Tags can be used for Section 508 * or WAI compliance. * * * input tag functions accept extra html attributes that can be submitted * in $aAttribs array. * * * default css class attributes are added. * * @link Section 508 * @link Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) * @link HTML 4.01 form specs * @copyright © 2004-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id$ * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage forms * @since 1.4.3 and 1.5.1 */ /** * Helper function to create form fields, not to be called directly, * only by other functions below. * * Function used different syntax before 1.5.1 * @param string $sType type of input field. Possible values (html 4.01 * specs.): text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, file, * hidden, image, button. * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes. Array key is * attribute name, array value is attribute value. Array keys must use * lowercase. * @return string html formated input field * @deprecated use other functions that provide simple wrappers to this function */ function addInputField($sType, $aAttribs=array()) { $sAttribs = ''; // define unique identifier if (! isset($aAttribs['id']) && isset($aAttribs['name']) && ! is_null($aAttribs['name'])) { /** * if 'id' is not set, set it to 'name' and replace brackets * with underscores. 'name' might contain field name with squire * brackets (array). Brackets are not allowed in id ( * fails to validate document). According to html 4.01 manual cdata * type description, 'name' attribute uses same type, but * does not barf on brackets in 'name' attributes. */ $aAttribs['id'] = strtr($aAttribs['name'],'[]','__'); } // create attribute string (do we have to sanitize keys?) foreach ($aAttribs as $key => $value) { $sAttribs.= ' ' . $key . (! is_null($value) ? '="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"':''); } return '\n"; } /** * Password input field * @param string $sName field name * @param string $sValue initial password value * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated password field */ function addPwField($sName, $sValue = null, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; $aAttribs['value'] = (! is_null($sValue) ? $sValue : ''); // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmpwfield'; return addInputField('password',$aAttribs); } /** * Form checkbox * @param string $sName field name * @param boolean $bChecked controls if field is checked * @param string $sValue * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated checkbox field */ function addCheckBox($sName, $bChecked = false, $sValue = null, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; if ($bChecked) $aAttribs['checked'] = 'checked'; if (! is_null($sValue)) $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmcheckbox'; return addInputField('checkbox',$aAttribs); } /** * Form radio box * @param string $sName field name * @param boolean $bChecked controls if field is selected * @param string $sValue * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes. * @return string html formated radio box */ function addRadioBox($sName, $bChecked = false, $sValue = null, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; if ($bChecked) $aAttribs['checked'] = 'checked'; if (! is_null($sValue)) $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; if (! isset($aAttribs['id'])) $aAttribs['id'] = $sName . $sValue; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmradiobox'; return addInputField('radio', $aAttribs); } /** * A hidden form field. * @param string $sName field name * @param string $sValue field value * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return html formated hidden form field */ function addHidden($sName, $sValue, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmhiddenfield'; return addInputField('hidden', $aAttribs); } /** * An input textbox. * @param string $sName field name * @param string $sValue initial field value * @param integer $iSize field size (number of characters) * @param integer $iMaxlength maximum number of characters the user may enter * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes - should be given * in the form array('attribute_name' => 'attribute_value', ...) * @return string html formated text input field */ function addInput($sName, $sValue = '', $iSize = 0, $iMaxlength = 0, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; if ($iSize) $aAttribs['size'] = (int)$iSize; if ($iMaxlength) $aAttribs['maxlength'] = (int)$iMaxlength; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmtextfield'; return addInputField('text', $aAttribs); } /** * Function to create a selectlist from an array. * @param string $sName field name * @param array $aValues field values array ( key => value ) -> * @param mixed $default the key that will be selected * @param boolean $bUsekeys use the keys of the array as option value or not * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated selection box * @todo add attributes argument for option tags and default css */ function addSelect($sName, $aValues, $default = null, $bUsekeys = false, $aAttribs = array()) { // only one element if(count($aValues) == 1) { $k = key($aValues); $v = array_pop($aValues); return addHidden($sName, ($bUsekeys ? $k:$v), $aAttribs). htmlspecialchars($v) . "\n"; } if (isset($aAttribs['id'])) { $label_open = ''; } else { $label_open = ''; $label_close = ''; } // create attribute string for select tag $sAttribs = ''; foreach ($aAttribs as $key => $value) { $sAttribs.= ' ' . $key . (! is_null($value) ? '="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"':''); } $ret = '\n"; return $ret; } /** * Form submission button * Note the switched value/name parameters! * @param string $sValue button name * @param string $sName submitted key name * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated submit input field */ function addSubmit($sValue, $sName = null, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; if (! is_null($sName)) $aAttribs['name'] = $sName; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmsubmitfield'; return addInputField('submit', $aAttribs); } /** * Form reset button * @param string $sValue button name * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated reset input field */ function addReset($sValue, $aAttribs=array()) { $aAttribs['value'] = $sValue; // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmresetfield'; return addInputField('reset', $aAttribs); } /** * Textarea form element. * @param string $sName field name * @param string $sText initial field value * @param integer $iCols field width (number of chars) * @param integer $iRows field height (number of character rows) * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes. function accepts string argument * for backward compatibility. * @return string html formated text area field */ function addTextArea($sName, $sText = '', $iCols = 40, $iRows = 10, $aAttribs = array()) { $label_open = ''; $label_close = ''; if (is_array($aAttribs)) { // maybe id can default to name? if (isset($aAttribs['id'])) { $label_open = ''; } // add default css if (! isset($aAttribs['class'])) $aAttribs['class'] = 'sqmtextarea'; // create attribute string (do we have to sanitize keys?) $sAttribs = ''; foreach ($aAttribs as $key => $value) { $sAttribs.= ' ' . $key . (! is_null($value) ? '="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"':''); } } elseif (is_string($aAttribs)) { // backward compatibility mode. deprecated. $sAttribs = ' ' . $aAttribs; } else { $sAttribs = ''; } return '\n"; } /** * Make a
start-tag. * @param string $sAction form handler URL * @param string $sMethod http method used to submit form data. 'get' or 'post' * @param string $sName form name used for identification (used for backward * compatibility). Use of id is recommended. * @param string $sEnctype content type that is used to submit data. html 4.01 * defaults to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Form with file field needs * 'multipart/form-data' encoding type. * @param string $sCharset charset that is used for submitted data * @param array $aAttribs (since 1.5.1) extra attributes * @return string html formated form start string */ function addForm($sAction, $sMethod = 'post', $sName = '', $sEnctype = '', $sCharset = '', $aAttribs = array()) { // id tags if (! isset($aAttribs['id']) && ! empty($sName)) $aAttribs['id'] = $sName; if($sName) { $sName = ' name="'.$sName.'"'; } if($sEnctype) { $sEnctype = ' enctype="'.$sEnctype.'"'; } if($sCharset) { $sCharset = ' accept-charset="'.htmlspecialchars($sCharset).'"'; } // create attribute string (do we have to sanitize keys?) $sAttribs = ''; foreach ($aAttribs as $key => $value) { $sAttribs.= ' ' . $key . (! is_null($value) ? '="'.htmlspecialchars($value).'"':''); } return '\n"; } ?>