# ewaysingle ![Screenshot](/images/screenshot.png) This extension is aimed at containing the original Core eWAY (Single Currency) Payment Processor Type that is legacy. See known issues below The extension is licensed under [AGPL-3.0](LICENSE.txt). ## Requirements * PHP v7.1+ * CiviCRM 5.31 ## Installation (Web UI) Navigate to the Extensions Page and install the extension. ## Installation (CLI) To enable this extension in the CLI do the following ```bash cv en ewaysingle ``` ## Usage The eWAY (Single Currency) Payment Processor Type will show up as one of the options when your adding in a PaymentProcessor. ## Known Issues This Payment Processor does not do any kind of recurring payments at all for that you would need another extension e.g. [Agileware Eway Recurring](https://github.com/agileware/au.com.agileware.ewayrecurring)