setCheckPermissions(FALSE)->setAction('create')->execute()->indexBy('name'); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) { if (isset($params[$fieldName])) { $result[$fieldName] = $params[$fieldName]; if ($field['data_type'] === 'Boolean' && !is_bool($params[$fieldName])) { $result[$fieldName] = CRM_Utils_String::strtobool($params[$fieldName]); } } } return $result; } /** * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container */ function afform_civicrm_container($container) { $container->addResource(new \Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource(__FILE__)); $container->setDefinition('afform_scanner', new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition( 'CRM_Afform_AfformScanner', [] ))->setPublic(TRUE); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_config(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_config(&$config) { _afform_civix_civicrm_config($config); if (isset(Civi::$statics[__FUNCTION__])) { return; } Civi::$statics[__FUNCTION__] = 1; Civi::dispatcher()->addListener(Submit::EVENT_NAME, [Submit::class, 'processContacts'], 500); Civi::dispatcher()->addListener(Submit::EVENT_NAME, [Submit::class, 'processGenericEntity'], -1000); Civi::dispatcher()->addListener('hook_civicrm_angularModules', '_afform_civicrm_angularModules_autoReq', -1000); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_xmlMenu(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_xmlMenu(&$files) { _afform_civix_civicrm_xmlMenu($files); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_install(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_install() { _afform_civix_civicrm_install(); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_postInstall(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_postInstall() { _afform_civix_civicrm_postInstall(); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_uninstall(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_uninstall() { _afform_civix_civicrm_uninstall(); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_enable(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_enable() { _afform_civix_civicrm_enable(); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_disable(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_disable() { _afform_civix_civicrm_disable(); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_upgrade(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_upgrade($op, CRM_Queue_Queue $queue = NULL) { return _afform_civix_civicrm_upgrade($op, $queue); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_managed(). * * Generate a list of entities to create/deactivate/delete when this module * is installed, disabled, uninstalled. * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_managed(&$entities) { _afform_civix_civicrm_managed($entities); /** @var \CRM_Afform_AfformScanner $scanner */ if (\Civi::container()->has('afform_scanner')) { $scanner = \Civi::service('afform_scanner'); } else { // This might happen at oddballs points - e.g. while you're in the middle of re-enabling the ext. // This AfformScanner instance only lives during this method call, and it feeds off the regular cache. $scanner = new CRM_Afform_AfformScanner(); } foreach ($scanner->getMetas() as $afform) { if (empty($afform['is_dashlet']) || empty($afform['name'])) { continue; } $entities[] = [ 'module' => E::LONG_NAME, 'name' => 'afform_dashlet_' . $afform['name'], 'entity' => 'Dashboard', 'update' => 'always', // ideal cleanup policy might be to (a) deactivate if used and (b) remove if unused 'cleanup' => 'always', 'params' => [ 'version' => 3, // Q: Should we loop through all domains? 'domain_id' => CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain()->id, 'is_active' => TRUE, 'name' => $afform['name'], 'label' => $afform['title'] ?? ts('(Untitled)'), 'directive' => _afform_angular_module_name($afform['name'], 'dash'), 'permission' => "@afform:" . $afform['name'], ], ]; } } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_caseTypes(). * * Generate a list of case-types. * * Note: This hook only runs in CiviCRM 4.4+. * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_caseTypes(&$caseTypes) { _afform_civix_civicrm_caseTypes($caseTypes); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_angularModules(). * * Generate a list of Afform Angular modules. */ function afform_civicrm_angularModules(&$angularModules) { _afform_civix_civicrm_angularModules($angularModules); $afforms = \Civi\Api4\Afform::get(FALSE) ->setSelect(['name', 'requires', 'module_name', 'directive_name']) ->execute(); foreach ($afforms as $afform) { $angularModules[$afform['module_name']] = [ 'ext' => E::LONG_NAME, 'js' => ['assetBuilder://afform.js?name=' . urlencode($afform['name'])], 'requires' => $afform['requires'], 'basePages' => [], 'partialsCallback' => '_afform_get_partials', '_afform' => $afform['name'], 'exports' => [ $afform['directive_name'] => 'AE', ], ]; } } /** * Callback to retrieve partials for a given afform/angular module. * * @see afform_civicrm_angularModules * * @param string $moduleName * The module name. * @param array $module * The module definition. * @return array * Array(string $filename => string $html). * @throws API_Exception */ function _afform_get_partials($moduleName, $module) { $afform = civicrm_api4('Afform', 'get', [ 'where' => [['name', '=', $module['_afform']]], 'select' => ['layout'], 'layoutFormat' => 'html', 'checkPermissions' => FALSE, ], 0); return [ "~/$moduleName/$moduleName.aff.html" => $afform['layout'], ]; } /** * Scan the list of Angular modules and inject automatic-requirements. * * TLDR: if an afform uses element "", and if another module defines * `$angularModules['otherMod']['exports']['el'][0] === 'other-el'`, then * the 'otherMod' is automatically required. * * @param \Civi\Core\Event\GenericHookEvent $e * @see CRM_Utils_Hook::angularModules() */ function _afform_civicrm_angularModules_autoReq($e) { /** @var CRM_Afform_AfformScanner $scanner */ $scanner = Civi::service('afform_scanner'); $moduleEnvId = md5(\CRM_Core_Config_Runtime::getId() . implode(',', array_keys($e->angularModules))); $depCache = CRM_Utils_Cache::create([ 'name' => 'afdep_' . substr($moduleEnvId, 0, 32 - 6), 'type' => ['*memory*', 'SqlGroup', 'ArrayCache'], 'withArray' => 'fast', 'prefetch' => TRUE, ]); $depCacheTtl = 2 * 60 * 60; $revMap = _afform_reverse_deps($e->angularModules); $formNames = array_keys($scanner->findFilePaths()); foreach ($formNames as $formName) { $angModule = _afform_angular_module_name($formName, 'camel'); $cacheLine = $depCache->get($formName, NULL); $jFile = $scanner->findFilePath($formName, 'aff.json'); $hFile = $scanner->findFilePath($formName, 'aff.html'); $jStat = stat($jFile); $hStat = stat($hFile); if ($cacheLine === NULL) { $needsUpdate = TRUE; } elseif ($jStat !== FALSE && $jStat['size'] !== $cacheLine['js']) { $needsUpdate = TRUE; } elseif ($jStat !== FALSE && $jStat['mtime'] > $cacheLine['jm']) { $needsUpdate = TRUE; } elseif ($hStat !== FALSE && $hStat['size'] !== $cacheLine['hs']) { $needsUpdate = TRUE; } elseif ($hStat !== FALSE && $hStat['mtime'] > $cacheLine['hm']) { $needsUpdate = TRUE; } else { $needsUpdate = FALSE; } if ($needsUpdate) { $cacheLine = [ 'js' => $jStat['size'] ?? NULL, 'jm' => $jStat['mtime'] ?? NULL, 'hs' => $hStat['size'] ?? NULL, 'hm' => $hStat['mtime'] ?? NULL, 'r' => array_values(array_unique(array_merge( [CRM_Afform_AfformScanner::DEFAULT_REQUIRES], $e->angularModules[$angModule]['requires'] ?? [], _afform_reverse_deps_find($formName, file_get_contents($hFile), $revMap) ))), ]; // print_r(['cache update:' . $formName => $cacheLine]); $depCache->set($formName, $cacheLine, $depCacheTtl); } $e->angularModules[$angModule]['requires'] = $cacheLine['r']; } } /** * @param $angularModules * @return array * 'attr': array(string $attrName => string $angModuleName) * 'el': array(string $elementName => string $angModuleName) */ function _afform_reverse_deps($angularModules) { $revMap = ['attr' => [], 'el' => []]; foreach (array_keys($angularModules) as $module) { if (!isset($angularModules[$module]['exports'])) { continue; } foreach ($angularModules[$module]['exports'] as $symbolName => $symbolTypes) { if (strpos($symbolTypes, 'A') !== FALSE) { $revMap['attr'][$symbolName] = $module; } if (strpos($symbolTypes, 'E') !== FALSE) { $revMap['el'][$symbolName] = $module; } } } return $revMap; } /** * @param string $formName * @param string $html * @param array $revMap * The reverse-dependencies map from _afform_reverse_deps(). * @return array * @see _afform_reverse_deps() */ function _afform_reverse_deps_find($formName, $html, $revMap) { $symbols = \Civi\Afform\Symbols::scan($html); $elems = array_intersect_key($revMap['el'], $symbols->elements); $attrs = array_intersect_key($revMap['attr'], $symbols->attributes); return array_values(array_unique(array_merge($elems, $attrs))); } /** * @param \Civi\Angular\Manager $angular * @see CRM_Utils_Hook::alterAngular() */ function afform_civicrm_alterAngular($angular) { $fieldMetadata = \Civi\Angular\ChangeSet::create('fieldMetadata') ->alterHtml(';\\.aff\\.html$;', function($doc, $path) { try { $module = \Civi::service('angular')->getModule(basename($path, '.aff.html')); $meta = \Civi\Api4\Afform::get()->addWhere('name', '=', $module['_afform'])->setSelect(['join', 'block'])->setCheckPermissions(FALSE)->execute()->first(); } catch (Exception $e) { } $blockEntity = $meta['join'] ?? $meta['block'] ?? NULL; if (!$blockEntity) { $entities = _afform_getMetadata($doc); } foreach (pq('af-field', $doc) as $afField) { /** @var DOMElement $afField */ $entityName = pq($afField)->parents('[af-fieldset]')->attr('af-fieldset'); $joinName = pq($afField)->parents('[af-join]')->attr('af-join'); if (!$blockEntity && !preg_match(';^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\. ]+$;', $entityName)) { throw new \CRM_Core_Exception("Cannot process $path: malformed entity name ($entityName)"); } $entityType = $blockEntity ?? $entities[$entityName]['type']; _af_fill_field_metadata($joinName ? $joinName : $entityType, $afField); } }); $angular->add($fieldMetadata); } /** * Merge field definition metadata into an afform field's definition * * @param $entityType * @param DOMElement $afField * @throws API_Exception */ function _af_fill_field_metadata($entityType, DOMElement $afField) { $params = [ 'action' => 'create', 'where' => [['name', '=', $afField->getAttribute('name')]], 'select' => ['label', 'input_type', 'input_attrs', 'options'], 'loadOptions' => TRUE, ]; if (in_array($entityType, CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::basicTypes(TRUE))) { $params['values'] = ['contact_type' => $entityType]; $entityType = 'Contact'; } // Merge field definition data with whatever's already in the markup. // If the admin has chosen to include this field on the form, then it's OK for us to get metadata about the field - regardless of user's other permissions. $getFields = civicrm_api4($entityType, 'getFields', $params + ['checkPermissions' => FALSE]); $deep = ['input_attrs']; foreach ($getFields as $fieldInfo) { $existingFieldDefn = trim(pq($afField)->attr('defn') ?: ''); if ($existingFieldDefn && $existingFieldDefn[0] != '{') { // If it's not an object, don't mess with it. continue; } // TODO: Teach the api to return options in this format if (!empty($fieldInfo['options'])) { $fieldInfo['options'] = CRM_Utils_Array::makeNonAssociative($fieldInfo['options'], 'key', 'label'); } // Default placeholder for select inputs if ($fieldInfo['input_type'] === 'Select') { $fieldInfo['input_attrs'] = ($fieldInfo['input_attrs'] ?? []) + ['placeholder' => ts('Select')]; } $fieldDefn = $existingFieldDefn ? CRM_Utils_JS::getRawProps($existingFieldDefn) : []; foreach ($fieldInfo as $name => $prop) { // Merge array props 1 level deep if (in_array($name, $deep) && !empty($fieldDefn[$name])) { $fieldDefn[$name] = CRM_Utils_JS::writeObject(CRM_Utils_JS::getRawProps($fieldDefn[$name]) + array_map(['CRM_Utils_JS', 'encode'], $prop)); } elseif (!isset($fieldDefn[$name])) { $fieldDefn[$name] = CRM_Utils_JS::encode($prop); } } pq($afField)->attr('defn', htmlspecialchars(CRM_Utils_JS::writeObject($fieldDefn))); } } function _afform_getMetadata(phpQueryObject $doc) { $entities = []; foreach ($doc->find('af-entity') as $afmModelProp) { $entities[$afmModelProp->getAttribute('name')] = [ 'type' => $afmModelProp->getAttribute('type'), ]; } return $entities; } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_alterSettingsFolders(). * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_alterSettingsFolders(&$metaDataFolders = NULL) { _afform_civix_civicrm_alterSettingsFolders($metaDataFolders); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_entityTypes(). * * Declare entity types provided by this module. * * @link */ function afform_civicrm_entityTypes(&$entityTypes) { _afform_civix_civicrm_entityTypes($entityTypes); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_themes(). */ function afform_civicrm_themes(&$themes) { _afform_civix_civicrm_themes($themes); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_buildAsset(). */ function afform_civicrm_buildAsset($asset, $params, &$mimeType, &$content) { if ($asset !== 'afform.js') { return; } if (empty($params['name'])) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing required parameter: afform.js?name=NAME"); } $moduleName = _afform_angular_module_name($params['name'], 'camel'); $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $smarty->assign('afform', [ 'camel' => $moduleName, 'meta' => ['name' => $params['name']], 'templateUrl' => "~/$moduleName/$moduleName.aff.html", ]); $mimeType = 'text/javascript'; $content = $smarty->fetch('afform/AfformAngularModule.tpl'); } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_alterMenu(). */ function afform_civicrm_alterMenu(&$items) { if (Civi::container()->has('afform_scanner')) { $scanner = Civi::service('afform_scanner'); } else { // During installation... $scanner = new CRM_Afform_AfformScanner(); } foreach ($scanner->getMetas() as $name => $meta) { if (!empty($meta['server_route'])) { $items[$meta['server_route']] = [ 'page_callback' => 'CRM_Afform_Page_AfformBase', 'page_arguments' => 'afform=' . urlencode($name), 'title' => $meta['title'] ?? '', 'access_arguments' => [["@afform:$name"], 'and'], 'is_public' => $meta['is_public'], ]; } } } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_permission_check(). * * This extends the list of permissions available in `CRM_Core_Permission:check()` * by introducing virtual-permissions named `@afform:myForm`. The evaluation * of these virtual-permissions is dependent on the settings for `myForm`. * `myForm` may be exposed/integrated through multiple subsystems (routing, * nav-menu, API, etc), and the use of virtual-permissions makes easy to enforce * consistent permissions across any relevant subsystems. * * @see CRM_Utils_Hook::permission_check() */ function afform_civicrm_permission_check($permission, &$granted, $contactId) { if ($permission[0] !== '@') { // Micro-optimization - this function may get hit a lot. return; } if (preg_match('/^@afform:(.*)/', $permission, $m)) { $name = $m[1]; $afform = \Civi\Api4\Afform::get() ->setCheckPermissions(FALSE) ->addWhere('name', '=', $name) ->setSelect(['permission']) ->execute() ->first(); if ($afform) { $granted = CRM_Core_Permission::check($afform['permission'], $contactId); } } } /** * Implements hook_civicrm_permissionList(). * * @see CRM_Utils_Hook::permissionList() */ function afform_civicrm_permissionList(&$permissions) { $scanner = Civi::service('afform_scanner'); foreach ($scanner->getMetas() as $name => $meta) { $permissions['@afform:' . $name] = [ 'group' => 'afform', 'title' => ts('Afform: Inherit permission of %1', [ 1 => $name, ]), ]; } } /** * Clear any local/in-memory caches based on afform data. */ function _afform_clear() { $container = \Civi::container(); $container->get('afform_scanner')->clear(); $container->get('angular')->clear(); } /** * @param string $fileBaseName * Ex: foo-bar * @param string $format * 'camel' or 'dash'. * @return string * Ex: 'FooBar' or 'foo-bar'. * @throws \Exception */ function _afform_angular_module_name($fileBaseName, $format = 'camel') { switch ($format) { case 'camel': $camelCase = ''; foreach (preg_split('/[-_ ]/', $fileBaseName, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $shortNamePart) { $camelCase .= ucfirst($shortNamePart); } return strtolower($camelCase[0]) . substr($camelCase, 1); case 'dash': return strtolower(implode('-', preg_split('/[-_ ]|(?=[A-Z])/', $fileBaseName, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE))); default: throw new \Exception("Unrecognized format"); } }