~ EXIF.py Changelog ~ 2012-11-30 - Gregory Dudek (date of merge). Patches and changes: Overflow error fixes added (related to 2**31 size) GPS tags added. 2012-09-26 - Ianaré Sévi Merge patches: Add GPS tags Add better endian debug info 2012-06-13 - Ianaré Sévi Merge patches: Support malformed last IFD by fhats Light source, Flash and Metering mode dictionaries update by gryfik 2008-07-31 - Ianaré Sévi Wikipedia Commons hunt for suitable test case images, testing new code additions. 2008-07-09 - Stephen H. Olson Fix a problem with reading MakerNotes out of NEF files. Add some more Nikon MakerNote tags. 2008-07-08 - Stephen H. Olson An error check for large tags totally borked MakerNotes. With Nikon anyway, valid MakerNotes can be pretty big. Add error check for a crash caused by nikon_ev_bias being called with the wrong args. Drop any garbage after a null character in string (patch from Andrew McNabb ). 2008-02-12 - Ianaré Sévi Fix crash on invalid MakerNote Fix crash on huge Makernote (temp fix) Add printIM tag 0xC4A5, needs decoding info Add 0x9C9B-F range of tags Add a bunch of tag definitions from: http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/EXIF.html Add 'strict' variable and command line option 2008-01-18 - Gunter Ohrner Add 'GPSDate' tag 2007-12-12 - Ianaré Sévi Fix quick option on certain image types Add note on tag naming in documentation 2007-11-30 - Ianaré Sévi Changed -s option to -t Put changelog into separate file 2007-10-28 - Ianaré Sévi Merged changes from MoinMoin:ReimarBauer Added command line option for debug, stop processing on tag. 2007-09-27 - Ianaré Sévi Add some Olympus Makernote tags. 2007-09-26 - Stephen H. Olson Don't error out on invalid Olympus 'SpecialMode'. Add a few more Olympus/Minolta tags. 2007-09-22 - Stephen H. Olson Don't error on invalid string Improved Nikon MakerNote support 2007-05-03 - Martin Stone Fix for inverted detailed flag and Photoshop header 2007-03-24 - Ianaré Sévi Can now ignore MakerNotes Tags for faster processing. 2007-01-18 - Ianaré Sévi Fixed a couple errors and assuming maintenance of the library. 2006-08-04 MoinMoin:ReimarBauer Added an optional parameter name to process_file and dump_IFD. Using this parameter the loop is breaked after that tag_name is processed. some PEP8 changes ---------------------------- original notices ------------------------- Contains code from "exifdump.py" originally written by Thierry Bousch and released into the public domain. Updated and turned into general-purpose library by Gene Cash Patch Contributors: * Simon J. Gerraty s2n fix & orientation decode * John T. Riedl Added support for newer Nikon type 3 Makernote format for D70 and some other Nikon cameras. * Joerg Schaefer Fixed subtle bug when faking an EXIF header, which affected maker notes using relative offsets, and a fix for Nikon D100. 1999-08-21 TB Last update by Thierry Bousch to his code. 2002-01-17 CEC Discovered code on web. Commented everything. Made small code improvements. Reformatted for readability. 2002-01-19 CEC Added ability to read TIFFs and JFIF-format JPEGs. Added ability to extract JPEG formatted thumbnail. Added ability to read GPS IFD (not tested). Converted IFD data structure to dictionaries indexed by tag name. Factored into library returning dictionary of IFDs plus thumbnail, if any. 2002-01-20 CEC Added MakerNote processing logic. Added Olympus MakerNote. Converted data structure to single-level dictionary, avoiding tag name collisions by prefixing with IFD name. This makes it much easier to use. 2002-01-23 CEC Trimmed nulls from end of string values. 2002-01-25 CEC Discovered JPEG thumbnail in Olympus TIFF MakerNote. 2002-01-26 CEC Added ability to extract TIFF thumbnails. Added Nikon, Fujifilm, Casio MakerNotes. 2003-11-30 CEC Fixed problem with canon_decode_tag() not creating an IFD_Tag() object. 2004-02-15 CEC Finally fixed bit shift warning by converting Y to 0L.