path to addressbook file ** ? create => if true: file is created if it does not exist. ** ? umask => umask set before opening file. ** ** NOTE. This class should not be used directly. Use the ** "AddressBook" class instead. **/ class abook_local_file extends addressbook_backend { var $btype = "local"; var $bname = "local_file"; var $filename = ""; var $filehandle = 0; var $create = false; var $umask; // ========================== Private ======================= // Constructor function abook_local_file($param) { $this->sname = _("Personal address book"); $this->umask = Umask(); if(is_array($param)) { if(empty($param["filename"])) return $this->set_error("Invalid parameters"); if(!is_string($param["filename"])) return $this->set_error($param["filename"] . ": ". _("Not a file name")); $this->filename = $param["filename"]; if($param["create"]) $this->create = true; if(isset($param["umask"])) $this->umask = $param["umask"]; $this->open(true); } else { $this->set_error(_("Invalid argument to constructor")); } } // Open the addressbook file and store the file pointer. // Use $file as the file to open, or the class' own // filename property. If $param is empty and file is // open, do nothing. function open($new = false) { $this->error = ""; $file = $this->filename; $create = $this->create; // Return true is file is open and $new is unset if($this->filehandle && !$new) return true; // Check that new file exitsts if((!(file_exists($file) && is_readable($file))) && !$create) return $this->set_error("$file: " . _("No such file or directory")); // Close old file, if any if($this->filehandle) $this->close(); // Open file. First try to open for reading and writing, // but fall back to read only. umask($this->umask); $fh = @fopen($file, "a+"); if($fh) { $this->filehandle = &$fh; $this->filename = $file; $this->writeable = true; } else { $fh = @fopen($file, "r"); if($fh) { $this->filehandle = &$fh; $this->filename = $file; $this->writeable = false; } else { return $this->set_error("$file: "._("Open failed")); } } return true; } // Close the file and forget the filehandle function close() { @fclose($this->filehandle); $this->filehandle = 0; $this->filename = ""; $this->writable = false; } // ========================== Public ======================== // Search the file function search($expr) { // To be replaced by advanded search expression parsing if(is_array($expr)) return; // Make regexp from glob'ed expression $expr = ereg_replace("\?", ".", $expr); $expr = ereg_replace("\*", ".*", $expr); $res = array(); if(!$this->open()) return false; @rewind($this->filehandle); while ($row = @fgetcsv($this->filehandle, 2048, "|")) { $line = join(" ", $row); if(eregi($expr, $line)) { array_push($res, array("nickname" => $row[0], "name" => $row[1] . " " . $row[2], "firstname" => $row[1], "lastname" => $row[2], "email" => $row[3], "label" => $row[4], "backend" => $this->bnum, "source" => &$this->sname)); } } return $res; } // Lookup alias function lookup($alias) { if(empty($alias)) return array(); $alias = strtolower($alias); $this->open(); @rewind($this->filehandle); while ($row = @fgetcsv($this->filehandle, 2048, "|")) { if(strtolower($row[0]) == $alias) { return array("nickname" => $row[0], "name" => $row[1] . " " . $row[2], "firstname" => $row[1], "lastname" => $row[2], "email" => $row[3], "label" => $row[4], "backend" => $this->bnum, "source" => &$this->sname); } } return array(); } // List all addresses function list_addr() { $res = array(); $this->open(); @rewind($this->filehandle); while ($row = @fgetcsv($this->filehandle, 2048, "|")) { array_push($res, array("nickname" => $row[0], "name" => $row[1] . " " . $row[2], "firstname" => $row[1], "lastname" => $row[2], "email" => $row[3], "label" => $row[4], "backend" => $this->bnum, "source" => &$this->sname)); } return $res; } // Add address function add($userdata) { if(!$this->writeable) return $this->set_error(_("Addressbook is read-only")); // See if user exist already $ret = $this->lookup($userdata["nickname"]); if(!empty($ret)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("User '%s' already exist"), $ret["nickname"])); // Here is the data to write $data = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s", $userdata["nickname"], $userdata["firstname"], $userdata["lastname"], $userdata["email"], $userdata["label"]); // Strip linefeeds $data = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", " ", $data); // Add linefeed at end $data = $data."\n"; // Reopen file, just to be sure $this->open(true); if(!$this->writeable) return $this->set_error(_("Addressbook is read-only")); $r = fwrite($this->filehandle, $data); if($r > 0) return true; $this->set_error(_("Write to addressbook failed")); return false; } } ?>