$schema, 'joins' => self::getJoins(array_column($schema, NULL, 'name')), 'operators' => \CRM_Utils_Array::makeNonAssociative(self::getOperators()), 'functions' => \CRM_Api4_Page_Api4Explorer::getSqlFunctions(), 'displayTypes' => Display::getDisplayTypes(['name', 'label', 'description', 'icon']), ]; } /** * @return string[] */ public static function getOperators():array { return [ '=' => '=', '!=' => '≠', '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '>=' => '≥', '<=' => '≤', 'CONTAINS' => ts('Contains'), 'IN' => ts('Is In'), 'NOT IN' => ts('Not In'), 'LIKE' => ts('Is Like'), 'NOT LIKE' => ts('Not Like'), 'BETWEEN' => ts('Is Between'), 'NOT BETWEEN' => ts('Not Between'), 'IS NULL' => ts('Is Null'), 'IS NOT NULL' => ts('Not Null'), ]; } /** * Fetch all entities the current user has permission to `get` * @return array */ public static function getSchema() { $schema = []; $entities = \Civi\Api4\Entity::get() ->addSelect('name', 'title', 'type', 'title_plural', 'description', 'icon', 'paths', 'dao', 'bridge') ->addWhere('searchable', '=', TRUE) ->addOrderBy('title_plural') ->setChain([ 'get' => ['$name', 'getActions', ['where' => [['name', '=', 'get']]], ['params']], ])->execute(); $getFields = ['name', 'label', 'description', 'options', 'input_type', 'input_attrs', 'data_type', 'serialize', 'fk_entity']; foreach ($entities as $entity) { // Skip if entity doesn't have a 'get' action or the user doesn't have permission to use get if ($entity['get']) { // Add paths (but only RUD actions) with translated titles foreach ($entity['paths'] as $action => $path) { unset($entity['paths'][$action]); switch ($action) { case 'view': $title = ts('View %1', [1 => $entity['title']]); break; case 'update': $title = ts('Edit %1', [1 => $entity['title']]); break; case 'delete': $title = ts('Delete %1', [1 => $entity['title']]); break; default: continue 2; } $entity['paths'][] = [ 'path' => $path, 'title' => $title, 'action' => $action, ]; } $entity['fields'] = (array) civicrm_api4($entity['name'], 'getFields', [ 'select' => $getFields, 'where' => [['name', 'NOT IN', ['api_key', 'hash']]], 'orderBy' => ['label'], ]); $params = $entity['get'][0]; // Entity must support at least these params or it is too weird for search kit if (!array_diff(['select', 'where', 'orderBy', 'limit', 'offset'], array_keys($params))) { \CRM_Utils_Array::remove($params, 'checkPermissions', 'debug', 'chain', 'language', 'select', 'where', 'orderBy', 'limit', 'offset'); unset($entity['get']); $schema[] = ['params' => array_keys($params)] + array_filter($entity); } } } return $schema; } /** * @param array $allowedEntities * @return array */ public static function getJoins(array $allowedEntities) { $joins = []; foreach ($allowedEntities as $entity) { if (!empty($entity['dao'])) { /* @var \CRM_Core_DAO $daoClass */ $daoClass = $entity['dao']; $references = $daoClass::getReferenceColumns(); // Only the first bridge reference gets processed, so if it's dynamic we want to be sure it's first in the list usort($references, function($reference) { return is_a($reference, 'CRM_Core_Reference_Dynamic') ? -1 : 1; }); $fields = array_column($entity['fields'], NULL, 'name'); $bridge = in_array('EntityBridge', $entity['type']) ? $entity['name'] : NULL; $baseEntity = $bridge && isset($entity['bridge'][1]) ? $allowedEntities[$fields[$entity['bridge'][1]]['fk_entity']] ?? NULL : NULL; if ($bridge && !$baseEntity) { continue; } foreach ($references as $reference) { $keyField = $fields[$reference->getReferenceKey()] ?? NULL; // Exclude any joins that are better represented by pseudoconstants if (is_a($reference, 'CRM_Core_Reference_OptionValue') || !$keyField || !empty($keyField['options']) // Limit bridge joins to just the first || $bridge && array_search($keyField['name'], $entity['bridge']) !== 0 // Sanity check - table should match || $daoClass::getTableName() !== $reference->getReferenceTable() ) { continue; } // Dynamic references use a column like "entity_table" $dynamicCol = $reference->getTypeColumn(); if ($dynamicCol) { $targetTables = $daoClass::buildOptions($dynamicCol); if (!$targetTables) { continue; } $targetTables = array_keys($targetTables); } else { $targetTables = [$reference->getTargetTable()]; } foreach ($targetTables as $targetTable) { $targetDao = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($targetTable); $targetEntityName = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($targetDao); if (!isset($allowedEntities[$targetEntityName]) || $targetEntityName === $entity['name']) { continue; } $targetEntity = $allowedEntities[$targetEntityName]; if (!$bridge) { // Add the straight 1-1 join $alias = $entity['name'] . '_' . $targetEntityName . '_' . $keyField['name']; $joins[$entity['name']][] = [ 'label' => $entity['title'] . ' ' . $targetEntity['title'], 'description' => $dynamicCol ? '' : $keyField['label'], 'entity' => $targetEntityName, 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions($keyField['name'], $alias . '.' . $reference->getTargetKey(), $targetTable, $dynamicCol), 'alias' => $alias, 'multi' => FALSE, ]; // Flip the conditions & add the reverse (1-n) join $alias = $targetEntityName . '_' . $entity['name'] . '_' . $keyField['name']; $joins[$targetEntityName][] = [ 'label' => $targetEntity['title'] . ' ' . $entity['title_plural'], 'description' => $dynamicCol ? '' : $keyField['label'], 'entity' => $entity['name'], 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions($reference->getTargetKey(), $alias . '.' . $keyField['name'], $targetTable, $dynamicCol ? $alias . '.' . $dynamicCol : NULL), 'alias' => $alias, 'multi' => TRUE, ]; } else { // Add joins for the two entities that connect through this bridge (n-n) $symmetric = $baseEntity['name'] === $targetEntityName; $targetsTitle = $symmetric ? $allowedEntities[$bridge]['title_plural'] : $targetEntity['title_plural']; $joins[$baseEntity['name']][] = [ 'label' => $baseEntity['title'] . ' ' . $targetsTitle, 'description' => ts('Multiple %1 per %2', [1 => $targetsTitle, 2 => $baseEntity['title']]), 'entity' => $targetEntityName, 'conditions' => [$bridge], 'bridge' => $bridge, 'alias' => $baseEntity['name'] . "_{$bridge}_" . $targetEntityName, 'multi' => TRUE, ]; if (!$symmetric) { $joins[$targetEntityName][] = [ 'label' => $targetEntity['title'] . ' ' . $baseEntity['title_plural'], 'description' => ts('Multiple %1 per %2', [1 => $baseEntity['title_plural'], 2 => $targetEntity['title']]), 'entity' => $baseEntity['name'], 'conditions' => [$bridge], 'bridge' => $bridge, 'alias' => $targetEntityName . "_{$bridge}_" . $baseEntity['name'], 'multi' => TRUE, ]; } } } } } } return $joins; } /** * Boilerplate join clause * * @param string $nearCol * @param string $farCol * @param string $targetTable * @param string|null $dynamicCol * @return array[] */ private static function getJoinConditions($nearCol, $farCol, $targetTable, $dynamicCol) { $conditions = [ [ $nearCol, '=', $farCol, ], ]; if ($dynamicCol) { $conditions[] = [ $dynamicCol, '=', "'$targetTable'", ]; } return $conditions; } }