1 ) { $where = $aMsg['SEARCH'][0]; $what = $aMsg['SEARCH'][1]; } else { $where = false; $what = false; } $iIndent = $aMsg['INDENT']; $sSubject = (isset($msg['SUBJECT']) && $msg['SUBJECT'] != '') ? $msg['SUBJECT'] : _("(no subject)"); $sFrom = (isset($msg['FROM'])) ? $msg['FROM'] : _("Unknown sender"); $sTo = (isset($msg['TO'])) ? $msg['TO'] : _("Unknown recipient"); $sCc = (isset($msg['CC'])) ? $msg['CC'] : ''; $aFlags = (isset($msg['FLAGS'])) ? $msg['FLAGS'] : array(); $iPrio = (isset($msg['PRIORITY'])) ? $msg['PRIORITY'] : 3; $iSize = (isset($msg['SIZE'])) ? $msg['SIZE'] : 0; $sType0 = (isset($msg['TYPE0'])) ? $msg['TYPE0'] : 'text'; $sType1 = (isset($msg['TYPE1'])) ? $msg['TYPE1'] : 'plain'; if (isset($msg['INTERNALDATE'])) { $sDate = getDateString(getTimeStamp(explode(' ',$msg['INTERNALDATE']))); } else { $sDate = (isset($msg['DATE'])) ? getDateString(getTimeStamp(explode(' ',$msg['DATE']))) : ''; } $iId = (isset($msg['UID'])) ? $msg['UID'] : false; if (!$iId) { return; } if ($GLOBALS['alt_index_colors']) { if (!($t % 2)) { if (!isset($color[12])) { $color[12] = '#EAEAEA'; } $color_string = $color[12]; } } $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox); // FIXME, foldertype should be set in right_main.php // in other words, handle as sent is obsoleted from now. // We replace that by providing an array to aMailbox with the to shown headers // that way we are free to show the user different layouts for different folders $bSentFolder = handleAsSent($mailbox); if ((!$bSentFolder) && ($show_recipient_instead)) { // If the From address is the same as $email_address, then handle as Sent $from_array = parseAddress($sFrom, 1); if (!isset($email_address)) { global $datadir, $username; $email_address = getPref($datadir, $username, 'email_address'); } $bHandleAsSent = ((isset($from_array[0][0])) && ($from_array[0][0] == $email_address)); } else { $bHandleAsSent = $bSentFolder; } // If this is a Sent message, display To address instead of From if ($bHandleAsSent) { $sFrom = $sTo; } // Passing 1 below results in only 1 address being parsed, thus defeating the following code $sFrom = parseAddress($sFrom/*,1*/); /* * This is done in case you're looking into Sent folders, * because you can have multiple receivers. */ $senderNames = $sFrom; $senderName = ''; $senderAddress = ''; if (sizeof($senderNames)){ foreach ($senderNames as $senderNames_part) { if ($senderName != '') { $senderName .= ', '; $senderAddress .= ', '; } $sender_address_part = htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]); $sender_name_part = str_replace(' ',' ', decodeHeader($senderNames_part[1])); if ($sender_name_part) { $senderName .= $sender_name_part; $senderAddress .= $sender_name_part . ' <' . $sender_address_part . '>'; } else { $senderName .= $sender_address_part; $senderAddress .= $sender_address_part; } } } // If Sent, prefix with To: but only if not Sent folder if ($bHandleAsSent ^ $bSentFolder) { $senderName = _("To:") . ' ' . $senderName; $senderAddress = _("To:") . ' ' . $senderAddress; } // this is a column property which can apply to multiple columns. Do not use vars for one column // only. instead we should use something like this: // 1ed column $aMailbox['columns']['SUBJECT'] value: aray with properties ... // 2ed column $aMailbox['columns']['FROM'] value: aray with properties ... // NB in case of the sentfolder this could be the TO field // properties array example: // 'truncate' => length (0 is no truncate) // 'prefix => if (x in b then do that ) if ($truncate_sender > 0) { $senderName = truncateWithEntities($senderName, $truncate_sender); } $flag = $flag_end = $bold = $bold_end = $fontstr = $fontstr_end = $italic = $italic_end = ''; $bold = ''; $bold_end = ''; foreach ($aFlags as $sFlag => $value) { switch ($sFlag) { case '\\flagged': if ($value) { $flag = ""; $flag_end = ''; } break; case '\\seen': if ($value) { $bold = ''; $bold_end = ''; } break; case '\\deleted': if ($value) { $fontstr = ""; $fontstr_end = ''; } break; } } if ($bHandleAsSent) { $italic = ''; $italic_end = ''; } if ($where && $what) { $searchstr = '&where='.$where.'&what='.$what; } else { $searchstr = ''; } /* * Message highlight code */ $matches = array('TO' => 'sTo', 'CC' => 'sCc', 'FROM' => 'sFrom', 'SUBJECT' => 'sSubject'); if (is_array($message_highlight_list) && count($message_highlight_list)) { $sTo = parseAddress($sTo); $sCc = parseAddress($sCc); foreach ($message_highlight_list as $message_highlight_list_part) { if (trim($message_highlight_list_part['value']) != '') { $high_val = strtolower($message_highlight_list_part['value']); $match_type = strtoupper($message_highlight_list_part['match_type']); if($match_type == 'TO_CC') { $match = array('TO', 'CC'); } else { $match = array($match_type); } foreach($match as $match_type) { switch($match_type) { case('TO'): case('CC'): case('FROM'): foreach ($$matches[$match_type] as $address) { $address[0] = decodeHeader($address[0], true, false); $address[1] = decodeHeader($address[1], true, false); if (strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[0]), $high_val) || strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[1]), $high_val)) { $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color']; break 4; } } break; default: $headertest = strtolower(decodeHeader($$matches[$match_type], true, false)); if (strstr('^^' . $headertest, $high_val)) { $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color']; break 3; } break; } } } } } /* end Message highlight code */ if (!isset($hlt_color)) { $hlt_color = $color_string; } $col = 0; $sSubject = str_replace(' ', ' ', decodeHeader($sSubject)); $subject = processSubject($sSubject, $iIndent); echo html_tag( 'tr','','','','VALIGN="top"') . "\n"; if (sizeof($index_order)) { foreach ($index_order as $index_order_part) { switch ($index_order_part) { case 1: /* checkbox */ echo html_tag( 'td', addCheckBox("msg[$t]", $checkall, $iId), 'center', $hlt_color ); break; case 2: /* from */ if ($senderAddress != $senderName) { $senderAddress = strtr($senderAddress, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS))); $title = ' title="' . str_replace('"', "''", $senderAddress) . '"'; } else { $title = ''; } echo html_tag( 'td', $italic . $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $senderName . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end . $italic_end, 'left', $hlt_color, $title ); break; case 3: /* date */ if ($sDate == '') { $sDate = _("Unknown date"); } echo html_tag( 'td', $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $sDate . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap' ); break; case 4: /* subject */ $td_str = $bold; if ($iIndent) { $td_str .= str_repeat("    ",$iIndent); } $td_str .= ' '; } if ($default_use_priority) { if ( ($iPrio == 1) || ($iPrio == 2) ) { $td_str .= ' '; } else if ($iPrio == 5) { $td_str .= ' '; } else { $td_str .= ' '; } } if ($sType1 == 'mixed') { $td_str .= ''; } else { $td_str .= ''; } $msg_icon = ''; if (!isset($aFlags['\\seen']) || ($aFlags['\\seen']) == false) { $msg_alt = '(' . _("New") . ')'; $msg_title = '(' . _("New") . ')'; $msg_icon .= SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/msg_new'; } else { $msg_alt = '(' . _("Read") . ')'; $msg_title = '(' . _("Read") . ')'; $msg_icon .= SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/msg_read'; } if (isset($aFlags['\\deleted']) && ($aFlags['\\deleted']) == true) { $msg_icon .= '_deleted'; } if (isset($aFlags['\\answered']) && ($aFlags['\\answered']) == true) { $msg_alt = '(' . _("Answered") . ')'; $msg_title = '(' . _("Answered") . ')'; $msg_icon .= '_reply'; } $td_str .= ''. $msg_alt . ''; $td_str .= ''; echo html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'right', $hlt_color, 'nowrap' ); } // plain text message markers // else { $stuff = false; $td_str = ""; if (isset($aFlags['\\answered']) && $aFlags['\\answered'] == true) { $td_str .= _("A"); $stuff = true; } if ($sType1 == 'mixed') { $td_str .= '+'; $stuff = true; } if ($default_use_priority) { if ( ($iPrio == 1) || ($iPrio == 2) ) { $td_str .= "!"; $stuff = true; } if ($iPrio == 5) { $td_str .= "?"; $stuff = true; } } if (isset($aFlags['\\deleted']) && $aFlags['\\deleted'] == true) { $td_str .= "D"; $stuff = true; } if (!$stuff) { $td_str .= ' '; } $td_str .= ''; echo html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap' ); } break; case 6: /* size */ echo html_tag( 'td', $bold . $fontstr . show_readable_size($iSize) . $fontstr_end . $bold_end, 'right', $hlt_color ); break; } ++$col; } } /* html for separationlines between rows */ if ($last) { echo ''."\n"; } else { echo '' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } } function setUserPref($username, $pref, $value) { global $data_dir; setPref($data_dir,$username,$pref,$value); } /** * Selects a mailbox for header retrieval. * Cache control for message headers is embedded. * * @param resource $imapConnection imap socket handle * @param string $mailbox mailbox to select and retrieve message headers from * @param array $aConfig array with system config settings and incoming vars * @param array $aProps mailbox specific properties * @return array $aMailbox mailbox array with all relevant information * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection,$mailbox,$aConfig,$aProps) { /** * NB: retrieve this from the session before accessing this function * and make sure you write it back at the end of the script after * the aMailbox var is added so that the headers are added to the cache */ global $mailbox_cache; /** * In case the properties arrays are empty set the defaults. */ $aDefaultMbxPref = array (); // MBX_PREF_SORT => 0, // MBX_PREF_LIMIT => 15, // MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE => 0, // MBX_PREF_INTERNALDATE => 0 // ); /* array_merge doesn't work with integers as keys */ // foreach ($aDefaultMbxPref as $key => $value) { // if (!isset($aProps[$key])) { // $aProps[$key] = $value; // } // } $aDefaultConfigProps = array( // 'allow_thread_sort' => 0, 'allow_server_sort' => sqimap_capability($imapConnection,'SORT'), // 'charset' => 'US-ASCII', 'user' => false, /* no pref storage if false */ 'setindex' => 0, // 'search' => 'ALL', 'max_cache_size' => SQM_MAX_MBX_IN_CACHE ); $aConfig = array_merge($aDefaultConfigProps,$aConfig); $iSetIndx = $aConfig['setindex']; $aMbxResponse = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); if ($mailbox_cache) { if (isset($mailbox_cache[$mailbox])) { $aCachedMailbox = $mailbox_cache[$mailbox]; } else { $aCachedMailbox = false; } /* cleanup cache */ if (count($mailbox_cache) > $aConfig['max_cache_size'] -1) { $aTime = array(); foreach($mailbox_cache as $cachedmailbox => $aVal) { $aTime[$aVal['TIMESTAMP']] = $cachedmailbox; } if (ksort($aTime,SORT_NUMERIC)) { for ($i=0,$iCnt=count($mailbox_cache);$i<($iCnt-$aConfig['max_cache_size']);++$i) { $sOldestMbx = array_shift($aTime); /** * Remove only the UIDSET and MSG_HEADERS from cache because those can * contain large amounts of data. */ if (isset($mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['UIDSET'])) { $mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['UIDSET']= false; } if (isset($mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $mailbox_cache[$sOldestMbx]['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; } } } } } else { $aCachedMailbox = false; } /** * Deal with imap servers that do not return the required UIDNEXT or * UIDVALIDITY response * from a SELECT call (since rfc 3501 it's required). */ if (!isset($aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT']) || !isset($aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY'])) { $aStatus = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection,$mailbox, array('UIDNEXT','UIDVALIDITY')); $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT'] = $aStatus['UIDNEXT']; $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDTY'] = $aStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; } $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = false; $aMailbox['ID'] = false; $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] = $iSetIndx; if ($aCachedMailbox) { /** * Validate integrity of cached data */ if ($aCachedMailbox['EXISTS'] == $aMbxResponse['EXISTS'] && $aMbxResponse['EXISTS'] && $aCachedMailbox['UIDVALIDITY'] == $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY'] && $aCachedMailbox['UIDNEXT'] == $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT'] && isset($aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) && (!isset($aConfig['search']) || /* always set search from the searchpage */ $aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] == $aConfig['search'])) { if (isset($aCachedMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = $aCachedMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']; } $aMailbox['ID'] = $aCachedMailbox['ID']; if (isset($aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && $aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) { if (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]) && $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT] != $aCachedMailbox['SORT'] ) { $newsort = $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]; $oldsort = $aCachedMailbox['SORT']; /** * If it concerns a reverse sort we do not need to invalidate * the cached sorted UIDSET, a reverse is sufficient. */ if ((($newsort % 2) && ($newsort + 1 == $oldsort)) || (!($newsort % 2) && ($newsort - 1 == $oldsort))) { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = array_reverse($aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]); } else { $server_sort_array = false; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; $aMailbox['ID'] = false; } // store the new sort value in the mailbox pref if ($aConfig['user']) { // FIXME, in ideal situation, we write back the // prefs at the end of the script setUserPref($aConfig['user'],"pref_$mailbox",serialize($aProps)); } } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } } } } /** * Restore the offset in the paginator if no new offset is provided. */ if (isset($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && !isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aCachedMailbox['OFFSET']) { $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = $aCachedMailbox['OFFSET']; $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = $aCachedMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; } else { $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = (isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aConfig['offset']) ? $aConfig['offset'] -1 : 0; $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = (isset($aConfig['offset']) && $aConfig['offset']) ? $aConfig['offset'] : 1; } /** * Restore the showall value no new showall value is provided. */ if (isset($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]) && !isset($aConfig['showall']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) && $aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) { $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['showall']) && $aConfig['showall']) ? 1 : 0; } if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SORT'])) { $aMailbox['SORT'] = $aCachedMailbox['SORT']; } else { $aMailbox['SORT'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_SORT] : 0; } if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['LIMIT'])) { $aMailbox['LIMIT'] = $aCachedMailbox['LIMIT']; } else { $aMailbox['LIMIT'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_LIMIT] : 15; } if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_INTERNALDATE]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['INTERNALDATE'])) { $aMailbox['INTERNALDATE'] = $aCachedMailbox['INTERNALDATE']; } else { $aMailbox['INTERNALDATE'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_INTERNALDATE])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_INTERNALDATE] : false; } if (!isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE]) && isset($aCachedMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'])) { $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] = $aCachedMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE']; } else { $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] = (isset($aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE])) ? $aProps[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE] : false; } if (!isset($aConfig['allow_thread_sort']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD'])) { $aMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD'] = $aCachedMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD']; } else { $aMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD'] = (isset($aConfig['allow_thread_sort'])) ? $aConfig['allow_thread_sort'] : false; } if (!isset($aConfig['search']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx])) { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['search'])) ? $aConfig['search'] : 'ALL'; } if (!isset($aConfig['charset']) && isset($aCachedMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx])) { $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aCachedMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx] = (isset($aConfig['charset'])) ? $aConfig['charset'] : 'US-ASCII'; } $aMailbox['NAME'] = $mailbox; $aMailbox['EXISTS'] = $aMbxResponse['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['SEEN'] = (isset($aMbxResponse['SEEN'])) ? $aMbxResponse['SEEN'] : $aMbxResponse['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['RECENT'] = (isset($aMbxResponse['RECENT'])) ? $aMbxResponse['RECENT'] : 0; $aMailbox['UIDVALIDITY'] = $aMbxResponse['UIDVALIDITY']; $aMailbox['UIDNEXT'] = $aMbxResponse['UIDNEXT']; $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'] = $aMbxResponse['PERMANENTFLAGS']; $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] = $aMbxResponse['RIGHTS']; /* decide if we are thread sorting or not */ if (!$aMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD']) { if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { $aMailbox['SORT'] -= SQSORT_THREAD; } } if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'THREAD'; $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'] = $aCachedMailbox['THREAD_INDENT']; } else if (isset($aConfig['allow_server_sort']) && $aConfig['allow_server_sort']) { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'SERVER'; $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'] = false; } else { $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] = 'SQUIRREL'; $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'] = false; } /* set a timestamp for cachecontrol */ $aMailbox['TIMESTAMP'] = time(); return $aMailbox; } /** * Does the $srt $_GET var to field mapping * * @param int $srt Field to sort on * @param bool $bServerSort Server sorting is true * @return string $sSortField Field to sort on */ function getSortField($sort,$bServerSort) { switch($sort) { case SQSORT_NONE: $sSortField = 'UID'; break; case SQSORT_DATE_ASC: case SQSORT_DATE_DEC: $sSortField = 'DATE'; break; case SQSORT_FROM_ASC: case SQSORT_FROM_DEC: $sSortField = 'FROM'; break; case SQSORT_SUBJ_ASC: case SQSORT_SUBJ_DEC: $sSortField = 'SUBJECT'; break; case SQSORT_SIZE_ASC: case SQSORT_SIZE_DEC: $sSortField = ($bServerSort) ? 'SIZE' : 'RFC822.SIZE'; break; case SQSORT_TO_ASC: case SQSORT_TO_DEC: $sSortField = 'TO'; break; case SQSORT_CC_ASC: case SQSORT_CC_DEC: $sSortField = 'CC'; break; case SQSORT_INT_DATE_ASC: case SQSORT_INT_DATE_DEC: $sSortField = ($bServerSort) ? 'ARRIVAL' : 'INTERNALDATE'; break; case SQSORT_THREAD: break; default: $sSortField = 'UID'; break; } return $sSortField; } function get_sorted_msgs_list($imapConnection,&$aMailbox,&$error) { $iSetIndx = (isset($aMailbox['SETINDEX'])) ? $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] : 0; $bDirection = ($aMailbox['SORT'] % 2); $error = false; if (!$aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]) { $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] = 'ALL'; } switch ($aMailbox['SORT_METHOD']) { case 'THREAD': $aRes = get_thread_sort($imapConnection,$aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]); if ($aRes === false) { $error = '
' . _("Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.") . '
' . _("Please report this to the system administrator."). '
'; $aMailbox['SORT'] -= SQSORT_THREAD; } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aRes[0]; $aMailbox['THREAD_INDENT'][$iSetIndx] = $aRes[1]; } break; case 'SERVER': $sSortField = getSortField($aMailbox['SORT'],true); $id = sqimap_get_sort_order($imapConnection, $sSortField, $bDirection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx]); if ($id === false) { $error = '
' . _( "Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.") . '
' . _("Please report this to the system administrator."). '
'; } else { $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $id; } break; default: $id = NULL; if ($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] != 'ALL') { $id = sqimap_run_search($imapConnection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx], $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]); } $sSortField = getSortField($aMailbox['SORT'],false); $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = get_squirrel_sort($imapConnection, $sSortField, $bDirection, $id); break; } return $error; } function fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, &$aMailbox) { /** * Retrieve the UIDSET. * Setindex is used to be able to store multiple uid sets. That will make it * possible to display the mailbox multiple times in different sort order * or to store serach results separate from normal mailbox view. */ $iSetIndx = (isset($aMailbox['SETINDEX'])) ? $aMailbox['SETINDEX'] : 0; $iLimit = ($aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) ? $aMailbox['EXISTS'] : $aMailbox['LIMIT']; /** * Adjust the start_msg */ $start_msg = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']; if($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['EXISTS']) { $start_msg -= $aMailbox['LIMIT']; if($start_msg < 1) { $start_msg = 1; } } if (is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'])) { $aUid =& $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } else { $aUid = false; } // initialize the fields we want to retrieve: $aHeaderFields = array('Date', 'To', 'Cc', 'From', 'Subject', 'X-Priority', 'Content-Type'); $aFetchItems = array('FLAGS', 'RFC822.SIZE'); // Are we sorting on internaldate then retrieve the internaldate value as well if ($aMailbox['INTERNALDATE']) { $aFetchItems[] = 'INTERNALDATE'; } /** * A uidset with sorted uid's is available. We can use the cache */ if (($aMailbox['SORT'] != SQSORT_NONE || $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] != 'ALL') && isset($aUid) && $aUid ) { // limit the cache to SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE if (!$aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) { $iMaxMsgs = $iLimit * SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE; $iCacheSize = count($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']); if ($iCacheSize > $iMaxMsgs) { $iReduce = $iCacheSize - $iMaxMsgs; foreach ($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] as $iUid => $value) { if ($iReduce) { unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); } else { break; } --$iReduce; } } } $id_slice = array_slice($aUid,$start_msg-1,$iLimit); /* do some funky cache checks */ $aUidCached = array_keys($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']); $aUidNotCached = array_values(array_diff($id_slice,$aUidCached)); /** * $aUidNotCached contains an array with UID's which need to be fetched to * complete the needed message headers. */ if (count($aUidNotCached)) { $aMsgs = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$aUidNotCached, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); // append the msgs to the existend headers $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] += $aMsgs; } } else { /** * Initialize the sorted UID list and fetch the visible message headers */ if ($aMailbox['SORT'] != SQSORT_NONE || $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] != 'ALL') {// || $aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] & SQSORT_THREAD 'THREAD') { $error = false; if ($aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx] && $aMailbox['SORT'] == 0) { $aUid = sqimap_run_search($imapConnection, $aMailbox['SEARCH'][$iSetIndx], $aMailbox['CHARSET'][$iSetIndx]); } else { $error = get_sorted_msgs_list($imapConnection,$aMailbox,$error); $aUid = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx]; } if ($error === false) { $id_slice = array_slice($aUid,$aMailbox['OFFSET'], $iLimit); if (count($id_slice)) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$id_slice, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); } else { return false; } } else { // FIX ME, format message and fallback to squirrel sort if ($error) { echo $error; } } } else { // limit the cache to SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE if (!$aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx] && isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']) && is_array($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $iMaxMsgs = $iLimit * SQM_MAX_PAGES_IN_CACHE; $iCacheSize = count($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']); if ($iCacheSize > $iMaxMsgs) { $iReduce = $iCacheSize - $iMaxMsgs; foreach ($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] as $iUid => $value) { if ($iReduce) { $iId = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['ID']; unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); unset($aMailbox['ID'][$iId]); } else { break; } --$iReduce; } } } /** * retrieve messages by sequence id's and fetch the UID to retrieve * the UID. for sorted lists this is not needed because a UID FETCH * automaticly add the UID value in fetch results **/ $aFetchItems[] = 'UID'; //create id range $iRangeStart = $aMailbox['EXISTS'] - $aMailbox['OFFSET']; $iRangeEnd = ($iRangeStart > $iLimit) ? ($iRangeStart - $iLimit+1):1; $id_slice = range($iRangeStart, $iRangeEnd); /** * Non sorted mailbox with cached message headers */ if (isset($aMailbox['ID']) && is_array($aMailbox['ID'])) { // the fetched id => uid relation $aId = $aMailbox['ID']; $aIdCached = array(); foreach ($aId as $iId => $iUid) { if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid])) { if ($iId <= $iRangeStart && $iId >= $iRangeEnd) { $aIdCached[] = $iId; } } } $aIdNotCached = array_diff($id_slice,$aIdCached); } else { $aIdNotCached = $id_slice; } if (count($aIdNotCached)) { $aMsgs = sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection,$aIdNotCached, $aHeaderFields,$aFetchItems); // append the msgs to the existend headers if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS']) && is_array($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'])) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] += $aMsgs; } else { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = $aMsgs; } // update the ID array foreach ($aMsgs as $iUid => $aMsg) { if (isset($aMsg['ID'])) { $aMailbox['ID'][$aMsg['ID']] = $iUid; } } } /** * In unsorted state we show newest messages first which means * that the UIDSET which represents the order of the messages * should contain a high to low ordered UID list */ $aSortedUidList = array(); foreach ($id_slice as $iId) { if (isset($aMailbox['ID'][$iId])) { $aSortedUidList[] = $aMailbox['ID'][$iId]; } } $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$iSetIndx] = $aSortedUidList; $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = 0; } } return true; } /** * This function loops through a group of messages in the mailbox * and shows them to the user. * * @param mixed $imapConnection * @param array $aMailbox associative array with mailbox related vars */ function showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, &$aMailbox) { global $color; // to retrieve the internaldate pref: (I know this is not the right place to do that, move up in front // and use a properties array as function argument to provide user preferences global $data_dir, $username; if (!fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, $aMailbox)) { return false; } $iSetIndx = $aMailbox['SETINDEX']; $iLimit = ($aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]) ? $aMailbox['EXISTS'] : $aMailbox['LIMIT']; $iEnd = ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] + ($iLimit - 1) < $aMailbox['EXISTS']) ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] + $iLimit - 1 : $aMailbox['EXISTS']; $paginator_str = get_paginator_str($aMailbox['NAME'], $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'], $aMailbox['EXISTS'], $aMailbox['LIMIT'], $aMailbox['SHOWALL'][$iSetIndx]); $msg_cnt_str = get_msgcnt_str($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'], $iEnd,$aMailbox['EXISTS']); do_hook('mailbox_index_before'); ?>
$aHeaders[$aId[$i]], 'INDX' => $t, 'OFFSET' => $iOffset, 'PAGEOFFSET' => $iPageOffset, 'SORT' => $sort, 'SEARCH' => $aSearch, 'MAILBOX' => $sMailbox, 'INDENT' => $indent, 'LAST' => $bLast ); printMessageInfo($aMsg); ++$t; } else { break; } } } /** * Displays the standard message list header. * * To finish the table, you need to do a ""; * * @param resource $imapConnection * @param array $aMailbox associative array with mailbox related information * @param string $msg_cnt_str * @param string $paginator Paginator string */ function mail_message_listing_beginning ($imapConnection, $aMailbox, $msg_cnt_str = '', $paginator = ' ' ) { global $color, $show_flag_buttons, $PHP_SELF; global $lastTargetMailbox, $boxes; $php_self = $PHP_SELF; $urlMailbox = urlencode($aMailbox['NAME']); if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$php_self,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $php_self; } if (!isset($msg)) { $msg = ''; } $moveFields = addHidden('msg', $msg). addHidden('mailbox', $aMailbox['NAME']). addHidden('startMessage', $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']); /* build thread sorting links */ $sort = $aMailbox['SORT']; if ($aMailbox['ALLOW_THREAD']) { if ($aMailbox['SORT'] & SQSORT_THREAD) { $sort -= SQSORT_THREAD; $thread_name = _("Unthread View"); } else { $thread_name = _("Thread View"); $sort = $aMailbox['SORT'] + SQSORT_THREAD; } $thread_link_str = '[
' . $thread_name . ']'; } else { $thread_link_str =''; } /* * This is the beginning of the message list table. * It wraps around all messages */ $safe_name = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/", '_', $aMailbox['NAME']); $form_name = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; echo '
' ."\n" . $moveFields; $button_str = ''; // display flag buttons only if supported if ($show_flag_buttons && in_array('\\flagged',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true) ) { $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'markUnflagged', _("Unflag")); $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'markFlagged', _("Flag")); $button_str .= " \n"; } if (in_array('\\seen',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) { $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'markUnread', _("Unread")); $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'markRead', _("Read")); $button_str .= " \n"; } $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'attache',_("Forward")) . " \n"; if (in_array('\\deleted',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) { $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'delete',_("Delete")); $button_str .= '' . _("Bypass Trash"); $button_str .= " \n"; } if (!$aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $aMailbox['RIGHTS'] != 'READ-ONLY') { $button_str .= getButton('SUBMIT', 'expungeButton',_("Expunge")) .' ' . _("mailbox") . "\n"; $button_str .= ' '; } ?>
' . $paginator . $thread_link_str . '', 'left') . "\n"; ?> ' . $msg_cnt_str . '', 'right') . "\n"; ?>
' . $paginator_str . '', 'left'); ?> ' . $msg_cnt_str . '', 'right'); ?>
\n"; } /** * Prints the table header for the messages list view * * @param array $aMailbox */ function printHeader($aMailbox) { global $index_order, $internal_date_sort, $color; if ($aMailbox['SORT_METHOD'] != 'THREAD') { $showsort = true; } else { $showsort = false; } echo html_tag( 'tr' ,'' , 'center', $color[5] ); /* calculate the width of the subject column based on the * widths of the other columns */ $widths = array(1=>1,2=>25,3=>5,4=>0,5=>1,6=>5); $subjectwidth = 100; foreach($index_order as $item) { $subjectwidth -= $widths[$item]; } foreach ($index_order as $item) { switch ($item) { case 1: /* checkbox */ echo html_tag( 'td',get_selectall_link($aMailbox) , '', '', 'width="1%"' ); break; case 5: /* flags */ echo html_tag( 'td','' , '', '', 'width="1%"' ); break; case 2: /* from */ if (handleAsSent($aMailbox['NAME'])) { echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="25%"' ) . '' . _("To") . ''; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_TO_ASC, SQSORT_TO_DEC); } } else { echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="25%"' ) . '' . _("From") . ''; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_FROM_ASC, SQSORT_FROM_DEC); } } echo "\n"; break; case 3: /* date */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="5%" nowrap' ) . '' . _("Date") . ''; if ($showsort) { if ($internal_date_sort) { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_INT_DATE_ASC, SQSORT_INT_DATE_DEC); } else { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_DATE_ASC, SQSORT_DATE_DEC); } } echo "\n"; break; case 4: /* subject */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="'.$subjectwidth.'%"' ) . '' . _("Subject") . ''; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_SUBJ_ASC, SQSORT_SUBJ_DEC); } echo "\n"; break; case 6: /* size */ echo html_tag( 'td', '', 'center','','width="5%" nowrap') . '' . _("Size") . ''; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($aMailbox, SQSORT_SIZE_ASC, SQSORT_SIZE_DEC); } echo "\n"; break; } } echo "\n"; } /** * This function shows the sort button. Isn't this a good comment? * * @param array $aMailbox * @param integer $Down * @param integer $Up */ function ShowSortButton($aMailbox, $Down, $Up ) { global $PHP_SELF; /* Figure out which image we want to use. */ if ($aMailbox['SORT'] != $Up && $aMailbox['SORT'] != $Down) { $img = 'sort_none.png'; $which = $Up; } elseif ($aMailbox['SORT'] == $Up) { $img = 'up_pointer.png'; $which = $Down; } else { $img = 'down_pointer.png'; $which = 0; } if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$PHP_SELF,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $PHP_SELF; } /* Now that we have everything figured out, show the actual button. */ echo ' sort'; } /** * FIXME: Undocumented function * * @param array $aMailbox */ function get_selectall_link($aMailbox) { global $checkall, $javascript_on; global $PHP_SELF; $result = ''; if ($javascript_on) { $safe_name = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/", '_', $aMailbox['NAME']); $func_name = "CheckAll" . $safe_name; $form_name = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; $result = '' . ''; // . ' . _("Toggle All") // . "\n"; } else { if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "?")) { $result .= ""; $result .= _("All"); $result .= "\n"; } /* Return our final result. */ return ($result); } /** * This function computes the "Viewing Messages..." string. * * @param integer $start_msg first message number * @param integer $end_msg last message number * @param integer $num_msgs total number of message in folder * @return string */ function get_msgcnt_str($start_msg, $end_msg, $num_msgs) { /* Compute the $msg_cnt_str. */ $result = ''; if ($start_msg < $end_msg) { $result = sprintf(_("Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"), ''.$start_msg.'', ''.$end_msg.'', $num_msgs); } else if ($start_msg == $end_msg) { $result = sprintf(_("Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"), ''.$start_msg.''); } else { $result = '
'; } /* Return our result string. */ return ($result); } /** * Generate a paginator link. * * @param mixed $box Mailbox name * @param mixed $start_msg Message Offset * @param mixed $use * @param string $text text used for paginator link * @return string */ function get_paginator_link($box, $start_msg, $text) { sqgetGlobalVar('PHP_SELF',$php_self,SQ_SERVER); $result = "$text"; return ($result); } /** * This function computes the paginator string. * * @param string $box mailbox name * @param integer $iOffset offset in total number of messages * @param integer $iTotal total number of messages * @param integer $iLimit maximum number of messages to show on a page * @param bool $bShowAll show all messages at once (non paginate mode) * @return string $result paginate string with links to pages */ function get_paginator_str($box, $iOffset, $iTotal, $iLimit, $bShowAll) { global $username, $data_dir; sqgetGlobalVar('PHP_SELF',$php_self,SQ_SERVER); /* Initialize paginator string chunks. */ $prv_str = ''; $nxt_str = ''; $pg_str = ''; $all_str = ''; $box = urlencode($box); /* Create simple strings that will be creating the paginator. */ $spc = ' '; /* This will be used as a space. */ $sep = '|'; /* This will be used as a seperator. */ /* Get some paginator preference values. */ $pg_sel = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector', SMPREF_ON); $pg_max = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector_max', PG_SEL_MAX); /* Make sure that our start message number is not too big. */ $iOffset = min($iOffset, $iTotal); /* Compute the starting message of the previous and next page group. */ $next_grp = $iOffset + $iLimit; $prev_grp = $iOffset - $iLimit; if (!$bShowAll) { /* Compute the basic previous and next strings. */ if (($next_grp <= $iTotal) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) { $prv_str = get_paginator_link($box, $prev_grp, _("Previous")); $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($box, $next_grp, _("Next")); } else if (($next_grp > $iTotal) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) { $prv_str = get_paginator_link($box, $prev_grp, _("Previous")); $nxt_str = _("Next"); } else if (($next_grp <= $iTotal) && ($prev_grp < 0)) { $prv_str = _("Previous"); $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($box, $next_grp, _("Next")); } /* Page selector block. Following code computes page links. */ if ($iLimit != 0 && $pg_sel && ($iTotal > $iLimit)) { /* Most importantly, what is the current page!!! */ $cur_pg = intval($iOffset / $iLimit) + 1; /* Compute total # of pages and # of paginator page links. */ $tot_pgs = ceil($iTotal / $iLimit); /* Total number of Pages */ $vis_pgs = min($pg_max, $tot_pgs - 1); /* Visible Pages */ /* Compute the size of the four quarters of the page links. */ /* If we can, just show all the pages. */ if (($tot_pgs - 1) <= $pg_max) { $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1; $q2_pgs = $q3_pgs = 0; $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg; /* Otherwise, compute some magic to choose the four quarters. */ } else { /* * Compute the magic base values. Added together, * these values will always equal to the $pag_pgs. * NOTE: These are DEFAULT values and do not take * the current page into account. That is below. */ $q1_pgs = floor($vis_pgs/4); $q2_pgs = round($vis_pgs/4, 0); $q3_pgs = ceil($vis_pgs/4); $q4_pgs = round(($vis_pgs - $q2_pgs)/3, 0); /* Adjust if the first quarter contains the current page. */ if (($cur_pg - $q1_pgs) < 1) { $extra_pgs = ($q1_pgs - ($cur_pg - 1)) + $q2_pgs; $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1; $q2_pgs = 0; $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); /* Adjust if the first and second quarters intersect. */ } else if (($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - ceil($q2_pgs/3)) <= $q1_pgs) { $extra_pgs = $q2_pgs; $extra_pgs -= ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 3/4); $q2_pgs = ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 3/4); $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); /* Adjust if the fourth quarter contains the current page. */ } else if (($cur_pg + $q4_pgs) >= $tot_pgs) { $extra_pgs = ($q4_pgs - ($tot_pgs - $cur_pg)) + $q3_pgs; $q3_pgs = 0; $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg; $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); /* Adjust if the third and fourth quarter intersect. */ } else if (($cur_pg + $q3_pgs + 1) >= ($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs + 1)) { $extra_pgs = $q3_pgs; $extra_pgs -= ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 3/4); $q3_pgs = ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 3/4); $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); } } /* * I am leaving this debug code here, commented out, because * it is a really nice way to see what the above code is doing. * echo "qts = $q1_pgs/$q2_pgs/$q3_pgs/$q4_pgs = " * . ($q1_pgs + $q2_pgs + $q3_pgs + $q4_pgs) . '
'; */ /* Print out the page links from the compute page quarters. */ /* Start with the first quarter. */ if (($q1_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg > 1)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } else { for ($pg = 1; $pg <= $q1_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $iLimit) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $pg) . $spc; } if ($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - $q1_pgs > 1) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } } /* Continue with the second quarter. */ for ($pg = $cur_pg - $q2_pgs; $pg < $cur_pg; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $iLimit) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $pg) . $spc; } /* Now print the current page. */ $pg_str .= $cur_pg . $spc; /* Next comes the third quarter. */ for ($pg = $cur_pg + 1; $pg <= $cur_pg + $q3_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $iLimit) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $pg) . $spc; } /* And last, print the forth quarter page links. */ if (($q4_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg < $tot_pgs)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } else { if (($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs) > ($cur_pg + $q3_pgs)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } for ($pg = $tot_pgs - $q4_pgs + 1; $pg <= $tot_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $iLimit) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start,$pg) . $spc; } } } } else { $pg_str = "" ._("Paginate") . ''; } /* Put all the pieces of the paginator string together. */ /** * Hairy code... But let's leave it like it is since I am not certain * a different approach would be any easier to read. ;) */ $result = ''; if ( $prv_str || $nxt_str ) { /* Compute the 'show all' string. */ $all_str = "" . _("Show All") . ''; $result .= '['; $result .= ($prv_str != '' ? $prv_str . $spc . $sep . $spc : ''); $result .= ($nxt_str != '' ? $nxt_str : ''); $result .= ']' . $spc ; } $result .= ($pg_str != '' ? $spc . '['.$spc.$pg_str.']' . $spc : ''); $result .= ($all_str != '' ? $spc . '['.$all_str.']' . $spc . $spc : ''); /* If the resulting string is blank, return a non-breaking space. */ if ($result == '') { $result = ' '; } /* Return our final magical paginator string. */ return ($result); } /** * FIXME: Undocumented function */ function truncateWithEntities($subject, $trim_at) { $ent_strlen = strlen($subject); if (($trim_at <= 0) || ($ent_strlen <= $trim_at)) return $subject; global $languages, $squirrelmail_language; /* * see if this is entities-encoded string * If so, Iterate through the whole string, find out * the real number of characters, and if more * than $trim_at, substr with an updated trim value. */ $trim_val = $trim_at; $ent_offset = 0; $ent_loc = 0; while ( $ent_loc < $trim_val && (($ent_loc = strpos($subject, '&', $ent_offset)) !== false) && (($ent_loc_end = strpos($subject, ';', $ent_loc+3)) !== false) ) { $trim_val += ($ent_loc_end-$ent_loc); $ent_offset = $ent_loc_end+1; } if (($trim_val > $trim_at) && ($ent_strlen > $trim_val) && (strpos($subject,';',$trim_val) < ($trim_val + 6))) { $i = strpos($subject,';',$trim_val); if ($i) { $trim_val = strpos($subject,';',$trim_val); } } // only print '...' when we're actually dropping part of the subject if ($ent_strlen <= $trim_val) return $subject; if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'])) { return $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']('strimwidth', $subject, $trim_val); } return substr_replace($subject, '...', $trim_val); } /** * FIXME: Undocumented function */ function processSubject($subject, $threadlevel = 0) { /* Shouldn't ever happen -- caught too many times in the IMAP functions */ if ($subject == '') { return _("(no subject)"); } global $truncate_subject; /* number of characters for Subject field (<= 0 for unchanged) */ $trim_at = $truncate_subject; /* if this is threaded, subtract two chars per indentlevel */ if (($threadlevel > 0) && ($threadlevel <= 10)) $trim_at -= (2*$threadlevel); return truncateWithEntities($subject, $trim_at); } /** * Creates button * * @deprecated see form functions available in 1.5.1 and 1.4.3. * @param string $type * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $js * @param bool $enabled */ function getButton($type, $name, $value, $js = '', $enabled = TRUE) { $disabled = ( $enabled ? '' : 'disabled ' ); $js = ( $js ? $js.' ' : '' ); return ''; } /** * Puts string into cell, aligns it and adds tag * * @param string $string string * @param string $align alignment */ function getSmallStringCell($string, $align) { return html_tag('td', '' . $string . ':  ', $align, '', 'nowrap' ); } /** * This should go in imap_mailbox.php * @param string $mailbox */ function handleAsSent($mailbox) { global $handleAsSent_result; /* First check if this is the sent or draft folder. */ $handleAsSent_result = isSentMailbox($mailbox) || isDraftMailbox($mailbox); /* Then check the result of the handleAsSent hook. */ do_hook('check_handleAsSent_result', $mailbox); /* And return the result. */ return $handleAsSent_result; } /** * Process messages list form and handle the cache gracefully. If $sButton and * $aUid are provided as argument then you can fake a message list submit and * use it i.e. in read_body.php for del move next and update the cache * * @param resource $imapConnection imap connection * @param array $aMailbox (reference) cached mailbox * @param string $sButton fake a submit button * @param array $aUid fake the $msg array * @return string $sError error string in case of an error * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp */ function handleMessageListForm($imapConnection,&$aMailbox,$sButton='',$aUid = array()) { /* incoming formdata */ $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('moveButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'move' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('expungeButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'expunge' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('attache', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'attache' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('delete', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('undeleteButton', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markRead', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'setSeen' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markUnread', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'unsetSeen' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markFlagged', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'setFlagged' : $sButton; $sButton = (sqgetGlobalVar('markUnflagged', $sTmp, SQ_POST)) ? 'unsetFlagged' : $sButton; sqgetGlobalVar('targetMailbox', $targetMailbox, SQ_POST); sqgetGlobalVar('bypass_trash', $bypass_trash, SQ_POST); sqgetGlobalVar('msg', $msg, SQ_POST); $sError = ''; $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME']; /* retrieve the check boxes */ $aUid = (isset($msg) && is_array($msg)) ? array_values($msg) : $aUid; if (count($aUid) && $sButton != 'expunge') { $aUpdatedMsgs = false; $bExpunge = false; switch ($sButton) { case 'setDeleted': // check if id exists in case we come from read_body if (count($aUid) == 1 && is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]) && !in_array($aUid[0],$aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']])) { break; } // What kind of hook is this, can it be removed? Disabled for now because it can invalidate the cache //if (!boolean_hook_function('move_messages_button_action', NULL, 1)) { $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_delete($imapConnection, $mailbox, $aUid,$bypass_trash); $bExpunge = true; //} break; case 'unsetDeleted': case 'setSeen': case 'unsetSeen': case 'setFlagged': case 'unsetFlagged': // get flag $sFlag = (substr($sButton,0,3) == 'set') ? '\\'.substr($sButton,3) : '\\'.substr($sButton,5); $bSet = (substr($sButton,0,3) == 'set') ? true : false; $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imapConnection, $aUid, $sFlag, $bSet, true); break; case 'move': $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_move($imapConnection,$aUid,$targetMailbox); sqsession_register($targetMailbox,'lastTargetMailbox'); $bExpunge = true; break; case 'attache': $aMsgHeaders = array(); foreach ($aUid as $iUid) { $aMsgHeaders[$iUid] = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]; } if (count($aMsgHeaders)) { $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection,$aMsgHeaders); // dirty hack, add info to $aMailbox $aMailbox['FORWARD_SESSION'] = $composesession; } break; } /** * Updates messages is an array containing the result of the untagged * fetch responses send by the imap server due to a flag change. That * response is parsed in a array with msg arrays by the parseFetch function */ if ($aUpdatedMsgs) { // Update the message headers cache $aDeleted = array(); foreach ($aUpdatedMsgs as $iUid => $aMsg) { if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS'])) { /** * Only update the cached headers if the header is * cached. */ if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid])) { $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS']; } /** * Count the messages with the \Delete flag set so we can determine * if the number of expunged messages equals the number of flagged * messages for deletion. */ if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) && $aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) { $aDeleted[] = $iUid; } } } if ($bExpunge && $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && $iExpungedMessages = sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $aMailbox['NAME'], true)) { if (count($aDeleted) != $iExpungedMessages) { // there are more messages deleted permanently then we expected // invalidate the cache $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = false; $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false; } else { // remove expunged messages from cache $aUidSet = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]; if (is_array($aUidSet)) { // create a UID => array index temp array $aUidSetDummy = array_flip($aUidSet); foreach ($aDeleted as $iUid) { // get the id as well in case of SQM_SORT_NONE if ($aMailbox['SORT'] == SQSORT_NONE) { $aMailbox['ID'] = false; //$iId = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['ID']; //unset($aMailbox['ID'][$iId]); } // unset the UID and message header unset($aUidSetDummy[$iUid]); unset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]); } $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = array_keys($aUidSetDummy); } } // update EXISTS info if ($iExpungedMessages) { $aMailbox['EXISTS'] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages; } // Change the startMessage number if the mailbox was changed if (($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET']+$iExpungedMessages-1) >= $aMailbox['EXISTS']) { $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['LIMIT']) ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - $aMailbox['LIMIT'] : 1; } } } } else { if ($sButton == 'expunge') { /** * on expunge we do not know which messages will be deleted * so it's useless to try to sync the cache * Close the mailbox so we do not need to parse the untagged expunge * responses which do not contain uid info. * NB: Closing a mailbox is faster then expunge because the imap * server does not need to generate the untagged expunge responses */ sqimap_run_command($imapConnection,'CLOSE',false,$result,$message); $aMbxResponse = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection,$aMailbox['NAME']); // update the $aMailbox array $aMailbox['EXISTS'] = $aMbxResponse['EXISTS']; $aMailbox['UIDSET'] = false; } else { if ($sButton) { $sError = _("No messages were selected."); } } } return $sError; } function attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection,$aMsgHeaders) { global $username, $attachment_dir, $data_dir, $composesession, $compose_messages; if (!isset($compose_messages)) { $compose_messages = array(); sqsession_register($compose_messages,'compose_messages'); } if (!$composesession) { $composesession = 1; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); } else { $composesession++; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); } $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); $composeMessage = new Message(); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $composeMessage->reply_rfc822_header = ''; foreach($aMsgHeaders as $iUid => $aMsgHeader) { /** * Retrieve the full message */ $body_a = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, "FETCH $iUid RFC822", true, $response, $readmessage, TRUE); if ($response == 'OK') { $subject = (isset($aMsgHeader['SUBJECT'])) ? $aMsgHeader['SUBJECT'] : $iUid; array_shift($body_a); array_pop($body_a); $body = implode('', $body_a); $body .= "\r\n"; $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, 'FILE', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; $fp = fopen( $full_localfilename, 'wb'); fwrite ($fp, $body); fclose($fp); $composeMessage->initAttachment('message/rfc822',$subject.'.msg', $full_localfilename); } } $compose_messages[$composesession] = $composeMessage; sqsession_register($compose_messages,'compose_messages'); return $composesession; } ?>