error)) { printf( _("Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"), $db->error); exit; } $db->fillPrefsCache($username); if (isset($db->error)) { printf( _("Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"), $db->error); exit; } $prefs_are_cached = true; sqsession_register($prefs_cache, 'prefs_cache'); sqsession_register($prefs_are_cached, 'prefs_are_cached'); } class dbPrefs { var $table = 'userprefs'; var $user_field = 'user'; var $key_field = 'prefkey'; var $val_field = 'prefval'; var $dbh = NULL; var $error = NULL; var $db_type = SMDB_UNKNOWN; var $default = Array('theme_default' => 0, 'show_html_default' => '0'); function open() { global $prefs_dsn, $prefs_table; global $prefs_user_field, $prefs_key_field, $prefs_val_field; if(isset($this->dbh)) { return true; } if (preg_match('/^mysql/', $prefs_dsn)) { $this->db_type = SMDB_MYSQL; } elseif (preg_match('/^pgsql/', $prefs_dsn)) { $this->db_type = SMDB_PGSQL; } if (!empty($prefs_table)) { $this->table = $prefs_table; } if (!empty($prefs_user_field)) { $this->user_field = $prefs_user_field; } if (!empty($prefs_key_field)) { $this->key_field = $prefs_key_field; } if (!empty($prefs_val_field)) { $this->val_field = $prefs_val_field; } $dbh = DB::connect($prefs_dsn, true); if(DB::isError($dbh) || DB::isWarning($dbh)) { $this->error = DB::errorMessage($dbh); return false; } $this->dbh = $dbh; return true; } function failQuery($res = NULL) { if($res == NULL) { printf(_("Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"), $this->error); } else { printf(_("Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"), DB::errorMessage($res)); } exit; } function getKey($user, $key, $default = '') { global $prefs_cache; cachePrefValues($user); if (isset($prefs_cache[$key])) { return $prefs_cache[$key]; } else { if (isset($this->default[$key])) { return $this->default[$key]; } else { return $default; } } } function deleteKey($user, $key) { global $prefs_cache; if (!$this->open()) { return false; } $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' AND %s='%s'", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->key_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($key)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if(DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } unset($prefs_cache[$key]); if(substr($key, 0, 9) == 'highlight') { $this->renumberHighlightList($user); } return true; } function setKey($user, $key, $value) { if (!$this->open()) { return false; } if ($this->db_type == SMDB_MYSQL) { $query = sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s (%s, %s, %s) ". "VALUES('%s','%s','%s')", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->key_field, $this->val_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->dbh->quoteString($key), $this->dbh->quoteString($value)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if(DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } } elseif ($this->db_type == SMDB_PGSQL) { $this->dbh->simpleQuery("BEGIN TRANSACTION"); $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' AND %s='%s'", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->key_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($key)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if (DB::isError($res)) { $this->dbh->simpleQuery("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"); $this->failQuery($res); } $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->key_field, $this->val_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->dbh->quoteString($key), $this->dbh->quoteString($value)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if (DB::isError($res)) { $this->dbh->simpleQuery("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"); $this->failQuery($res); } $this->dbh->simpleQuery("COMMIT TRANSACTION"); } else { $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' AND %s='%s'", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->key_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($key)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if (DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->key_field, $this->val_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->dbh->quoteString($key), $this->dbh->quoteString($value)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if (DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } } return true; } function fillPrefsCache($user) { global $prefs_cache; if (!$this->open()) { return; } $prefs_cache = array(); $query = sprintf("SELECT %s as prefkey, %s as prefval FROM %s ". "WHERE %s = '%s'", $this->key_field, $this->val_field, $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user)); $res = $this->dbh->query($query); if (DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $prefs_cache[$row['prefkey']] = $row['prefval']; } } /* * When a highlight option is deleted the preferences module * must renumber the list. This should be done somewhere else, * but it is not, so.... */ function renumberHighlightList($user) { if (!$this->open()) { return; } $query = sprintf("SELECT %s, %s as prefkey, %s as prefval FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' ". "AND %s LIKE 'highlight%%' ORDER BY %s", $this->user_field, $this->key_field, $this->val_field, $this->table, $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->key_field, $this->key_field); $res = $this->dbh->query($query); if(DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } /* Store old data in array */ $rows = Array(); while($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $rows[] = $row; } /* Renumber keys of old data */ $hilinum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < count($rows) ; $i++) { $oldkey = $rows[$i]['prefkey']; $newkey = substr($oldkey, 0, 9) . $hilinum; $hilinum++; if($oldkey != $newkey) { $query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s='%s' ". "WHERE %s ='%s' AND %s='%s'", $this->table, $this->key_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($newkey), $this->user_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($user), $this->key_field, $this->dbh->quoteString($oldkey)); $res = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if(DB::isError($res)) { $this->failQuery($res); } } } return; } } /* end class dbPrefs */ /* returns the value for the pref $string */ function getPref($data_dir, $username, $string, $default = '') { $db = new dbPrefs; if(isset($db->error)) { printf( _("Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"), $db->error); exit; } return $db->getKey($username, $string, $default); } /* Remove the pref $string */ function removePref($data_dir, $username, $string) { $db = new dbPrefs; if(isset($db->error)) { $db->failQuery(); } $db->deleteKey($username, $string); return; } /* sets the pref, $string, to $set_to */ function setPref($data_dir, $username, $string, $set_to) { global $prefs_cache; if (isset($prefs_cache[$string]) && ($prefs_cache[$string] == $set_to)) { return; } if ($set_to == '') { removePref($data_dir, $username, $string); return; } $db = new dbPrefs; if(isset($db->error)) { $db->failQuery(); } $db->setKey($username, $string, $set_to); $prefs_cache[$string] = $set_to; assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 1); assert ('$set_to == $prefs_cache[$string]'); return; } /* This checks if the prefs are available */ function checkForPrefs($data_dir, $username) { $db = new dbPrefs; if(isset($db->error)) { $db->failQuery(); } } /* Writes the Signature */ function setSig($data_dir, $username, $number, $string) { if ($number == "g") { $key = '___signature___'; } else { $key = sprintf('___sig%s___', $number); } setPref($data_dir, $username, $key, $string); return; } /* Gets the signature */ function getSig($data_dir, $username, $number) { if ($number == "g") { $key = '___signature___'; } else { $key = sprintf('___sig%d___', $number); } return getPref($data_dir, $username, $key); } ?>