database DNS (see PEAR for syntax) ** table => table to store addresses in (must exist) ** owner => current user (owner of address data) ** ? writeable => set writeable flag (true/false) ** ** The table used should have the following columns: ** owner, nickname, firstname, lastname, email, label ** The pair (owner,nickname) should be unique (primary key). ** ** NOTE. This class should not be used directly. Use the ** "AddressBook" class instead. ** ** $Id$ **/ require_once('DB.php'); class abook_database extends addressbook_backend { var $btype = 'local'; var $bname = 'database'; var $dsn = ''; var $table = ''; var $owner = ''; var $dbh = false; var $writeable = true; // ========================== Private ======================= // Constructor function abook_database($param) { $this->sname = _("Personal address book"); if(is_array($param)) { if(empty($param['dsn']) || empty($param['table']) || empty($param['owner'])) return $this->set_error('Invalid parameters'); $this->dsn = $param['dsn']; $this->table = $param['table']; $this->owner = $param['owner']; if(!empty($param['name'])) $this->sname = $param['name']; if(isset($param['writeable'])) $this->writeable = $param['writeable']; $this->open(true); } else { return $this->set_error('Invalid argument to constructor'); } } // Open the database. New connection if $new is true function open($new = false) { $this->error = ''; // Return true is file is open and $new is unset if($this->dbh && !$new) return true; // Close old file, if any if($this->dbh) $this->close(); $dbh = DB::connect($this->dsn, true); if(DB::isError($dbh) || DB::isWarning($dbh)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($dbh))); $this->dbh = $dbh; return true; } // Close the file and forget the filehandle function close() { $this->dbh->disconnect(); $this->dbh = false; } // ========================== Public ======================== // Search the file function &search($expr) { $ret = array(); if(!$this->open()) return false; // To be replaced by advanded search expression parsing if(is_array($expr)) return; // Make regexp from glob'ed expression $expr = ereg_replace('\?', '_', $expr); $expr = ereg_replace('\*'. '%', $expr); $expr = $this->dbh->quoteString($expr); $expr = "%$expr%"; $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner=\'%s\' AND ' . '(firstname LIKE \'%s\' OR lastname LIKE \'%s\')', $this->table, $this->owner, $expr, $expr); $res = $this->dbh->query($query); if(DB::isError($res)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { array_push($ret, array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname)); } return $ret; } // Lookup alias function &lookup($alias) { if(empty($alias)) return array(); $alias = strtolower($alias); if(!$this->open()) return false; $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner=\'%s\' AND nickname=\'%s\'', $this->table, $this->owner, $alias); $res = $this->dbh->query($query); if(DB::isError($res)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); if ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { return array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname); } return array(); } // List all addresses function &list_addr() { $ret = array(); if(!$this->open()) return false; $query = sprintf(;SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner=\'%s\';, $this->table, $this->owner); $res = $this->dbh->query($query); if(DB::isError($res)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { array_push($ret, array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname)); } return $ret; } // Add address function add($userdata) { if(!$this->writeable) return $this->set_error(_("Addressbook is read-only")); if(!$this->open()) return false; // See if user exist already $ret = $this->lookup($userdata['nickname']); if(!empty($ret)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("User '%s' already exist"), $ret['nickname'])); // Create query $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (owner, nickname, firstname, ' . "lastname, email, label) VALUES('%s','%s','%s'," . "'%s','%s','%s')", $this->table, $this->owner, $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['nickname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['firstname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['lastname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['email']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['label']) ); // Do the insert $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if($r == DB_OK) return true; // Fail return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); } // Delete address function remove($alias) { if(!$this->writeable) return $this->set_error(_("Addressbook is read-only")); if(!$this->open()) return false; // Create query $query = sprintf('DELETE FROM %s WHERE owner=\'%s\' AND (', $this->table, $this->owner); $sepstr = ''; while(list($undef, $nickname) = each($alias)) { $query .= sprintf('%s nickname=\'%s\' ', $sepstr, $this->dbh->quoteString($nickname)); $sepstr = 'OR'; } $query .= ')'; // Delete entry $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if($r == DB_OK) return true; // Fail return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); } // Modify address function modify($alias, $userdata) { if(!$this->writeable) return $this->set_error(_("Addressbook is read-only")); if(!$this->open()) return false; // See if user exist $ret = $this->lookup($alias); if(empty($ret)) return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("User '%s' does not exist"), $alias)); // Create query $query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET nickname='%s', firstname='%s', ". "lastname='%s', email='%s', label='%s' ". "WHERE owner='%s' AND nickname='%s'", $this->table, $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['nickname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['firstname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['lastname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['email']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['label']), $this->owner, $this->dbh->quoteString($alias) ); // Do the insert $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query); if($r == DB_OK) return true; // Fail return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); } } // End of class abook_database } ?>