* @copyright © 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version $Id$ * @package squirrelmail * @see folders.php */ /** * Helper function for the functions below; checks if the user entered * folder name is valid according to the IMAP standard. If not, it * bails out with an error and cleanly terminates the IMAP connection. */ function folders_checkname($imapConnection, $folder_name, $delimiter) { if (substr_count($folder_name, '"') || substr_count($folder_name, "\\") || substr_count($folder_name, $delimiter) || ($folder_name == '')) { global $color, $oTemplate; error_box(_("Illegal folder name.") . "
\n" . sprintf(_("The name may not contain any of the following: %s"), '" \\ '.$delimiter.'') . "
\n" . _("Please select a different name."). '
'. _("Click here to go back") . '.'); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } } /** * Called from folders.php to create a new folder. */ function folders_create ($imapConnection, $delimiter, $folder_name, $subfolder, $contain_subs) { folders_checkname($imapConnection, $folder_name, $delimiter); global $folder_prefix; $folder_name = imap_utf7_encode_local($folder_name); if ( ! empty($contain_subs) ) { $folder_name = $folder_name . $delimiter; } if ($folder_prefix && (substr($folder_prefix, -1) != $delimiter)) { $folder_prefix = $folder_prefix . $delimiter; } if ($folder_prefix && (substr($subfolder, 0, strlen($folder_prefix)) != $folder_prefix)) { $subfolder_orig = $subfolder; $subfolder = $folder_prefix . $subfolder; } else { $subfolder_orig = $subfolder; } if (trim($subfolder_orig) == '') { sqimap_mailbox_create ($imapConnection, $folder_prefix.$folder_name, ''); } else { sqimap_mailbox_create ($imapConnection, $subfolder.$delimiter.$folder_name, ''); } return; } /** * Called from folders.php, given a folder name, ask the user what this * folder should be renamed to. */ function folders_rename_getname ($imapConnection, $delimiter, $old) { global $color, $default_folder_prefix, $oTemplate; if ( $old == '' ) { plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."). '
'._("Click here to go back").'.', $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } if (substr($old, strlen($old) - strlen($delimiter)) == $delimiter) { $isfolder = TRUE; $old = substr($old, 0, strlen($old) - 1); } else { $isfolder = FALSE; } $old = imap_utf7_decode_local($old); if (strpos($old, $delimiter)) { $old_name = substr($old, strrpos($old, $delimiter)+1, strlen($old)); // hide default prefix (INBOX., mail/ or other) $quoted_prefix=preg_quote($default_folder_prefix,'/'); $prefix_length=(preg_match("/^$quoted_prefix/",$old) ? strlen($default_folder_prefix) : 0); if ($prefix_length>strrpos($old, $delimiter)) { $old_parent = ''; } else { $old_parent = substr($old, $prefix_length, (strrpos($old, $delimiter)-$prefix_length)) . ' ' . $delimiter; } } else { $old_name = $old; $old_parent = ''; } sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->assign('dialog_type', 'rename'); $oTemplate->assign('color', $color); $oTemplate->assign('old_parent', htmlspecialchars($old_parent)); $oTemplate->assign('old', htmlspecialchars($old)); $oTemplate->assign('old_name', htmlspecialchars($old_name)); $oTemplate->assign('isfolder', $isfolder); $oTemplate->display('folder_manip_dialog.tpl'); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } /** * Given an old and new folder name, renames the folder. */ function folders_rename_do($imapConnection, $delimiter, $orig, $old_name, $new_name) { folders_checkname($imapConnection, $new_name, $delimiter); $orig = imap_utf7_encode_local($orig); $old_name = imap_utf7_encode_local($old_name); $new_name = imap_utf7_encode_local($new_name); if ($old_name != $new_name) { if (strpos($orig, $delimiter)) { $old_dir = substr($orig, 0, strrpos($orig, $delimiter)); } else { $old_dir = ''; } if ($old_dir != '') { $newone = $old_dir . $delimiter . $new_name; } else { $newone = $new_name; } // Renaming a folder doesn't rename the folder but leaves you unsubscribed // at least on Cyrus IMAP servers. if (isset($isfolder)) { $newone = $newone.$delimiter; $orig = $orig.$delimiter; } sqimap_mailbox_rename( $imapConnection, $orig, $newone ); } return; } /** * Presents a confirmation dialog to the user asking whether they're * sure they want to delete this folder. */ function folders_delete_ask ($imapConnection, $folder_name) { global $color, $default_folder_prefix, $oTemplate; if ($folder_name == '') { plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."). '
'._("Click here to go back").'.', $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } // hide default folder prefix (INBOX., mail/ or other) $visible_folder_name = imap_utf7_decode_local($folder_name); $quoted_prefix = preg_quote($default_folder_prefix,'/'); $prefix_length = (preg_match("/^$quoted_prefix/",$visible_folder_name) ? strlen($default_folder_prefix) : 0); $visible_folder_name = substr($visible_folder_name,$prefix_length); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->assign('dialog_type', 'delete'); $oTemplate->assign('color', $color); $oTemplate->assign('folder_name', htmlspecialchars($folder_name)); $oTemplate->assign('visible_folder_name', htmlspecialchars($visible_folder_name)); $oTemplate->display('folder_manip_dialog.tpl'); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } /** * Given a folder, moves it to trash (and all subfolders of it too). */ function folders_delete_do ($imapConnection, $delimiter, $folder_name) { include(SM_PATH . 'functions/tree.php'); $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list ($imapConnection); global $delete_folder, $imap_server_type, $trash_folder, $move_to_trash; if (substr($folder_name, -1) == $delimiter) { $folder_name_no_dm = substr($folder_name, 0, strlen($folder_name) - 1); } else { $folder_name_no_dm = $folder_name; } /** lets see if we CAN move folders to the trash.. otherwise, ** just delete them **/ /* Courier IMAP doesn't like subfolders of Trash * If global options say we can't move it into Trash * If it's already a subfolder of trash, we'll have to delete it */ if (strtolower($imap_server_type) == 'courier' || (isset($delete_folder) && $delete_folder) || eregi('^'.$trash_folder.'.+', $folder_name) ) { $can_move_to_trash = FALSE; } /* Otherwise, check if trash folder exits and support sub-folders */ else { foreach($boxes as $box) { if ($box['unformatted'] == $trash_folder) { $can_move_to_trash = !in_array('noinferiors', $box['flags']); } } } /** First create the top node in the tree **/ foreach($boxes as $box) { if (($box['unformatted-dm'] == $folder_name) && (strlen($box['unformatted-dm']) == strlen($folder_name))) { $foldersTree[0]['value'] = $folder_name; $foldersTree[0]['doIHaveChildren'] = false; continue; } } /* Now create the nodes for subfolders of the parent folder You can tell that it is a subfolder by tacking the mailbox delimiter on the end of the $folder_name string, and compare to that. */ foreach($boxes as $box) { if (substr($box['unformatted'], 0, strlen($folder_name_no_dm . $delimiter)) == ($folder_name_no_dm . $delimiter)) { addChildNodeToTree($box['unformatted'], $box['unformatted-dm'], $foldersTree); } } /** Lets start removing the folders and messages **/ if (($move_to_trash == true) && ($can_move_to_trash == true)) { /** if they wish to move messages to the trash **/ walkTreeInPostOrderCreatingFoldersUnderTrash(0, $imapConnection, $foldersTree, $folder_name); walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders(0, $imapConnection, $foldersTree); } else { /** if they do NOT wish to move messages to the trash (or cannot)**/ walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders(0, $imapConnection, $foldersTree); } return; } /** * Given an array of folder_names, subscribes to each of them. */ function folders_subscribe($imapConnection, $folder_names) { global $color, $oTemplate; if (count($folder_names) == 0 || $folder_names[0] == '') { plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to subscribe. Please do so."). '
'._("Click here to go back").'.', $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } global $no_list_for_subscribe, $imap_server_type; if($no_list_for_subscribe && $imap_server_type == 'cyrus') { /* Cyrus, atleast, does not typically allow subscription to * nonexistent folders (this is an optional part of IMAP), * lets catch it here and report back cleanly. */ if(!sqimap_mailbox_exists($imapConnection, $folder_names[0])) { plain_error_message(_("Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."). '
'._("Click here to go back").'.', $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); exit; } } foreach ( $folder_names as $folder_name ) { sqimap_subscribe ($imapConnection, $folder_name); } return; } /** * Given a list of folder names, unsubscribes from each of them. */ function folders_unsubscribe($imapConnection, $folder_names) { global $color, $oTemplate; if (count($folder_names) == 0 || $folder_names[0] == '') { plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to unsubscribe. Please do so."). '
'._("Click here to go back").'.', $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } foreach ( $folder_names as $folder_name ) { sqimap_unsubscribe ($imapConnection, $folder_name); } return; }