0) { foreach ($array as $index=>$value) { if (is_array($array[$index])) { sqstripslashes($array[$index]); } else { $array[$index] = stripslashes($value); } } } } /** * Add a variable to the session. * @param mixed $var the variable to register * @param string $name the name to refer to this variable * @return void */ function sqsession_register ($var, $name) { sqsession_is_active(); $_SESSION["$name"] = $var; session_register("$name"); } /** * Delete a variable from the session. * @param string $name the name of the var to delete * @return void */ function sqsession_unregister ($name) { sqsession_is_active(); unset($_SESSION[$name]); session_unregister("$name"); } /** * Checks to see if a variable has already been registered * in the session. * @param string $name the name of the var to check * @return bool whether the var has been registered */ function sqsession_is_registered ($name) { $test_name = &$name; $result = false; if (isset($_SESSION[$test_name])) { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Retrieves a form variable, from a set of possible similarly named * form variables, based on finding a different, single field. This * is intended to allow more than one same-named inputs in a single *
, where the submit button that is clicked tells us which * input we should retrieve. An example is if we have: * * * * and we want to know which one of the select inputs should be * returned as $startMessage (without the suffix!), this function * decides by looking for either "form_submit_1" or "form_submit_2" * (both should not appear). In this example, $name should be * "startMessage" and $indicator_field should be "form_submit". * * NOTE that form widgets must be named with the suffix "_1", "_2", "_3" * and so on, or this function will not work. * * If more than one of the indicator fields is found, the first one * (numerically) will win. * * If an indicator field is found without a matching input ($name) * field, FALSE is returned. * * If no indicator fields are found, a field of $name *without* any * suffix is searched for (but only if $fallback_no_suffix is TRUE), * and if not found, FALSE is ultimately returned. * * It should also be possible to use the same string for both * $name and $indicator_field to look for the first possible * widget with a suffix that can be found (and possibly fallback * to a widget without a suffix). * * @param string name the name of the var to search * @param mixed value the variable to return * @param string indicator_field the name of the field upon which to base * our decision upon (see above) * @param int search constant defining where to look * @param bool fallback_no_suffix whether or not to look for $name with * no suffix when nothing else is found * @param mixed default the value to assign to $value when nothing is found * @param int typecast force variable to be cast to given type (please * use SQ_TYPE_XXX constants or set to FALSE (default) * to leave variable type unmolested) * * @return bool whether variable is found. */ function sqGetGlobalVarMultiple($name, &$value, $indicator_field, $search = SQ_INORDER, $fallback_no_suffix=TRUE, $default=NULL, $typecast=FALSE) { $max_form_search = 15; for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_form_search; $i++) { if (sqGetGlobalVar($indicator_field . '_' . $i, $temp, $search)) { return sqGetGlobalVar($name . '_' . $i, $value, $search, $default, $typecast); } } // no indicator field found; just try without suffix if allowed // if ($fallback_no_suffix) { return sqGetGlobalVar($name, $value, $search, $default, $typecast); } // no dice, set default and return FALSE // if (!is_null($default)) { $value = $default; } return FALSE; } /** * Search for the var $name in $_SESSION, $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, or $_SERVER * and set it in provided var. * * If $search is not provided, or if it is SQ_INORDER, it will search $_SESSION, * then $_POST, then $_GET. If $search is SQ_FORM it will search $_POST and * $_GET. Otherwise, use one of the defined constants to look for a var in one * place specifically. * * Note: $search is an int value equal to one of the constants defined above. * * Example: * sqgetGlobalVar('username',$username,SQ_SESSION); * // No quotes around last param, it's a constant - not a string! * * @param string name the name of the var to search * @param mixed value the variable to return * @param int search constant defining where to look * @param mixed default the value to assign to $value when nothing is found * @param int typecast force variable to be cast to given type (please * use SQ_TYPE_XXX constants or set to FALSE (default) * to leave variable type unmolested) * * @return bool whether variable is found. */ function sqgetGlobalVar($name, &$value, $search = SQ_INORDER, $default = NULL, $typecast = false) { $result = false; switch ($search) { /* we want the default case to be first here, so that if a valid value isn't specified, all three arrays will be searched. */ default: case SQ_INORDER: // check session, post, get case SQ_SESSION: if( isset($_SESSION[$name]) ) { $value = $_SESSION[$name]; $result = TRUE; break; } elseif ( $search == SQ_SESSION ) { break; } case SQ_FORM: // check post, get case SQ_POST: if( isset($_POST[$name]) ) { $value = $_POST[$name]; $result = TRUE; break; } elseif ( $search == SQ_POST ) { break; } case SQ_GET: if ( isset($_GET[$name]) ) { $value = $_GET[$name]; $result = TRUE; break; } /* NO IF HERE. FOR SQ_INORDER CASE, EXIT after GET */ break; case SQ_COOKIE: if ( isset($_COOKIE[$name]) ) { $value = $_COOKIE[$name]; $result = TRUE; break; } break; case SQ_SERVER: if ( isset($_SERVER[$name]) ) { $value = $_SERVER[$name]; $result = TRUE; break; } break; } if ($result && $typecast) { switch ($typecast) { case SQ_TYPE_INT: $value = (int) $value; break; case SQ_TYPE_STRING: $value = (string) $value; break; case SQ_TYPE_BOOL: $value = (bool) $value; break; default: break; } } else if (!$result && !is_null($default)) { $value = $default; } return $result; } /** * Deletes an existing session, more advanced than the standard PHP * session_destroy(), it explicitly deletes the cookies and global vars. * * WARNING: Older PHP versions have some issues with session management. * See http://bugs.php.net/11643 (warning, spammed bug tracker) and * http://bugs.php.net/13834. SID constant is not destroyed in PHP 4.1.2, * 4.2.3 and maybe other versions. If you restart session after session * is destroyed, affected PHP versions produce PHP notice. Bug should * be fixed only in 4.3.0 */ function sqsession_destroy() { /* * php.net says we can kill the cookie by setting just the name: * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php * maybe this will help fix the session merging again. * * Changed the theory on this to kill the cookies first starting * a new session will provide a new session for all instances of * the browser, we don't want that, as that is what is causing the * merging of sessions. */ global $base_uri; if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) sqsetcookie(session_name(), '', 0, $base_uri); if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) sqsetcookie('username','',0,$base_uri); if (isset($_COOKIE['key'])) sqsetcookie('key','',0,$base_uri); $sessid = session_id(); if (!empty( $sessid )) { $_SESSION = array(); @session_destroy(); } } /** * Function to verify a session has been started. If it hasn't * start a session up. php.net doesn't tell you that $_SESSION * (even though autoglobal), is not created unless a session is * started, unlike $_POST, $_GET and such */ function sqsession_is_active() { $sessid = session_id(); if ( empty( $sessid ) ) { sqsession_start(); } } /** * Function to start the session and store the cookie with the session_id as * HttpOnly cookie which means that the cookie isn't accessible by javascript * (IE6 only) */ function sqsession_start() { global $base_uri; session_start(); $session_id = session_id(); // session_starts sets the sessionid cookie buth without the httponly var // setting the cookie again sets the httponly cookie attribute // disable, @see sqsetcookie and php 5.1.2 // sqsetcookie(session_name(),session_id(),false,$base_uri); } /** * Set a cookie * @param string $sName The name of the cookie. * @param string $sValue The value of the cookie. * @param int $iExpire The time the cookie expires. This is a Unix timestamp so is in number of seconds since the epoch. * @param string $sPath The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. * @param string $sDomain The domain that the cookie is available. * @param boolean $bSecure Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. * @param boolean $bHttpOnly Disallow JS to access the cookie (IE6 only) * @return void */ function sqsetcookie($sName,$sValue,$iExpire=false,$sPath="",$sDomain="",$bSecure=false,$bHttpOnly=true,$bFlush=false) { static $sCookieCache; if (!isset($sCache)) { $sCache = ''; } /** * We have to send all cookies with one header call otherwise we loose cookies. * In order to achieve that the sqsetcookieflush function calls this function with $bFlush = true. * If that happens we send the cookie header. */ if ($bFlush) { // header($sCookieCache); return; } if (!$sName) return; // php 5.1.2 and 4.4.2 do not allow to send multiple headers at once. // Because that's the only way to get this thing working we fallback to // setcookie until we solved this if ($iExpire===false) $iExpire = 0; setcookie($sName, $sValue, $iExpire, $sPath); return; $sHeader = "Set-Cookie: $sName=$sValue"; if ($sPath) { $sHeader .= "; path=$sPath"; } if ($iExpire !== false) { $sHeader .= "; Max-Age=$iExpire"; // php uses Expire header, also add the expire header $sHeader .= "; expires=". gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T',$iExpire); } if ($sDomain) { $sHeader .= "; Domain=$sDomain"; } // TODO: IE for Mac (5.2) thinks that semicolon is part of cookie domain if ($bSecure) { $sHeader .= "; Secure"; } if ($bHttpOnly) { $sHeader .= "; HttpOnly"; } // $sHeader .= "; Version=1"; $sCookieCache .= $sHeader ."\r\n"; //header($sHeader."\r\n"); } /** * Send the cookie header * * Cookies set with sqsetcookie will bet set after a sqsetcookieflush call. * @return void */ function sqsetcookieflush() { sqsetcookie('','','','','','','',true); } /** * session_regenerate_id replacement for PHP < 4.3.2 * * This code is borrowed from Gallery, session.php version */ if (!function_exists('session_regenerate_id')) { function make_seed() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float)$sec + ((float)$usec * 100000); } function php_combined_lcg() { mt_srand(make_seed()); $tv = gettimeofday(); $lcg['s1'] = $tv['sec'] ^ (~$tv['usec']); $lcg['s2'] = mt_rand(); $q = (int) ($lcg['s1'] / 53668); $lcg['s1'] = (int) (40014 * ($lcg['s1'] - 53668 * $q) - 12211 * $q); if ($lcg['s1'] < 0) { $lcg['s1'] += 2147483563; } $q = (int) ($lcg['s2'] / 52774); $lcg['s2'] = (int) (40692 * ($lcg['s2'] - 52774 * $q) - 3791 * $q); if ($lcg['s2'] < 0) { $lcg['s2'] += 2147483399; } $z = (int) ($lcg['s1'] - $lcg['s2']); if ($z < 1) { $z += 2147483562; } return $z * 4.656613e-10; } function session_regenerate_id() { global $base_uri; $tv = gettimeofday(); sqgetGlobalVar('REMOTE_ADDR',$remote_addr,SQ_SERVER); $buf = sprintf("%.15s%ld%ld%0.8f", $remote_addr, $tv['sec'], $tv['usec'], php_combined_lcg() * 10); session_id(md5($buf)); if (ini_get('session.use_cookies')) { // at a later stage we use sqsetcookie. At this point just do // what session_regenerate_id would do setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), NULL, $base_uri); } return TRUE; } } /** * php_self * * Creates an URL for the page calling this function, using either the PHP global * REQUEST_URI, or the PHP global PHP_SELF with QUERY_STRING added. Before 1.5.1 * function was stored in function/strings.php. * * @return string the complete url for this page * @since 1.2.3 */ function php_self () { if ( sqgetGlobalVar('REQUEST_URI', $req_uri, SQ_SERVER) && !empty($req_uri) ) { return $req_uri; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('PHP_SELF', $php_self, SQ_SERVER) && !empty($php_self) ) { // need to add query string to end of PHP_SELF to match REQUEST_URI // if ( sqgetGlobalVar('QUERY_STRING', $query_string, SQ_SERVER) && !empty($query_string) ) { $php_self .= '?' . $query_string; } return $php_self; } return ''; } /** * Find files and/or directories in a given directory optionally * limited to only those with the given file extension. If the * directory is not found or cannot be opened, no error is generated; * only an empty file list is returned. FIXME: do we WANT to throw an error or a notice or... or return FALSE? * * @param string $directory_path The path (relative or absolute) * to the desired directory. * @param string $extension The file extension filter (optional; * default is to return all files (dirs). * @param boolean $return_filenames_only When TRUE, only file/dir names * are returned, otherwise the * $directory_path string is * prepended to each file/dir in * the returned list (optional; * default is filename/dirname only) * @param boolean $include_directories When TRUE, directories are * included (optional; default * DO include directories). * @param boolean $directories_only When TRUE, ONLY directories * are included (optional; default * is to include files too). * @param boolean $separate_files_and_directories When TRUE, files and * directories are returned * in separate lists, so * the return value is * formatted as a two-element * array with the two keys * "FILES" and "DIRECTORIES", * where corresponding values * are lists of either all * files or all directories * (optional; default do not * split up return array). * * * @return array The requested file/directory list(s). * * @since 1.5.2 * */ function list_files($directory_path, $extension='', $return_filenames_only=TRUE, $include_directories=TRUE, $directories_only=FALSE, $separate_files_and_directories=FALSE) { $files = array(); $directories = array(); //FIXME: do we want to place security restrictions here like only allowing // directories under SM_PATH? // validate given directory // if (empty($directory_path) || !is_dir($directory_path) || !($DIR = opendir($directory_path))) { return $files; } if (!empty($extension)) $extension = '.' . trim($extension, '.'); $directory_path = rtrim($directory_path, '/'); // parse through the files // while (($file = readdir($DIR)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (!empty($extension) && strrpos($file, $extension) !== (strlen($file) - strlen($extension))) continue; // only use is_dir() if we really need to (be as efficient as possible) // $is_dir = FALSE; if (!$include_directories || $directories_only || $separate_files_and_directories) { if (is_dir($directory_path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$include_directories) continue; $is_dir = TRUE; $directories[] = ($return_filenames_only ? $file : $directory_path . '/' . $file); } if ($directories_only) continue; } if (!$separate_files_and_directories || ($separate_files_and_directories && !$is_dir)) { $files[] = ($return_filenames_only ? $file : $directory_path . '/' . $file); } } closedir($DIR); if ($directories_only) return $directories; if ($separate_files_and_directories) return array('FILES' => $files, 'DIRECTORIES' => $directories); return $files; } /** * Print variable * * sm_print_r($some_variable, [$some_other_variable [, ...]]); * * Debugging function - does the same as print_r, but makes sure special * characters are converted to htmlentities first. This will allow * values like to be displayed. * The output is wrapped in <
> and <
> tags. * Since 1.4.2 accepts unlimited number of arguments. * @since 1.4.1 * @return void */ function sm_print_r() { ob_start(); // Buffer output foreach(func_get_args() as $var) { print_r($var); echo "\n"; // php has get_class_methods function that can print class methods if (is_object($var)) { // get class methods if $var is object $aMethods=get_class_methods(get_class($var)); // make sure that $aMethods is array and array is not empty if (is_array($aMethods) && $aMethods!=array()) { echo "Object methods:\n"; foreach($aMethods as $method) { echo '* ' . $method . "\n"; } } echo "\n"; } } $buffer = ob_get_contents(); // Grab the print_r output ob_end_clean(); // Silently discard the output & stop buffering print '
    print htmlentities($buffer);
    print '
'; }