provided. */ if (isset($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && !isset($aConfig['showall']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) && $aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) { $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['showall']) && $aConfig['showall']) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Restore the sort order if no new sort order is provided. */ if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SORT'])) { $aMailbox['SORT'] = $aCachedMailbox['SORT']; } else { $aMailbox['SORT'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT] : 0; } /** * Restore the number of message to show per page when no new limit is provided */ if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['LIMIT'])) { $aMailbox['LIMIT'] = $aCachedMailbox['LIMIT']; } else { $aMailbox['LIMIT'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT] : 15; } /** * Restore the ordered columns to show when no new ordered columns are provided */ if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_COLUMNS]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['COLUMNS'])) { $aMailbox['COLUMNS'] = $aCachedMailbox['COLUMNS']; } else { $aMailbox['COLUMNS'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_COLUMNS])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_COLUMNS] : array(SQM_COL_FLAGS,SQM_COL_FROM, SQM_COL_SUBJ, SQM_COL_FLAGS); } /** * Restore the headers we fetch the last time. Saves intitialisation stuff in read_body. */ $aMailbox['FETCHHEADERS'] = (isset($aCachedMailbox['FETCHHEADERS'])) ? $aCachedMailbox['FETCHHEADERS'] : null; if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'])) { $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] = $aCachedMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE']; } else { $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE] : false; } if (!isset($aConfig['search']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx])) { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]; } else if (isset($aConfig['search']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) && $aConfig['search'] != $aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) { // reset the pageindex $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = $aConfig['search']; $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = 0; $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = 1; } else { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['search'])) ? $aConfig['search'] : 'ALL'; } if (!isset($aConfig['charset']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx])) { $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['charset'])) ? $aConfig['charset'] : 'US-ASCII'; } $aMailbox['NAME'] = $mailbox; $aMailbox['EXISTS'] = $aMbxResponse['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['SEEN'] = (isset($aMbxResponse['SEEN'])) ? $aMbxResponse['SEEN'] : $aMbxResponse['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['RECENT'] = (isset($aMbxResponse['RECENT'])) ? $aMbxResponse['RECENT'] : 0; $aMailbox['UIDVALIDITY'] = $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY']; $aMailbox['UIDNEXT'] = $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT']; $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'] = $aMbxResponse['PERMANENTFLAGS']; $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] = $aMbxResponse['RIGHTS']; /* decide if we are thread sorting or not */ if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { if (!sqimap_capability($imapConnection,'THREAD')) { $aMailbox['SORT'] ^= SQSORT_THREAD; } else { $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'] = $aCachedMailbox['THREAD_INDENT']; } } else { $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'] = false; } /* set a timestamp for cachecontrol */ $aMailbox['TIMESTAMP'] = time(); return $aMailbox; } /** * Fetch the message headers for a mailbox. Settings are part of the aMailbox * array. Dependent of the mailbox settings it deals with sort, thread and search * If server sort is supported then SORT is also used for retrieving sorted search results * * @param resource $imapConnection imap socket handle * @param array $aMailbox (reference) mailbox retrieved from sqm_api_mailbox_select * @return error $error error number * @since 1.5.1 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, &$aMailbox) { /* FIX ME, this function is kind of big, maybe we can split it up in a couple of functions. Make sure the functions are private and starts with _ Also make sure that the error codes are propagated */ /** * Retrieve the UIDSET. * Setindex is used to be able to store multiple uid sets. That will make it * possible to display the mailbox multiple times in different sort order * or to store serach results separate from normal mailbox view. */ $iSetIndx = (isset($aMailbox['SETINDEX'])) ? $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] : 0; $iLimit = ($aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) ? $aMailbox['EXISTS'] : $aMailbox['LIMIT']; /** * Adjust the start_msg */ $start_msg = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; if($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['EXISTS']) { $start_msg -= $aMailbox['LIMIT']; if($start_msg < 1) { $start_msg = 1; } } if (is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'])) { $aUid =& $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aUid = false; } $aFetchHeaders = $aMailbox['FETCHHEADERS']; $iError = 0; $aFetchItems = $aHeaderItems = array(); // initialize the fields we want to retrieve: $aHeaderFields = array(); foreach ($aFetchHeaders as $v) { switch ($v) { case SQM_COL_DATE: $aHeaderFields[] = 'Date'; break; case SQM_COL_TO: $aHeaderFields[] = 'To'; break; case SQM_COL_CC: $aHeaderFields[] = 'Cc'; break; case SQM_COL_FROM: $aHeaderFields[] = 'From'; break; case SQM_COL_SUBJ: $aHeaderFields[] = 'Subject'; break; case SQM_COL_PRIO: $aHeaderFields[] = 'X-Priority'; break; case SQM_COL_ATTACHMENT: $aHeaderFields[] = 'Content-Type'; break; case SQM_COL_INT_DATE: $aFetchItems[] = 'INTERNALDATE'; break; case SQM_COL_FLAGS: $aFetchItems[] = 'FLAGS'; break; case SQM_COL_SIZE: $aFetchItems[] = 'RFC822.SIZE'; break; default: break; } } /** * A uidset with sorted uid's is available. We can use the cache */ if (isset($aUid) && $aUid ) { // limit the cache to SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE if (!$aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] && isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $iMaxMsgs = $iLimit * SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE; $iCacheSize = count($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']); if ($iCacheSize > $iMaxMsgs) { $iReduce = $iCacheSize - $iMaxMsgs; foreach ($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] as $iUid => $value) { if ($iReduce) { unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); } else { break; } --$iReduce; } } } $id_slice = array_slice($aUid,$start_msg-1,$iLimit); /* do some funky cache checks */ if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']) && is_array($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { // temp code, read_body del / next links fo not update fields. foreach ($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] as $iUid => $aValue) { if (!isset($aValue['UID'])) { unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); } } $aUidCached = array_keys($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']); } else { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = array(); $aUidCached = array(); } $aUidNotCached = array_values(array_diff($id_slice,$aUidCached)); /** * $aUidNotCached contains an array with UID's which need to be fetched to * complete the needed message headers. */ if (count($aUidNotCached)) { $aMsgs = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$aUidNotCached, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); // append the msgs to the existend headers $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] += $aMsgs; } } else { /** * Initialize the sorted UID list or initiate a UID list with search * results and fetch the visible message headers */ if ($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] != 'ALL') { // in case of a search request if ($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] && $aMailbox['SORT'] == 0) { $aUid = sqimap_run_search($imapConnection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx], $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]); } else { $iError = 0; $iError = _get_sorted_msgs_list($imapConnection,$aMailbox,$iError); $aUid = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } if (!$iError) { /** * Number of messages is the resultset */ $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx] = count($aUid); $id_slice = array_slice($aUid,$aMailbox['OFFSET'], $iLimit); if (count($id_slice)) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$id_slice, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); } else { $iError = 1; // FIX ME, define an error code } } } else { // $iError = 0; $iError = _get_sorted_msgs_list($imapConnection,$aMailbox,$iError); $aUid = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; if (!$iError) { /** * Number of messages is the resultset */ $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx] = count($aUid); $id_slice = array_slice($aUid,$aMailbox['OFFSET'], $iLimit); if (count($id_slice)) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$id_slice, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); } else { $iError = 1; // FIX ME, define an error code } } } } return $iError; } /** * Prepares the message headers for display inside a template. The links are calculated, * color for row highlighting is calculated and optionally the strings are truncated. * * @param array $aMailbox (reference) mailbox retrieved from sqm_api_mailbox_select * @param array $aProps properties * @return array $aFormattedMessages array with message headers and format info * @since 1.5.1 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function prepareMessageList(&$aMailbox, $aProps) { /* Globalize link attributes so plugins can share in modifying them */ global $link, $title, $target, $onclick, $link_extra, $preselected; /* retrieve the properties */ $my_email_address = (isset($aProps['email'])) ? $aProps['email'] : false; $highlight_list = (isset($aProps['config']['highlight_list'])) ? $aProps['config']['highlight_list'] : false; $aColumnDesc = (isset($aProps['columns'])) ? $aProps['columns'] : false; $aExtraColumns = (isset($aProps['extra_columns'])) ? $aProps['extra_columns'] : array(); $iAccount = (isset($aProps['account'])) ? (int) $aProps['account'] : 0; $sMailbox = (isset($aProps['mailbox'])) ? $aProps['mailbox'] : false; $sTargetModule = (isset($aProps['module'])) ? $aProps['module'] : 'read_body'; /* * TODO 1, retrieve array with identity email addresses in order to match against to,cc and set a flag * $aFormattedMessages[$iUid]['match_identity'] = true * The template can show some image if there is a match. * TODO 2, makes sure the matching is done fast by doing a strpos call on the returned $value */ /** * Only retrieve values for displayable columns */ foreach ($aColumnDesc as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case SQM_COL_FROM: $aCol[SQM_COL_FROM] = 'from'; break; case SQM_COL_DATE: $aCol[SQM_COL_DATE] = 'date'; break; case SQM_COL_SUBJ: $aCol[SQM_COL_SUBJ] = 'subject'; break; case SQM_COL_FLAGS: $aCol[SQM_COL_FLAGS] = 'FLAGS'; break; case SQM_COL_SIZE: $aCol[SQM_COL_SIZE] = 'SIZE'; break; case SQM_COL_PRIO: $aCol[SQM_COL_PRIO] = 'x-priority'; break; case SQM_COL_ATTACHMENT: $aCol[SQM_COL_ATTACHMENT] = 'content-type'; break; case SQM_COL_INT_DATE: $aCol[SQM_COL_INT_DATE] = 'INTERNALDATE'; break; case SQM_COL_TO: $aCol[SQM_COL_TO] = 'to'; break; case SQM_COL_CC: $aCol[SQM_COL_CC] = 'cc'; break; case SQM_COL_BCC: $aCol[SQM_COL_BCC] = 'bcc'; break; default: break; } } $aExtraHighLightColumns = array(); foreach ($aExtraColumns as $v) { switch ($v) { case SQM_COL_FROM: $aExtraHighLightColumns[] = 'from'; break; case SQM_COL_SUBJ: $aExtraHighLightColumns[] = 'subject'; break; case SQM_COL_TO: $aExtraHighLightColumns[] = 'to'; break; case SQM_COL_CC: $aExtraHighLightColumns[] = 'cc'; break; case SQM_COL_BCC: $aExtraHighLightColumns[] = 'bcc'; break; default: break; } } $aFormattedMessages = array(); $iSetIndx = $aMailbox['SETINDEX']; $aId = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; $aHeaders =& $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']; /* use a reference to avoid a copy. MSG_HEADERS can contain large amounts of data */ $iOffset = $aMailbox['OFFSET']; $sort = $aMailbox['SORT']; $iPageOffset = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; $sMailbox = $aMailbox['NAME']; $sSearch = (isset($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]) && $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] != 'ALL') ? $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] : false; $aSearch = ($sSearch) ? array('search.php',$aMailbox['SETINDEX']) : null; /* avoid improper usage */ if ($sMailbox && isset($iAccount) && $sTargetModule) { $aInitQuery = array("account=$iAccount",'mailbox='.urlencode($sMailbox)); } else { $aInitQuery = false; } if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { $aIndentArray =& $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]; $bThread = true; } else { $bThread = false; } /* * Retrieve value for checkbox column */ if (!sqgetGlobalVar('checkall',$checkall,SQ_GET)) { $checkall = false; } /* * Loop through and display the info for each message. */ $iEnd = ($aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) ? $aMailbox['EXISTS'] : $iOffset + $aMailbox['LIMIT']; for ($i=$iOffset,$t=0;$i<$iEnd;++$i) { if (isset($aId[$i])) { $bHighLight = false; $value = $title = $link = $target = $onclick = $link_extra = ''; $aQuery = ($aInitQuery !== false) ? $aInitQuery : false; $aMsg = $aHeaders[$aId[$i]]; if (isset($aSearch) && count($aSearch) > 1 && $aQuery) { $aQuery[] = "where=". $aSearch[0]; $aQuery[] = "what=" . $aSearch[1]; } $iUid = (isset($aMsg['UID'])) ? $aMsg['UID'] : $aId[$i]; if ($aQuery) { $aQuery[] = "passed_id=$aId[$i]"; $aQuery[] = "startMessage=$iPageOffset"; } foreach ($aCol as $k => $v) { $title = $link = $target = $onclick = $link_extra = ''; $aColumns[$k] = array(); $value = (isset($aMsg[$v])) ? $aMsg[$v] : ''; $sUnknown = _("Unknown recipient"); switch ($k) { case SQM_COL_FROM: $sUnknown = _("Unknown sender"); case SQM_COL_TO: case SQM_COL_CC: case SQM_COL_BCC: $sTmp = false; if ($value) { if ($highlight_list && !$bHighLight) { $bHighLight = highlightMessage($aCol[$k], $value, $highlight_list,$aFormattedMessages[$iUid]); } $aAddressList = parseRFC822Address($value); $sTmp = getAddressString($aAddressList,array('best' => true)); $title = $title_maybe = ''; foreach ($aAddressList as $aAddr) { $sPersonal = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_PERSONAL] : ''; $sMailbox = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_MAILBOX] : ''; $sHost = (isset($aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST])) ? $aAddr[SQM_ADDR_HOST] : ''; if ($sPersonal) { $title .= htmlspecialchars($sMailbox.'@'.$sHost).', '; } else { // if $value gets truncated we need to add the addresses with no // personal name as well $title_maybe .= htmlspecialchars($sMailbox.'@'.$sHost).', '; } } if ($title) { $title = substr($title,0,-2); // strip ', '; } $sTmp = decodeHeader($sTmp); if (isset($aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) && $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) { $sTrunc = truncateWithEntities($sTmp, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']); if ($sTrunc != $sTmp) { if (!$title) { $title = $sTmp; } else if ($title_maybe) { $title = $title .', '.$title_maybe; $title = substr($title,0,-2); // strip ', '; } } $sTmp = $sTrunc; } } $value = ($sTmp) ? $sTmp : $sUnknown; break; case SQM_COL_SUBJ: // subject is mime encoded, decode it. // value is sanitized in decoding function. // TODO, verify if it should be done before or after the highlighting $value=decodeHeader($value); if ($highlight_list && !$bHighLight) { $bHighLight = highlightMessage('SUBJECT', $value, $highlight_list, $aFormattedMessages[$iUid]); } $iIndent = (isset($aIndentArray[$aId[$i]])) ? $aIndentArray[$aId[$i]] : 0; // FIXME: don't break 8bit symbols and html entities during truncation if (isset($aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) && $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) { $sTmp = truncateWithEntities($value, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']-$iIndent); // drop any double spaces since these will be displayed in the title $title = ($sTmp != $value) ? preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $value) : ''; $value = $sTmp; } /* generate the link to the message */ if ($aQuery) { // TODO, $sTargetModule should be a query parameter so that we can use a single entrypoint $link = $sTargetModule.'.php?' . implode('&',$aQuery); // see top of this function for which attributes are available // in the global scope for plugin use (like $link, $target, // $onclick, $link_extra, $title, and so forth) // plugins are responsible for sharing nicely (such as for // setting the target, etc) $temp = array(&$iPageOffset, &$sSearch, &$aSearch, $aMsg); do_hook('subject_link', $temp); } $value = (trim($value)) ? $value : _("(no subject)"); /* add thread indentation */ $aColumns[$k]['indent'] = $iIndent; break; case SQM_COL_SIZE: $value = show_readable_size($value); break; case SQM_COL_DATE: case SQM_COL_INT_DATE: $value = getDateString(getTimeStamp(explode(' ',trim($value)))); break; case SQM_COL_FLAGS: $aFlagColumn = array('seen' => false, 'deleted'=>false, 'answered'=>false, 'flagged' => false, 'draft' => false); if(!is_array($value)) $value = array(); foreach ($value as $sFlag => $v) { switch ($sFlag) { case '\\seen' : $aFlagColumn['seen'] = true; break; case '\\deleted' : $aFlagColumn['deleted'] = true; break; case '\\answered': $aFlagColumn['answered'] = true; break; case '\\flagged' : $aFlagColumn['flagged'] = true; break; case '\\draft' : $aFlagColumn['draft'] = true; break; default: break; } } $value = $aFlagColumn; break; case SQM_COL_PRIO: $value = ($value) ? (int) $value : 3; break; case SQM_COL_ATTACHMENT: $value = (is_array($value) && $value[0] == 'multipart' && $value[1] == 'mixed') ? true : false; break; case SQM_COL_CHECK: $value = ($checkall || in_array($iUid, $preselected)); break; default : break; } if ($title) { $aColumns[$k]['title'] = $title; } if ($link) { $aColumns[$k]['link'] = $link; } if ($link_extra) { $aColumns[$k]['link_extra'] = $link_extra; } if ($onclick) { $aColumns[$k]['onclick'] = $onclick; } if ($target) { $aColumns[$k]['target'] = $target; } $aColumns[$k]['value'] = $value; } /* columns which will not be displayed but should be inspected because the highlight list contains rules with those columns */ foreach ($aExtraHighLightColumns as $v) { if ($highlight_list && !$bHighLight && isset($aMsg[$v])) { $bHighLight = highlightMessage($v, $aMsg[$v], $highlight_list,$aFormattedMessages[$iUid]); } } $aFormattedMessages[$iUid]['columns'] = $aColumns; } else { break; } } return $aFormattedMessages; } /** * Sets the row color if the provided column value pair matches a hightlight rule * * @param string $sCol column name * @param string $sVal column value * @param array $highlight_list highlight rules * @param array $aFormat (reference) array where row color info is stored * @return bool match found * @since 1.5.1 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function highlightMessage($sCol, $sVal, $highlight_list, &$aFormat) { if (!is_array($highlight_list) && count($highlight_list) == 0) { return false; } $hlt_color = false; $sCol = strtoupper($sCol); foreach ($highlight_list as $highlight_list_part) { if (trim($highlight_list_part['value'])) { $high_val = strtolower($highlight_list_part['value']); $match_type = strtoupper($highlight_list_part['match_type']); if($match_type == 'TO_CC') { if ($sCol == 'TO' || $sCol == 'CC') { $match_type = $sCol; } else { continue; } } else { if ($match_type != $sCol) { continue; } } if (strpos(strtolower($sVal),$high_val) !== false) { $hlt_color = $highlight_list_part['color']; break; } } } if ($hlt_color) { // Bug in highlight color??? if ($hlt_color{0} != '#') { $hlt_color = '#'. $hlt_color; } $aFormat['row']['color'] = $hlt_color; return true; } else { return false; } } function setUserPref($username, $pref, $value) { global $data_dir; setPref($data_dir,$username,$pref,$value); } /** * Execute the sorting for a mailbox * * @param resource $imapConnection Imap connection * @param array $aMailbox (reference) Mailbox retrieved with sqm_api_mailbox_select * @return int $error (reference) Error number * @private * @since 1.5.1 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function _get_sorted_msgs_list($imapConnection,&$aMailbox) { $iSetIndx = (isset($aMailbox['SETINDEX'])) ? $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] : 0; $bDirection = !($aMailbox['SORT'] % 2); $error = 0; if (!$aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = 'ALL'; } if (($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) && sqimap_capability($imapConnection,'THREAD')) { $aRes = get_thread_sort($imapConnection,$aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]); if ($aRes === false) { $aMailbox['SORT'] -= SQSORT_THREAD; $error = 1; // fix me, define an error code; } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aRes[0]; $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'][$iSetIndx] = $aRes[1]; } } else if ($aMailbox['SORT'] === SQSORT_NONE) { $id = sqimap_run_search($imapConnection, 'ALL' , ''); if ($id === false) { $error = 1; // fix me, define an error code } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = array_reverse($id); $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx] = $aMailbox['EXISTS']; } } else { if (sqimap_capability($imapConnection,'SORT')) { $sSortField = _getSortField($aMailbox['SORT'],true); $id = sqimap_get_sort_order($imapConnection, $sSortField, $bDirection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]); if ($id === false) { $error = 1; // fix me, define an error code } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $id; } } else { $id = NULL; if ($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] != 'ALL') { $id = sqimap_run_search($imapConnection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx], $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]); } $sSortField = _getSortField($aMailbox['SORT'],false); $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = get_squirrel_sort($imapConnection, $sSortField, $bDirection, $id); } } return $error; } /** * Does the $srt $_GET var to field mapping * * @param int $srt Field to sort on * @param bool $bServerSort Server sorting is true * @return string $sSortField Field to sort on * @since 1.5.1 * @private */ function _getSortField($sort,$bServerSort) { switch($sort) { case SQSORT_NONE: $sSortField = 'UID'; break; case SQSORT_DATE_ASC: case SQSORT_DATE_DESC: $sSortField = 'DATE'; break; case SQSORT_FROM_ASC: case SQSORT_FROM_DESC: $sSortField = 'FROM'; break; case SQSORT_SUBJ_ASC: case SQSORT_SUBJ_DESC: $sSortField = 'SUBJECT'; break; case SQSORT_SIZE_ASC: case SQSORT_SIZE_DESC: $sSortField = ($bServerSort) ? 'SIZE' : 'RFC822.SIZE'; break; case SQSORT_TO_ASC: case SQSORT_TO_DESC: $sSortField = 'TO'; break; case SQSORT_CC_ASC: case SQSORT_CC_DESC: $sSortField = 'CC'; break; case SQSORT_INT_DATE_ASC: case SQSORT_INT_DATE_DESC: $sSortField = ($bServerSort) ? 'ARRIVAL' : 'INTERNALDATE'; break; case SQSORT_THREAD: break; default: $sSortField = 'UID'; break; } return $sSortField; } /** * This function is a utility function for setting which headers should be * fetched. It takes into account the highlight list which requires extra * headers to be fetch in order to make those rules work. It's called before * the headers are fetched which happens in showMessagesForMailbox and when * the next and prev links in read_body.php are used. * * @param array $aMailbox associative array with mailbox related vars * @param array $aProps * @return void * @since 1.5.1 */ function calcFetchColumns(&$aMailbox, &$aProps) { $highlight_list = (isset($aProps['config']['highlight_list'])) ? $aProps['config']['highlight_list'] : false; $aColumnsDesc = (isset($aProps['columns'])) ? $aProps['columns'] : false; $aFetchColumns = $aColumnsDesc; if (isset($aFetchColumns[SQM_COL_CHECK])) { unset($aFetchColumns[SQM_COL_CHECK]); } /* * Before we fetch the message headers, check if we need to fetch extra columns * to make the message highlighting work */ if (is_array($highlight_list) && count($highlight_list)) { $aHighlightColumns = array(); foreach ($highlight_list as $highlight_list_part) { if (trim($highlight_list_part['value'])) { $match_type = strtoupper($highlight_list_part['match_type']); switch ($match_type) { case 'TO_CC': $aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_TO] = true; $aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_CC] = true; break; case 'TO': $aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_TO] = true; break; case 'CC': $aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_CC] = true; break; case 'FROM': $aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_FROM] = true; break; case 'SUBJECT':$aHighlightColumns[SQM_COL_SUBJ] = true; break; } } } $aExtraColumns = array(); foreach ($aHighlightColumns as $k => $v) { if (!isset($aFetchColumns[$k])) { $aExtraColumns[] = $k; $aFetchColumns[$k] = true; } } if (count($aExtraColumns)) { $aProps['extra_columns'] = $aExtraColumns; } } $aMailbox['FETCHHEADERS'] = array_keys($aFetchColumns); } /** * This function loops through a group of messages in the mailbox * and shows them to the user. * * @param resource $imapConnection * @param array $aMailbox associative array with mailbox related vars * @param array $aProps * @param int $iError error code, 0 is no error */ function showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, &$aMailbox,$aProps, &$iError) { global $PHP_SELF; global $boxes, $show_copy_buttons; $highlight_list = (isset($aProps['config']['highlight_list'])) ? $aProps['config']['highlight_list'] : false; $fancy_index_highlite = (isset($aProps['config']['fancy_index_highlite'])) ? $aProps['config']['fancy_index_highlite'] : true; $aColumnsDesc = (isset($aProps['columns'])) ? $aProps['columns'] : false; $iAccount = (isset($aProps['account'])) ? (int) $aProps['account'] : 0; $sMailbox = (isset($aProps['mailbox'])) ? $aProps['mailbox'] : false; $sTargetModule = (isset($aProps['module'])) ? $aProps['module'] : 'read_body'; $show_flag_buttons = (isset($aProps['config']['show_flag_buttons'])) ? $aProps['config']['show_flag_buttons'] : true; /* allows to control copy button in function call. If array key is not set, code follows user preferences */ if (isset($aProps['config']['show_copy_buttons'])) $show_copy_buttons = $aProps['config']['show_copy_buttons']; $lastTargetMailbox = (isset($aProps['config']['lastTargetMailbox'])) ? $aProps['config']['lastTargetMailbox'] : ''; $aOrder = array_keys($aProps['columns']); $trash_folder = (isset($aProps['config']['trash_folder']) && $aProps['config']['trash_folder']) ? $aProps['config']['trash_folder'] : false; $sent_folder = (isset($aProps['config']['sent_folder']) && $aProps['config']['sent_folder']) ? $aProps['config']['sent_folder'] : false; $draft_folder = (isset($aProps['config']['draft_folder']) && $aProps['config']['draft_folder']) ? $aProps['config']['draft_folder'] : false; $page_selector = (isset($aProps['config']['page_selector'])) ? $aProps['config']['page_selector'] : false; $page_selector_max = (isset($aProps['config']['page_selector_max'])) ? $aProps['config']['page_selector_max'] : 10; $color = $aProps['config']['color']; /* * Form ID */ static $iFormId; if (!isset($iFormId)) { $iFormId=1; } else { ++$iFormId; } // store the columns to fetch so we can pick them up in read_body // where we validate the cache. calcFetchColumns($aMailbox ,$aProps); $iError = fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, $aMailbox); if ($iError) { return array(); } else { $aMessages = prepareMessageList($aMailbox, $aProps); } $iSetIndx = $aMailbox['SETINDEX']; $iLimit = ($aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) ? $aMailbox['EXISTS'] : $aMailbox['LIMIT']; $iEnd = ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] + ($iLimit - 1) < $aMailbox['EXISTS']) ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] + $iLimit - 1 : $aMailbox['EXISTS']; $iNumberOfMessages = $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$iSetIndx]; $iEnd = min ( $iEnd, $iNumberOfMessages ); $php_self = $PHP_SELF; $urlMailbox = urlencode($aMailbox['NAME']); if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$php_self,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $php_self; } $baseurl = $source_url.'?mailbox=' . urlencode($aMailbox['NAME']) .'&account='.$aMailbox['ACCOUNT']; $where = urlencode($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx][0]); $what = urlencode($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx][1]); $baseurl .= '&where=' . $where . '&what=' . $what; /* build thread sorting links */ $newsort = $aMailbox['SORT']; if (sqimap_capability($imapConnection,'THREAD')) { if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { $newsort -= SQSORT_THREAD; $thread_name = _("Unthread View"); } else { $thread_name = _("Thread View"); $newsort = $aMailbox['SORT'] + SQSORT_THREAD; } $thread_link_uri = $baseurl . '&srt=' . $newsort . '&startMessage=1'; } else { $thread_link_uri =''; $thread_name = ''; } $sort = $aMailbox['SORT']; /* FIX ME ADD CHECKBOX CONTROL. No checkbox => no buttons */ /* future admin control over displayable buttons */ $aAdminControl = array( 'markUnflagged' => 1, 'markFlagged' => 1, 'markRead' => 1, 'markUnread' => 1, 'forward' => 1, 'delete' => 1, 'undeleteButton'=> 1, 'bypass_trash' => 1, 'expungeButton' => 1, 'moveButton' => 1, 'copyButton' => 1 ); /* user prefs control */ $aUserControl = array ( 'markUnflagged' => $show_flag_buttons, 'markFlagged' => $show_flag_buttons, 'markRead' => 1, 'markUnread' => 1, 'forward' => 1, 'delete' => 1, 'undeleteButton'=> 1, 'bypass_trash' => 1, 'expungeButton' => 1, 'moveButton' => 1, 'copyButton' => $show_copy_buttons ); $showDelete = ($aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY' && in_array('\\deleted',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) ? true : false; $showByPassTrash = (($aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY' && in_array('\\deleted',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) && $trash_folder) ? true : false; // $showUndelete = (!$aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY' && in_array('\\deleted',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true) && !$trash_folder) ? true : false; $showMove = ($aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY') ? true : false; $showExpunge = (!$aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY' && in_array('\\deleted',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) ? true : false; /* Button options that depend on IMAP server and selected folder */ $aImapControl = array ( 'markUnflagged' => in_array('\\flagged',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true), 'markFlagged' => in_array('\\flagged',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true), 'markRead' => in_array('\\seen',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true), 'markUnread' => in_array('\\seen',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true), 'forward' => 1, 'delete' => $showDelete, 'undeleteButton'=> $showUndelete, 'bypass_trash' => $showByPassTrash, 'expungeButton' => $showExpunge, 'moveButton' => $showMove, 'copyButton' => 1 ); /* Button strings */ $aButtonStrings = array( 'markUnflagged' => _("Unflag"), 'markFlagged' => _("Flag"), 'markRead' => _("Read"), 'markUnread' => _("Unread"), 'forward' => _("Forward"), 'delete' => _("Delete"), 'undeleteButton' => _("Undelete"), 'bypass_trash' => _("Bypass Trash"), 'expungeButton' => _("Expunge"), 'moveButton' => _("Move"), 'copyButton' => _("Copy") ); /** * Register buttons in order to an array * The key is the "name", the first element of the value array is the "value", second argument is the type. */ $aFormElements = array(); foreach($aAdminControl as $k => $v) { if ($v & $aUserControl[$k] & $aImapControl[$k]) { switch ($k) { case 'markUnflagged': case 'markFlagged': case 'markRead': case 'markUnread': case 'delete': case 'undeleteButton': case 'expungeButton': case 'forward': $aFormElements[$k] = array('value' => $aButtonStrings[$k], 'type' => 'submit'); break; case 'bypass_trash': $aFormElements[$k] = array('value' => $aButtonStrings[$k], 'type' => 'checkbox'); break; case 'moveButton': case 'copyButton': $aFormElements['targetMailbox'] = array('options_list' => sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, array(strtolower($lastTargetMailbox)), 0, $boxes), 'type' => 'select'); $aFormElements['mailbox'] = array('value' => $aMailbox['NAME'], 'type' => 'hidden'); $aFormElements['startMessage'] = array('value' => $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'], 'type' => 'hidden'); $aFormElements[$k] = array('value' => $aButtonStrings[$k], 'type' => 'submit'); break; } } $aFormElements['account'] = array('value' => $iAccount,'type' => 'hidden'); } do_hook('message_list_controls', $aFormElements); /* * This is the beginning of the message list table. * It wraps around all messages */ $safe_name = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/", '_', $aMailbox['NAME']); $form_name = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; //if (!sqgetGlobalVar('align',$align,SQ_SESSION)) { $align = array('left' => 'left', 'right' => 'right'); //} //sm_print_r($align); /* finally set the template vars */ // FIXME, before we support multiple templates we must review the names of the vars // BUMP! $aTemplate['color'] = $color; $aTemplate['form_name'] = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; $aTemplate['form_id'] = 'mbx_'.$iFormId; $aTemplate['page_selector'] = $page_selector; $aTemplate['page_selector_max'] = $page_selector_max; $aTemplate['messagesPerPage'] = $aMailbox['LIMIT']; $aTemplate['showall'] = $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]; $aTemplate['end_msg'] = $iEnd; $aTemplate['align'] = $align; $aTemplate['iNumberOfMessages'] = $iNumberOfMessages; $aTemplate['aOrder'] = $aOrder; $aTemplate['aFormElements'] = $aFormElements; $aTemplate['sort'] = $sort; $aTemplate['pageOffset'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; $aTemplate['baseurl'] = $baseurl; $aTemplate['aMessages'] =& $aMessages; $aTemplate['trash_folder'] = $trash_folder; $aTemplate['sent_folder'] = $sent_folder; $aTemplate['draft_folder'] = $draft_folder; $aTemplate['thread_link_uri'] = $thread_link_uri; $aTemplate['thread_name'] = $thread_name; $aTemplate['php_self'] = str_replace('&','&',$php_self); $aTemplate['mailbox'] = $sMailbox; //FIXME: javascript_on is always assigned to the template object in places like init.php; is there some reason to reassign it here? is there some chance that it was changed? if not, please remove this line! $aTemplate['javascript_on'] = (isset($aProps['config']['javascript_on'])) ? $aProps['config']['javascript_on'] : false; $aTemplate['enablesort'] = (isset($aProps['config']['enablesort'])) ? $aProps['config']['enablesort'] : false; $aTemplate['icon_theme'] = (isset($aProps['config']['icon_theme'])) ? $aProps['config']['icon_theme'] : false; $aTemplate['use_icons'] = (isset($aProps['config']['use_icons'])) ? $aProps['config']['use_icons'] : false; $aTemplate['alt_index_colors'] = (isset($aProps['config']['alt_index_colors'])) ? $aProps['config']['alt_index_colors'] : false; $aTemplate['fancy_index_highlite'] = $fancy_index_highlite; /** * Set up sort possibilities; one could argue that this is best * placed in the template, but most template authors won't understand * or need to understand it, so some advanced templates can override * it if they do something different. */ if (!($aTemplate['sort'] & SQSORT_THREAD) && $aTemplate['enablesort']) { $aTemplate['aSortSupported'] = array(SQM_COL_SUBJ => array(SQSORT_SUBJ_ASC , SQSORT_SUBJ_DESC), SQM_COL_DATE => array(SQSORT_DATE_DESC , SQSORT_DATE_ASC), SQM_COL_INT_DATE => array(SQSORT_INT_DATE_DESC, SQSORT_INT_DATE_ASC), SQM_COL_FROM => array(SQSORT_FROM_ASC , SQSORT_FROM_DESC), SQM_COL_TO => array(SQSORT_TO_ASC , SQSORT_TO_DESC), SQM_COL_CC => array(SQSORT_CC_ASC , SQSORT_CC_DESC), SQM_COL_SIZE => array(SQSORT_SIZE_ASC , SQSORT_SIZE_DESC)); } else { $aTemplate['aSortSupported'] = array(); } /** * Figure out which columns should serve as labels for checkbox: * we try to grab the two columns before and after the checkbox, * except the subject column, since it is the link that opens * the message view * * if $javascript_on is set, then the highlighting code takes * care of this; just skip it * * This code also might be more appropriate in a template file, but * we are moving this complex stuff out of the way of template * authors; advanced template sets are always free to override * the resultant values. * */ $show_label_columns = array(); $index_order_part = array(); if (!($aTemplate['javascript_on'] && $aTemplate['fancy_index_highlite'])) { $get_next_two = 0; $last_order_part = 0; $last_last_order_part = 0; foreach ($aTemplate['aOrder'] as $index_order_part) { if ($index_order_part == SQM_COL_CHECK) { $get_next_two = 1; if ($last_last_order_part != SQM_COL_SUBJ) $show_label_columns[] = $last_last_order_part; if ($last_order_part != SQM_COL_SUBJ) $show_label_columns[] = $last_order_part; } else if ($get_next_two > 0 && $get_next_two < 3 && $index_order_part != SQM_COL_SUBJ) { $show_label_columns[] = $index_order_part; $get_next_two++; } $last_last_order_part = $last_order_part; $last_order_part = $index_order_part; } } $aTemplate['show_label_columns'] = $show_label_columns; return $aTemplate; } /** * Truncates a string and take care of html encoded characters * * @param string $s string to truncate * @param int $iTrimAt Trim at nn characters * @return string Trimmed string */ function truncateWithEntities($s, $iTrimAt) { global $languages, $squirrelmail_language; $ent_strlen = strlen($s); if (($iTrimAt <= 0) || ($ent_strlen <= $iTrimAt)) return $s; if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'] . '_strimwidth')) { return call_user_func($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'] . '_strimwidth', $s, $iTrimAt); } else { /* * see if this is entities-encoded string * If so, Iterate through the whole string, find out * the real number of characters, and if more * than $iTrimAt, substr with an updated trim value. */ $trim_val = $iTrimAt; $ent_offset = 0; $ent_loc = 0; while ( $ent_loc < $trim_val && (($ent_loc = strpos($s, '&', $ent_offset)) !== false) && (($ent_loc_end = strpos($s, ';', $ent_loc+3)) !== false) ) { $trim_val += ($ent_loc_end-$ent_loc); $ent_offset = $ent_loc_end+1; } if (($trim_val > $iTrimAt) && ($ent_strlen > $trim_val) && (strpos($s,';',$trim_val) < ($trim_val + 6))) { $i = strpos($s,';',$trim_val); if ($i !== false) { $trim_val = strpos($s,';',$trim_val)+1; } } // only print '...' when we're actually dropping part of the subject if ($ent_strlen <= $trim_val) return $s; } return substr_replace($s, '...', $trim_val); } /** * This should go in imap_mailbox.php * @param string $mailbox */ function handleAsSent($mailbox) { global $handleAsSent_result; /* First check if this is the sent or draft folder. */ $handleAsSent_result = isSentMailbox($mailbox) || isDraftMailbox($mailbox); /* Then check the result of the handleAsSent hook. */ do_hook('check_handleAsSent_result', $mailbox); /* And return the result. */ return $handleAsSent_result; } /** * Process messages list form and handle the cache gracefully. If $sButton and * $aUid are provided as argument then you can fake a message list submit and * use it i.e. in read_body.php for del move next and update the cache * * @param resource $imapConnection imap connection * @param array $aMailbox (reference) cached mailbox * @param string $sButton fake a submit button * @param array $aUid fake the $msg array * @param string $targetMailbox fake the target mailbox for move operations * @param boolean $bypass_trash fake the bypass trash checkbox for delete operations * @return string $sError error string in case of an error * @since 1.5.1 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function handleMessageListForm($imapConnection, &$aMailbox, $sButton='', $aUid = array(), $targetMailbox='', $bypass_trash=NULL) { /* incoming formdata */ $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('moveButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'move' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('copyButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'copy' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('expungeButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'expunge' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('forward', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'forward' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('delete', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('undeleteButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'unsetDeleted' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markRead', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'setSeen' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markUnread', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'unsetSeen' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markFlagged', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'setFlagged' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markUnflagged', $sTmp, SQ_FORM)) ? 'unsetFlagged' : $sButton; if (empty($targetMailbox)) sqgetGlobalVar('targetMailbox', $targetMailbox, SQ_FORM); if (is_null($bypass_trash)) sqgetGlobalVar('bypass_trash', $bypass_trash, SQ_FORM); sqgetGlobalVar('msg', $msg, SQ_FORM); if (sqgetGlobalVar('account', $iAccount, SQ_FORM) === false) { $iAccount = 0; } $sError = ''; $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME']; /* retrieve the check boxes */ $aUid = (isset($msg) && is_array($msg)) ? array_values($msg) : $aUid; if (count($aUid) && $sButton != 'expunge') { // make sure message UIDs are sanitized (BIGINT) foreach ($aUid as $i => $uid) $aUid[$i] = (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $uid) ? $uid : '0'); $aUpdatedMsgs = false; $bExpunge = false; switch ($sButton) { case 'setDeleted': // check if id exists in case we come from read_body if (count($aUid) == 1 && is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]) && !in_array($aUid[0],$aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']])) { break; } $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_delete($imapConnection, $mailbox, $aUid,$bypass_trash); $bExpunge = true; //} break; case 'unsetDeleted': case 'setSeen': case 'unsetSeen': case 'setFlagged': case 'unsetFlagged': // get flag $sFlag = (substr($sButton,0,3) == 'set') ? '\\'.substr($sButton,3) : '\\'.substr($sButton,5); $bSet = (substr($sButton,0,3) == 'set') ? true : false; $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imapConnection, $aUid, $sFlag, $bSet, true); break; case 'move': $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_move($imapConnection,$aUid,$targetMailbox,true,$mailbox); sqsession_register($targetMailbox,'lastTargetMailbox'); $bExpunge = true; break; case 'copy': // sqimap_msgs_list_copy returns true or false. // If error happens - fourth argument handles it inside function. sqimap_msgs_list_copy($imapConnection,$aUid,$targetMailbox,true); sqsession_register($targetMailbox,'lastTargetMailbox'); break; case 'forward': $aMsgHeaders = array(); foreach ($aUid as $iUid) { $aMsgHeaders[$iUid] = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]; } if (count($aMsgHeaders)) { $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection,$aMsgHeaders); // dirty hack, add info to $aMailbox $aMailbox['FORWARD_SESSION'] = $composesession; } break; default: // Hook for plugin buttons $temp = array(&$sButton, &$aMailbox, $iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'], &$aUid); do_hook('mailbox_display_button_action', $temp); break; } /** * $aUpdatedMsgs is an array containing the result of the untagged * fetch responses send by the imap server due to a flag change. That * response is parsed in an array with msg arrays by the parseFetch function */ if ($aUpdatedMsgs) { // Update the message headers cache $aDeleted = array(); foreach ($aUpdatedMsgs as $iUid => $aMsg) { if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS'])) { /** * Only update the cached headers if the header is * cached. */ if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid])) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS']; } /** * Also update flags in message object */ //FIXME: WHY are we keeping flags in TWO places?!? This is error-prone and some core code uses the is_xxxx message object values while other code uses the flags array above. That's a mess. if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'])) { $message = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT']; $message->is_seen = false; $message->is_answered = false; $message->is_deleted = false; $message->is_flagged = false; $message->is_mdnsent = false; foreach ($aMsg['FLAGS'] as $flag => $value) { if (strtolower($flag) == '\\seen' && $value) $message->is_seen = true; else if (strtolower($flag) == '\\answered' && $value) $message->is_answered = true; else if (strtolower($flag) == '\\deleted' && $value) $message->is_deleted = true; else if (strtolower($flag) == '\\flagged' && $value) $message->is_flagged = true; else if (strtolower($flag) == '$mdnsent' && $value) $message->is_mdnsent = true; } $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'] = $message; } /** * Count the messages with the \Delete flag set so we can determine * if the number of expunged messages equals the number of flagged * messages for deletion. */ if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) && $aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) { $aDeleted[] = $iUid; } } } if ($bExpunge && $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $iExpungedMessages = sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $aMailbox['NAME'], true)) { if (count($aDeleted) != $iExpungedMessages) { // there are more messages deleted permanently then we expected // invalidate the cache $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = false; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; } else { // remove expunged messages from cache $aUidSet = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]; if (is_array($aUidSet)) { // create a UID => array index temp array $aUidSetDummy = array_flip($aUidSet); foreach ($aDeleted as $iUid) { // get the id as well in case of SQM_SORT_NONE if ($aMailbox['SORT'] == SQSORT_NONE) { $aMailbox['ID'] = false; //$iId = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['ID']; //unset($aMailbox['ID'][$iId]); } // unset the UID and message header unset($aUidSetDummy[$iUid]); unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); } $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = array_keys($aUidSetDummy); } } // update EXISTS info if ($iExpungedMessages) { $aMailbox['EXISTS'] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages; $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages; } if (($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']-1) >= $aMailbox['EXISTS']) { $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['LIMIT']) ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - $aMailbox['LIMIT'] : 1; $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - 1 ; } } } } else { if ($sButton == 'expunge') { /** * on expunge we do not know which messages will be deleted * so it's useless to try to sync the cache * * Close the mailbox so we do not need to parse the untagged expunge * responses which do not contain uid info. * NB: Closing a mailbox is faster then expunge because the imap * server does not need to generate the untagged expunge responses */ sqimap_run_command($imapConnection,'CLOSE',false,$result,$message); $aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection,$iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'],array(),array()); } else { // this is the same hook as above, but here it is called in the // context of not having had any messages selected and if any // plugin handles the situation, it should return TRUE so we // know this was not an erroneous user action // global $null; $temp = array(&$sButton, &$aMailbox, $iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'], $null); if (!boolean_hook_function('mailbox_display_button_action', $temp, 1) && $sButton) { $sError = _("No messages were selected."); } } } return $sError; } /** * Attach messages to a compose session * * @param resource $imapConnection imap connection * @param array $aMsgHeaders * @return int $composesession unique compose_session_id where the attached messages belong to * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection,$aMsgHeaders) { sqgetGlobalVar('composesession', $composesession, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('compose_messages', $compose_messages, SQ_SESSION); if (!isset($compose_messages)|| is_null($compose_messages)) { $compose_messages = array(); sqsession_register($compose_messages,'compose_messages'); } if (!$composesession) { $composesession = 1; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); } else { $composesession++; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); } $composeMessage = new Message(); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $composeMessage->reply_rfc822_header = ''; foreach($aMsgHeaders as $iUid => $aMsgHeader) { /** * Retrieve the full message */ $body_a = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, "FETCH $iUid RFC822", true, $response, $readmessage, TRUE); if ($response == 'OK') { $subject = (isset($aMsgHeader['subject'])) ? $aMsgHeader['subject'] : $iUid; array_shift($body_a); array_pop($body_a); $body = implode('', $body_a); $body .= "\r\n"; global $username, $attachment_dir; $filename = sq_get_attach_tempfile(); $fullpath = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir) . '/' . $filename; $fp = fopen($fullpath, 'wb'); fwrite ($fp, $body); fclose($fp); $composeMessage->initAttachment('message/rfc822', $subject . '.eml', $filename); } } $compose_messages[$composesession] = $composeMessage; sqsession_register($compose_messages,'compose_messages'); return $composesession; }